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Jeff for the win...damn that was funny stuff

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Thanks for that look...I have my racing rig sitting dormant waiting for my HTC Vive to usher in...this just upped my excitement level!!!

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Edited By fooflighter737

This is why I'm getting the Vive...the butt in the seat offering of the PSVR and initially the Oculus (sans controllers) is just so so VR...everything then becomes a rail shooter etc... or the leaning Brad was having to do for locomotion...pass...I have the Samsung Gear VR and while the controller (using a Moga Pro) is okay in a game like DreadHalls...the real "presence" is going to come from positional tracking like what the Vive and eventually Oculus can do...moving within that space..not just being a witness to motion occurring...there is a HUGE difference...

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Edited By fooflighter737

@mrkinoshiita said:

I really think there will continue to be a big divide for this game. I find talking to people of a certain age (early 40's in my case) we really enjoyed the beta and I have a feeling a lot of us will enjoy this game and would probably rate it higher.

I think this is partially due to nostalgia, but also we remember playing Star Wars games in Atari, and a game this beautiful and authentic is something we could have only dreamed of playing Star Wars growing up. I also think people our age have less time to game, so depth isn't as important to us as accessibility. A lot of us don't have the time to invest in Destiny or even COD to max out everything. And finally at our demographic the price isn't as big of a deal (but not completely, my wife isn't happy about buying this and Fallout 4 in a weeks time) so that doesn't affect us as much.

For people who are a bit younger, have a bit less of the nostalgia, as well as growing up playing better looking games than we did, currently have more time to game, and perhaps have a bit more inelastic amount of income, I can totally understand being more critical of this game.

I'd would be curious to see a breakdowns of scores by age of reviewer.

Anyways good review. I'm looking forward to playing this tonight after the kids go down to bed.

Agreed! I just turned 43 and find the game to be awesome for what it is...a nice nostalgic throwback..those who played this (see link below) and thought it was the best game ever at the time will understand...