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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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fisk0  Moderator

@knale said:

I'm so confused how I missed this live. It's the best though.

It was live at the same time as Jan's Bloodbourne stream.

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fisk0  Moderator

Fantastic game!

However, I'm not a fan of these huge resolutions for classic game makeovers, I have to say. Everything looks too far away, like a map screen, and some fixed elements/windows become so tiny on screen. Not particularly easy on the eyes.

Wish he'd play with the original resolution which is fine because the pixel art is gorgeous.

He realizes that a little later in the stream and switches to a resolution closer to the original.

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fisk0  Moderator

@jrob8604 said:

Jeff not sure that most of your viewers want to see you struggle with bringing a rat through the entire game. We want to see the game, and you purposely being distracted during scripted events is disappointing, If that's what you want to do in your own time, great, but at least take this seriously in people that want to get a good take on what this game is all about

I mean, chat was very excited about that rat, and there even was a poll running regarding if it would disappear or not during the loading screen, and lots of people were happily surprised to see it still being there. Whether it had been that specific rat or not, I think playing it that way lets us extrapolate on how well the game handles environmental interaction in general. It means you could potentially bring an item you find important across large parts of the game and put it to use at a later point, like those explosive barrels or whatever.

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fisk0  Moderator

@bisonhero: Yeah, sorry for bringing up Dune 2000 and the later Wing Commander games that are FMV both by mine and Vinny's definition, but I think we're on the same page. Essentially, anything that plays a video file - be it pre-rendered, drawn or actually shot with a camera - is FMV, as opposed to in-engine cutscenes or partially animated cutscenes.

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fisk0  Moderator

Oh god, that FMV discussion. FMV originally meant any pre-rendered video, as opposed to the type of "partial motion" cutscenes that started popping up in the late 80s. Prior to FMV, cutscenes tended to behave kinda like those old cartoons where you had the static background and animated elements on top of it. It's the kind of videos where characters can be entirely static, but their eyes and mouths are animated, or where a sprite of a ship or car moves across an otherwise static background. It's not about if the video is shot with live actors or not, but that the entire screen is updated with the next frame, instead of just the animated elements.

Back when CD started replacing floppies you'd see games doing both kinds of cutscenes, the partially animated ones for the floppy version and the full motion video version on the CD. System Shock 1 is a pretty clear example, but you can also compare the intros for Dune 2 vs Dune 2000. The original Wing Commander 1 and 2 cutscenes are also clear examples of partially animated cutscenes as opposed to the later game's FMV.

Here's the System Shock 1 intro (FMV CD version from 0:00-2:00 and Floppy version from 2:01 onwards). Take note of how much of the city background is animated at the start of the intro, and how the Citadel station is animated compared to the space background behind it. In the floppy version only the station is animated, with the planets behind it being a static background (which you can also see scrolling in the landing sequence), while the planet is rotating in the FMV version.

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Here are the Dune 2 and Dune 2000 intros too, obviously of different eras, so not as direct comparisons as the System Shock 1 stuff, but you can clearly see how Dune 2 uses animated elements on top of static backgrounds, while Dune 2000 uses FMV, and the opening shot of the moon crossing in front of the planet is a pretty obvious point of comparison:

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fisk0  Moderator

Damn, watching this and that shield effect, all I can think of is that I'd like a new Perimeter game. And a new entry in the classic Dreamcast franchise Incoming for the shooty part.

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fisk0  Moderator

I want to see all of these levels made in Mario Maker 2 and Jeff to play through them with proper controls and scrolling

Since Mario Maker 2 lets the level creator control the camera, I'd rather love to see them recreated with the same static screens!

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fisk0  Moderator

The world art style looks incredible, but I'm not a fan of the sprite style. Also, the splash damage on those land mines, and how it goes through walls and stuff looks incredibly frustrating.

Their pick for the color red seems to clash with all the palettes we saw in the quick look too.

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fisk0  Moderator

No games of 2019 grabbed me all that much, but this must be the first year in like ... 6 or 7 years where almost every game I voted for ended up somewhere on the community GOTY list.

The only ones that didn't make the cut seem to have been Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, Warsaw and Unity of Command II, but Gathering Storm was the only one of those I really felt strongly about (and was my #1 pick), all the other ones were pretty deeply flawed but did stuff I really appreciated.

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fisk0  Moderator

Focus stealing and programs randomly changing resolution seems like less fault of the game and just Windows 10 being a mess on that front. Had those kinds of issues non-stop after upgrading (and I don't use Chrome which some have suggested as a culprit) from Windows 7.

It just seems like they put a lot of automated systems for UI scaling and resolutions in Windows 10 that you can't disable and that flat out don't work properly. Half the time I start any game I only see a quarter of the screen because Windows 10 likes to randomly jump between 720p and 1080p every few hours, and still tells the programs that it's running on the previous resolution, so it doesn't change resolution, just cuts off whatever doesn't fit, or letterboxes a lower resolution.