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2012 top 10

so i dont get to play that many games. infact all in all i played about 16-18 this year.

im not the usual gamer either. i dont care much for halo or blops. but i care deeply about the experience.

so of the handful of games i played this year, these 10 were my must plays.

List items

  • this is in my opinion of the of the best games ever made and the number one reason to own any sony hand held system (except the go..)

    lumines 1 and 2 were games i devoured and this latest installment is no exception

    solid chunks of about 5 to 7 hours at a time playing this simply trying to crack my high score is an all too common occurrence securing this game at the top of my list for 2012

  • i made the heart breaking mistake of playing all 5 episodes in one sitting one weekend... i have never cared more deeply about a video game story in my entire life. nor have i cared that much about a character and what they may think of me. keeping to my principles proved very difficult at times but finishing this game gave me an overwhelming sense of pride.. as well as a devastating unrepeatable rift through my emotional core.

  • simply put, i do not enjoy difficult games. nor do i much care for challenge. im the sort to play on easy and even use cheats provided they are available. this did not prove to be the case with xcom which would take WHOLE DAYS of my life! as it through me back and forth rattling my head to find the perfect execution that would bring my friends home safely. allowing me to customize my soldiers to be all those i care for was a very dirty move indeed.

    this game is an utter gem to play.

  • the most pure and unapologetic representation of scale in a video game. while the gameplay is not much to actually... well.. play. ive never seen a game with such balls on it! the fact that the lesson of this story is that you can fiz literally any problem ever simply by punching it loads in the face is a breathtaking direction that on more than one occasion left me utterly speechless. the conviction alone earns this game a spot on the list.

  • one sitting. one kind stranger. and a world of discovery and exploration was how i came to experience journey. this was one of the first games to ever make me feel like i was somewhere else. like i had been transported whole cloth to an entirely different realm of sensation. im scared to play it again in case the magic wears off!

  • this was my most anticipated game of the year.. as well as the most disappointing. where as 2 and brotherhood are still to this day some of my favorite games ever, this game truly felt like it had dropped the ball for the franchise. BUT STILL!

    its the only game i can get that wonderful satisfaction of stabbing someone in the face after stalking them for all of 10 minutes from the roof tops and vanishing into the streets. it feels so good to be an assassin that even terrible story, mountains of bugs and frankly the most detestable lead in the franchise to date cannot make me ignore this game

  • probably the most interesting use of the vita so far. fantastic art style, very compelling gameplay and interesting story. this is the stuff people should be making for this handheld

  • VITA!!!!

    this is literally everything ive ever asked for out of a handheld and the first chance ive had to play one of the top games of last year. solid entry

  • i love it... when japan spits out a gem like this. one of those bizarre little oddities youd never see outside of the country. its nice to see that theres still a reason to be looking at japan.

  • simply on the list for peters brazen attempts at innovation and social experimentation. the man is a mad genius. though the game isnt much to talk about its still provided hours of occupied dead air, waiting for meetings or games to load or on the bus ect. worth it for the staggering cost of completely free.