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#1  Edited By ewok00p

They should have kept it up for the people who wouldn't take it too seriously.

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#2  Edited By ewok00p

I just recently started to become a fan of Assassins Creed. I've had a love-hate relationship with it. I started to play AC II but the beginning took too long, and I lost interest. But then I decide to play AC: Brotherhood. Brotherhood has a much faster start than Assassins Creed II, I understand that because they had to introduce Ezio in II. Now I'm playing Assassins Creed III and I have to say this is a very, very slow start. Assassins Creed II had a slow start, but it was not this slow. I'm about four hours in and I haven't gotten to do any side missions or find any collectibles, which leads to the worst part of the first part of the game: Linearity. The beginning is far too linear for an Assassins Creed game, you don't even get to go free roam until about an hour in, and even THEN you can't do anything exciting for another couple hours. I'm around the end of sequence three and I haven't gotten out of this linear setup. I think Brotherhood set me up for this, it was such a wide open, activity filled world which took me over 24 hours to complete all the missions. Getting such a linear start in Assassins Creed III really felt stale and boring after my time in Brotherhood. But being linear doesn't mean its ALL bad, a couple of beginning levels were excellent, especially the one where you have to free the indian slaves. From what I heard, sequence five is where the game steps up out of this linearity. For me sequence five can't come fast enough. Now I should probably ask a question so this long writing can be put in a fourm rather than a blog. So, Which Assassins Creed do you think has the best beginning?

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#3  Edited By ewok00p

I was wondering what time period Ubisoft should use next. I would absolutely LOVE an Assassins Creed that takes place during World War 2. I mean think about, who doesn't want to go through war-torn Berlin assassinating Nazis? Anyway, what are some time periods would you like to see in this series future?

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#4  Edited By ewok00p

Seems like it would be really hard, I played QWOP and I didn't make it far at all. I can only imagine how hard moving a four legged animal.

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#5  Edited By ewok00p

I've been thinking a lot of what they could do for MGS5. I've been wondering if they would bring back a Drebin like shop, or go back to the way of its series past. One thing in particular I've wondering is if its going to be a prequel or sequel to MGS4. I'm not sure what I want it to be, I love Old Snake but I think that the end of MGS4 wrapped up every story bit in the series, plus he only has a couple weeks to live so I don't see it being a sequel. Seeing it as a prequel is much easier. It could be about what happened between MGS2 and MGS4 and he'd be aging during the game so that by the end he is the Old Snake we all know in love from MGS4.

What do you guys want this game to be? A sequel? A prequel? Or even a remake?

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#6  Edited By ewok00p

That would be an amazing game, this needs to be made. I was wondering what would some enemies be? Have you thought of any specifics?

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#7  Edited By ewok00p

I personally love the Drebin shop because it adds a lot of customization. You could play the game as a straight up shooter, maybe play it like a sniper based game, or play it as classic Metal Gear Solid. I love the depth and sheer customization. I'm sure some people disagree and think that it takes away from the stealth experience, but I think that it is the perfect addition to the series.

So whats your view on the shop? Whats your favorite play style?

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#8  Edited By ewok00p

Metal Gear Solid 4

Uncharted 2

Shadow of The Colossus

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#9  Edited By ewok00p

I personally like UMK3 because I could actually beat some of it, while the others I couldn't get past the first fight even on the easiest difficulty.

So whats your favorite MK included in the collection?

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#10  Edited By ewok00p

I've gotten platinum on each Uncharted and the main thing I always try to do before finding the treausures and what not is beating the game on Crushing. I have to say that Drake's Deception was the easiest. It was still hard, what with all the bullet sponge enemies, and don't even get me started on the ship levels. One reason it was easier was the final boss. That Lazaravich must of taken me at the very least 9 times. But the Talbot fight was much easier, probably because I spent about 48 hours on it before I tried Crushing so I knew when to counter his attacks. One contributing factor is also the fact that this game has less shootouts, granted thee enemies can take a lot more punishment then in Uncharted 2. This is also much shorter than Uncharted 2, Uncharted 2 took me 8 hours to complete while this one took around 6 hours. Overall this is in my opinion the easiest Uncharted to beat on Crushing (And platinum for that matter)

So which Uncharted do you guys think is the easiest to beat on Crushing or platinum?

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