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    Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Nov 01, 2011

    On an expedition to find the mythical "Atlantis of the Sands" in the heart of the Arabian Desert, Nathan Drake and his partner, Victor Sullivan, encounter a deceptive organization led by a ruthless dictator. Terrible secrets unfold, causing Drake's quest to descend into a bid for survival.

    Easiest Uncharted to finish on Crushing?

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    #1  Edited By ewok00p

    I've gotten platinum on each Uncharted and the main thing I always try to do before finding the treausures and what not is beating the game on Crushing. I have to say that Drake's Deception was the easiest. It was still hard, what with all the bullet sponge enemies, and don't even get me started on the ship levels. One reason it was easier was the final boss. That Lazaravich must of taken me at the very least 9 times. But the Talbot fight was much easier, probably because I spent about 48 hours on it before I tried Crushing so I knew when to counter his attacks. One contributing factor is also the fact that this game has less shootouts, granted thee enemies can take a lot more punishment then in Uncharted 2. This is also much shorter than Uncharted 2, Uncharted 2 took me 8 hours to complete while this one took around 6 hours. Overall this is in my opinion the easiest Uncharted to beat on Crushing (And platinum for that matter)

    So which Uncharted do you guys think is the easiest to beat on Crushing or platinum?

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    #2  Edited By TheFreeMan

    I had a much easier time beating Uncharted 2 on crushing than 3. I think it's because I find the shooting in 2 to be preferable, and in 3 there are a few specific situations in the game that are really, really frustrating to get past: 

    I could get through, I dunno, probably more than half of Uncharted 2 on crushing without dying once, in comparison. Talbot is easier (and way more fun) than Lazarevic, but Lazarevic is also really simple, and since I beat Uncharted 2 two times before I had a general strategy set up that led to success. 
    So yeah. On another note, the melee combat in Uncharted 2 on crushing is rough. The timing is real strict. I screwed up most hand to hand encounters I found myself in, but Uncharted 3 is a lot more lax. I guess cause of all the forced melee scenarios.
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    #3  Edited By mosespippy

    I haven't played Drake's Deception yet but Among Thieves was incredibly easy compared to Drakes Fortune.

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    #4  Edited By Ares42

    I would say the first one, as you can completely abuse the corners (which they fixed in UC2 a while after launch). Never went back to do it with the third game though, so what do I know :P Still, the scenarios in Drake's Deception already have more challenge to them than the first two, even without the damage/health modifiers.

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    #5  Edited By scalpel

    I've done Drake's Fortune on crushing twice, and Among Thieves once. The former is more difficult overall, but Lazarevic can be a bitch if you let yourself get frustrated.

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    #6  Edited By Yummylee

    @TheFreeMan said:

    I had a much easier time beating Uncharted 2 on crushing than 3. I think it's because I find the shooting in 2 to be preferable, and in 3 there are a few specific situations in the game that are really, really frustrating to get past:

    -Running away from Talbot and his men after Cutter "shoots" him. Seriously, it's like a twenty second stretch but the shooters as so accurate that I died a lot before I could even get to the door.

    -The second big shootout in the settlement, with the jeep on the hill. It gets easier if you can survive the first, I dunno, thirty seconds, if you can make it past those guys who try to get you out of cover.

    -The ballroom shootout in the cruise ship. God damn.

    -The last big shootout in Ubar, with the sniper, the RPG guy, the grenade launcher guy, and the heavy with the SPAS slowly approaching you, and all you've got is that one short well(?) for cover. Shit, must have redone that shootout 20 times.
    I could get through, I dunno, probably more than half of Uncharted 2 on crushing without dying once, in comparison. Talbot is easier (and way more fun) than Lazarevic, but Lazarevic is also really simple, and since I beat Uncharted 2 two times before I had a general strategy set up that led to success. So yeah. On another note, the melee combat in Uncharted 2 on crushing is rough. The timing is real strict. I screwed up most hand to hand encounters I found myself in, but Uncharted 3 is a lot more lax. I guess cause of all the forced melee scenarios.

    I agree with this. Also I'd add the sandstorm shootout to your list. That part was fucking ridiculous, especially since it could become nigh impossible for you to get a good shot at a certain distance, whereas the AI's accuracy was still as Godly as ever. Just awful. Drake's Fortune was a bastard to do on Crushing as well, but I'd chalk up a fair part of that to the shoddy shooting. I was downright shocked to see how much of an improvement the overall gameplay saw between Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 2 after I played 'em again a little while after I completed Uncharted 3 for the first time.

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    Before my PS3 crashed and I had to replace it with a new one, I was really close to beating the second game on crushing.  I got stuck on the last shoot out before the last boss because they were flanking me with grenades so I was gonna go back to it but nope, I was too lazy to get back my save file and everything so I decided not to.  Drakes Fortune was surprisingly easy on crushing.  Theyre really not that hard so I wouldnt expect Drakes Deception to be hard too.  

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    #8  Edited By sjschmidt93

    l2#'s guys ... I seriously have to think each time I read a subtitle and what game that is :O

    For me, the only one I beat on crushing was UC1, and that was back when I used to beat every game I played 3-4 times, which I basically never do anymore.

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    #9  Edited By TheFreeMan
    @Yummylee said:

    Also I'd add the sandstorm shootout to your list. That part was fucking ridiculous, especially since it could become nigh impossible for you to get a good shot at a certain distance, whereas the AI's accuracy was still as Godly as ever. Just awful.

    I totally forgot about this one. Christ, what a nightmare. Jeeps constantly peppering you with machine gun fire, heavies slowly making their way towards you, like, 50 jerks with assault rifles shooting at you from cover, a grenade launcher guy forcing you out of cover, and three or so snipers with Tau's threatening instant death, all in the middle of a storm that reduces your visibility to shit
    Fun times.
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    #10  Edited By Yummylee

    @scalpel said:

    I've done Drake's Fortune on crushing twice, and Among Thieves once. The former is more difficult overall, but Lazarevic can be a bitch if you let yourself get frustrated.

    You mean Lazarebitch? ^_____________________________________________________^

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