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This season's other buggy-as-hell game

So everyone loves Saints Row The Third, right? Well you should, because it's hilarious and fun as all hell. But I've run into more bugs and glitches in my 40+ hours with Saints Row than in my 140+ hours with Skyrim. Now everyone knows about the issues with Skyrim and I've experienced my fair share of backwards-flying dragons and such, but nothing that flat-out broke the game. Unfortunately I can't say the same about Saints Row. I've experienced far more bugs in this game and at this point I cannot progress at all unless I play co-op or start a whole new game. Allow me to explain.

I competed the game as a co-op partner a good week or so ago. Afterward I figured I'd go about getting all of the collectibles by myself and clean up a few other achievements while I was at it. When I loaded my save in single player I was thrust into the "I'm Free...Free Fallin'" mission which occurs very early in the game. No big deal. I figured I'd finish what was required and then be thrown back into the world to do whatever depraved activity I so desired. Or so I thought. If you haven't played the game at all this could be considered a (very minor) spoiler so be warned. At one point during the mission you have to shoot out the windshield of a plane so you can pass through it. I did this with no problem during my co-op run but I've tried this at least a dozen times in single player, in all sorts of ways, but to no avail. I die. Mission restarts. No quitting the mission. It seems that since I've fully upgraded the SMG's you're required to use, which makes them use incendiary ammo, they won't work for this task. Shitty.

I've looked on the official forums and other users have been affected by this, but so far there has been no word from Volition about any sort of fix. There is a mod for the PC version to get around this problem but obviously this won't help folks playing on consoles. So needless to say I'm pretty damn disappointed. Just thought I'd share my first-world pain with you good people.