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PC Games I need

Left 4 Dead - Looks great and it helps that it's from Valve. Plus I'm starting to dig the whole zombie thing.

Dragon Age: Origins - Medieval Fantasy? Check. BioWare? Check. Although I wasn't a huge fan of Mass Effect on the 360, with the right genre or style I think BioWare can satisfy my tastes.

Empire: Total War - Huge TW fan, looking forward to Empire. Great to see they're keeping the TW series alive.

Starcraft II - Not a big fan of the game being split into three (but can understand why), of course I need Starcraft II. I played the original for years and is a staple PC game for me.

Diablo III - Played Diablo I and II as a kid, loved them (even though they creeped me out). I'm happy Blizzard is keeping Diablo alive. All we need next is Warcraft IV.


Team ICO's game

Yep, dunno why, but I want to hear more on it. Maybe some of the 14 unannounced games Sony has up its sleeves (13 games now, since Quantum Theory was shown).


Nah, I'm not.

My DS Lite is just fine for the amount of games I play on portable systems anyway.

It's a nice machine, but not nice enough to warrant the purchase of an entirely new unit. If games were different on the DSi I would, maybe.

I may upgrade down the road (2 years or so), but not now.