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Wii don't need no education, Wii don't need no PS3

How can anyone argue with the numbers? Wii is selling like mad and yet...I don't care. That's right. After 20 years of following Nintendo wherever they led me, I no longer care about Nintendo, but it would seem as though Nintendo doesn't really need me. With the N64 and Gamecube, the life-long gamers and fanboys were the only thing that really kept Nintendo afloat in the console realm. Now though, Nintendo has almost entirely migrated into a new market for gaming, the casual/non-gamer gamers. I can honestly say that I never expected that Nintendo's attempt to appeal to non-gamers would be so successful that they wouldn't even concern themselves any longer with the old core gamers...but I guess I was wrong. So long Nintendo, have fun with your new friends. I gladly await the day that you come crawling back to me after all those people realize that Wii Music and Carnival Games are rubbish.

Now it's your turn Sony...what the hell happened? Why are 360's selling at double the rate of PS3's? I'm sure you're probably asking yourselves the same questions. The PS2 was one of the most successful consoles of all time with one of the best game libraries of all time, and so the PS3 should have been a slam dunk followup. That's not quite the way it's turned out though is it? So what happened that took you from first place in the console race to last place? Perhaps that Blu-Ray drive wasn't as essential as you thought and the bump in price by including it certainly didn't help either. It turns out that most people aren't really interested in paying $500-600 for a console that doesn't have much to offer over one a few hundred dollars cheaper that's already been out for a year and built up a decent library of exclusive titles. Maybe you should blame the Japanese developers like Square-Enix for dragging their feet and not smoothly transitioning to next-gen or blame developers like Capcom and Rockstar for not keeping titles exclusive to your console. What about your first/second party developers? Why am I still waiting for God of War 3? Why have I not even seen a glimpse of what team Ico is up to? Where are Jak and his ottsel sidekick? How long did you expect PS2 gamers to wait for you to get your act together and start releasing AAA first-party exclusives? I guess it was also a bit of surprise for you to find out that a consistent and structured online experience actually is important. Sure, you're light years ahead of Nintendo's friend codes, but PSN still pales in comparison to XBox Live.