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Goodbye, Ryan! Thanks for Everything!

I'm still really struggling to come to terms with this whole thing.

In the past five years, I've really come to count on GB as a point of stability in my life. There's always been something immensely comforting to me knowing that Ryan, the rest of the crew, and this amazing community were always just a click away regardless of what I had going on.

I know that a lot of people out there probably do raise an eyebrow when they see someone with a personal connection to a website and the community and personalities that inhabit it, but that's just because they don't have the same set of experiences that we do. I'll be honest with you guys, I've always struggled a bit to fit in socially (I'm sure I'm not the only one here that feels that way). I wouldn't call myself socially awkward exactly. I'm capable of being cordial and carrying on casual conversation, but it's extremely rare that I'm able to connect with people on a meaningful level and form rewarding long term relationships. However, connecting with GB's staff and community has always felt pretty natural to me.

We might be on opposites sides of a screen, but it's always felt like we're all kindred spirits here. I never met Ryan in person, and I lament that now I never will, but it already felt like we were buds. That was really the magic of Ryan, and it's a testament to just how special this little experiment called Giant Bomb really is. GB isn't just yet another assembly line for trailers, rumors, and reviews. It's a platform for real people to put their life, passion, and assorted eccentricities on display for all to see, and Ryan thrived in that environment. Not because he was good at his job (even though he was pretty damn good at it), but simply because he was an amazing human being with the sort of larger than life personality that can fill a room. His booming laughter will forever echo in our hearts and minds, and his stories and life will live on in GB lore.

Thanks for everything, Ryan! And because I know you'd probably groan if you ever saw us being so serious about this whole thing, here's this: