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Top 10 People I hate in gaming.

These are the people that just turn into a**holes. You can tell I get annoyed pretty quickly.

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  • This... thing should just shut up and have a lower voice. Link how do you put up with her?

  • Everybody who has played "Duck Hunt" should know who this is. He laughs at you when you miss hitting a duck. I am happy you can shoot him is "Duck Hunt 2"

  • When you make a wrong move around Larry in "The Walking Dead" he will hate you so much for it. It's hard to try to get along with him.

  • She just tries to annoy the crap out of you. She must some missing parts because she is really creepy. She all so finds ways to destroy your chances of completing a task.

  • The fact that he has to say that he is always right and that everything has to be his way, it makes me want to find a way to kill him.

  • I can handle her brother Cesare, but her she just acts like a spoiled little brat. A lot of girls in gaming have her personality but she takes it to the next level.

  • What was Midway thinking that day? "Let's take away some guys skin give him crappy moves and then we can end this day on a good note" Yeah... he sucks.

  • This guys freaks me out every time I play Slender. I like him in all other games, but that game he is someone you just hate.

  • The greedy anti Mario that has an horrible voice and only cares about one thing: his Motorcycle. He was meant to be another boss besides Bowser, but again why him?

  • She just annoys me. The only thing that annoys me about her is her voice it is so annoying.