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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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I think playing through each of the cases in one sitting probably helped me with the deduction side of things; I managed to get most of them right the first time through. It's weird though. Some of the cases very much hang on very circumstantial evidence that you have to intuit, like the one with the train, while others basically spell out the correct answer.

Anyway, I think I liked this one more than you did, but I hear the follow up, Devil's Daughter, is a lot more uneven. I'm... interested in seeing how it pans out.

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I'm very excited for this mild-mannered Canadian man to give the same level of bland brandthusiasm to everything covered on his show, from DLC trailers for service games I've never heard of, to teaser trailers for big publisher titles that won't come out for another 2-3 years, to awkward lip-service about how we're all united by a love of video games.

also I'll likely end up watching it live because I live a life of self-inflicted pain

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#3  Edited By ArbitraryWater

My most recent stream was a handful of PS2-era licensed games and the answer is "yes absolutely they were almost always that bad."

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The consistency at which Sony fucks up its back compat stuff even when it makes the slightest of efforts is impressive.

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I mean... it's gonna launch on Game Pass. That makes any concerns I have about the game entirely nil because I'll just play it for "Like a dollar" when I re-up my subscription in like November

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Folks he ain't lyin' about the beginning of Stalker. It's just no damn good. Hearing that it gets better (and that there's a one-off mod that maybe does a bit of updating but maintains the original vision) means that I might eventually move it out of the DNF pile. Apparently I own... 3 of these games? Way to go 2010-ish me with more money than time and an "at this price I can't lose!" attitude toward Steam sales.

Of the three games, I think Call of Pripyat seems like the most accessible by a pretty serious margin, even in its vanilla form. For one, you start with an AK-74u, which you may recognize as "A compact assault rifle capable of killing things" and not "a limp, inaccurate nerf gun." That said, oh god when that comes up for this feature I hope you're ready for a dissertation on what it's like to peek one's head into a modding scene that has been incredibly active for more than a decade and often in a language I don't speak.

That also said, STALKER 2 is ostensibly still coming out this year despite... you know, the part where most of the developers are (were?) located in a country currently being invaded. If it does end up being a real product, I'm interested to see how they try to make it more approachable, if at all.

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I own a RetroTink 5x and if you like throwing money in a hole and having original hardware look good on a HDTV that is a good way to do it.

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I do wonder how enthusiastic I'd be about trying to get all the Jiggies in Banjo-Tooie. As you said, a lot of that game is just *finding* how to get them, and some of that stuff is involved in a way that's downright impressive for a N64 game. The flipside of that is you can spend a lot of time in earlier levels running into stuff you have no way of solving, which definitely makes it less of a "gratification per minute" deal compared to its predecessor. Some of those later levels especially make you work for that stuff.

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I remember finding Bomberman 64 more-or-less indecipherable as a kid, though this is one of those things where an instruction manual probably would've helped.

anyway, our most recent podcast foray into the Nintendo 64 Hole, covering the three RPGs of note for the system not named "Paper Mario" or "Ogre Battle 64" has thrown me into an existential despair regarding the idea that maybe most of the games for this system were bad, actually. Please look forward to Off the Deep End's new worst game: Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage

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Hey.. not only am I also playing through Sherlock Holmes crime and punnishment on my switch, but I am going to blame you and this blog for me wanting to revisit both heretic and hexen64. They might not be nearly dubious enough to make this list, but I have to blame someone for my ebay habits.

Here's the thing, Heretic is mostly fine, as someone who goofed around with Heretic last year. It's a lesser Doom with wizard weapons, but it's mostly solid. Hexen, on the other hand... for all of Raven's technical wizardry and design chops even that early, Hexen is a game that somehow hangs its entire hat around finding eight hidden switches of gobbeldygoo to progress, which is a nightmare hellscape and 100% dubious. Hexen 2 is a little better on that front (mostly because it's more limited by the constraints and benefits of the Quake engine) and here's hoping one of the weird outcomes of Microsoft buying Activision is we finally, finally get a digital re-release of Heretic 2.

Sherlock Holmes though... that's likely gonna get a write up. I straight up bought the other two recent Frogwares Sherlock games because of how strong an impression Crimes and Punishments gives, even if it sounds like they don't quite reach the same level.

@genessee said:

That is some Molly Hatchet-Ass album art at least a decade out of date for its release.

Excuse me that's the art of the 3DO Interactive Multi-Player.

Thank you for your service/sacrifice, delving into the dubious depths! Certainly looking forward to the next season, and big props for the cheering & charity!

I'm glad this wheel, at the very least, didn't end in anticlimax the same way the last RPG one did. While maybe not the weirdest games I played for this feature, they're definitely up there. Dear lord Witchaven is such a janky thing it almost feels wrong to play it using a modern source port.