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GOTY 2014

Really though, I've spent most of my time playing World of Tanks. As always.

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  • I can see it has flaws. I am not sure I like how the DLC is going to make all my gear obsolete. But I played 300 hours of this game, and I loved it. It has to be my GOTY 2014.

  • This game looks amazing, has content pouring out its ears and, if it wasn't for Destiny, I would play nothing else.

  • I don't even like Diablo, or that's what I keep telling myself. Didn't stop me from playing through the whole game for the second time, just to try out the new class. Good, relaxed fun.

  • Not as bad as everyone said. In dire need of instancing, however. I used to not even like instancing, but this game showed why it's a good idea. The RvR was great fun.

  • Looked great, interesting story and characters. A good debut for inFamous on the new consoles.

  • Yeah, I am a bit of an MMO junkie. I enjoyed the time I spent with A Realm Reborn. It felt a lot like the old, classic MMOs. I just don't get sucked in like I used to though.

  • One of those games I thought I would love, but ended up not playing much. The running around felt floaty, the nemesis system felt... shallow, killing the bosses too easy. Maybe I should have focused more on the story.

  • I find card games online to be intimidating, but Hearthstone managed to keep the game interesting, while still being easy to learn. Even my wife enjoyed this one.

  • I was hoping for a good, old Baldur's Gate fix, but the game did not quite deliver in the way I had hoped. I should probably give it another chance at some point.