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GOTY 2012

I guess this was kind of a weak year of gaming for me, I went through the entire list of releases for 2012 and I couldn't even find ten games I played which I felt merited a place on this list. I guess the main problem is I haven't found time to play some of the major releases like Assassin's Creed III, Max Payne 3, Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2 etc.

The Walking Dead didn't make the list even though I played it. I played through Ep. 1, then bought Ep. 2. As I was starting Ep 2 my save was somehow f-ed up and all my choices were gone. So I played through Ep 1 again, but then never managed to build up any desire to keep going again. It was... an interesting game, but not worth being on the list.

List items

  • Easily my top pick of the year, no contest. The first game since Mass Effect 1 where I immediately restarted the game after beating it.

  • Excellent game with a lot of promise. The fact that it doesn't require a subscriptions means I will be back to check it out in the future.

  • Just good, old, chaotic fun with guns. Once you get over the initial hump that is the steep learning curve, there is a lot of fun to be had here.

  • The ending was disappointing, but the game as a whole was an enjoyable ride.

  • So much emotion in such a sparse package.

  • I know everyone hates it, but I spent 70 hours in this game and I loved every minute of it. Except maybe the part where you had to run up to each militia man and give him a weapon. Come on... Still. Fun game.

  • Love playing this against my little brother. Even though he kicks my ass.