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#1  Edited By AimingWandersly

the weird thing is that seems the more natural position to have your hands in. i seem to remember arcade machines being laid out with right hand controlling movement and left for buttons but i could be wrong. weird how i didn't think about it until you mentioned it. good blog.

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#2  Edited By AimingWandersly
RiddleBrother said:
"AimingWandersly said:
"RiddleBrother said:
"i really dug the classic san van pack. way more content/spot than the fantasy factory,w hich felt like a rip off to  me. fantasy factory is so much more poorly designed than the rest of the skate 2 content that it's really shocking, and it's basically just a big advertisement that you pay for. great.
skip the fantasy pack, definitely pick up the classic san van, imho."
that was my initial concern and what stopped me buying it. i want to skate in the fantasy factory, it's just that the actual skating area in it is so small. i would have bought both right away if you could skate to them from new san vanelona. if they ever have actual map additions, i will fork over another $10-20 for sure, just hate having to load them individually."
Yeah. There's a decent rooftop section  that has a pretty big drop-in down to street level, but asides from that, I haven't loaded the fantasy factory since buying it. there's also a fairly large area surrounding the fantasy factory with NOTHING in it. a few ledges, a few teeny tiny stair sets. nothing you're missing out on. "
sadly, i bought it last night. i don't know why. it was a big disappointment, and like the classic pack, i beat it all in one night. i did like the big gap challenge but the competition was cheap and lame. i'm slightly embarrassed, but i just love skate so much...
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#3  Edited By AimingWandersly

my only problem with the online has little to do with glitches or bad goals. those happen with every iteration and cannot be helped.

what i'd really appreciate, is for some way to schedule league games. i hate being part of a team but never actually catching any of them online. it would be sweet to be able to organize actual leagues with games set in stone so that you play with as many of your team members that show up. that way you could draft people from your friends list if team members can't make it or don't show up, and then add them to the team if they survive the 'try-out'.

just ideas...

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#4  Edited By AimingWandersly

this is only weird because i got this achievement quite easily. after i'd finished the main game and the hall of meat challenges, i only had 3 minutes of moving left to do. so i just moved stuff from one end of a park to the other...

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#5  Edited By AimingWandersly
RiddleBrother said:
"i really dug the classic san van pack. way more content/spot than the fantasy factory,w hich felt like a rip off to  me. fantasy factory is so much more poorly designed than the rest of the skate 2 content that it's really shocking, and it's basically just a big advertisement that you pay for. great.
skip the fantasy pack, definitely pick up the classic san van, imho."
that was my initial concern and what stopped me buying it. i want to skate in the fantasy factory, it's just that the actual skating area in it is so small. i would have bought both right away if you could skate to them from new san vanelona. if they ever have actual map additions, i will fork over another $10-20 for sure, just hate having to load them individually.
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#6  Edited By AimingWandersly

nope, shouldn't be the dlc. though, for me, i thought i had finished everything and i had actually missed one of the top tier challenges. try redoing the last goals for each category (if you can).

i somehow had missed the easiest of the top tier challenges so i was just 're-doing' them when it popped up. give it a miss at least before you give up on it.

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#7  Edited By AimingWandersly

i grabbed the classic pack as there are quite a few achievements tied to it. the goals are quite hard but very different than skate 2. they also let you see some slightly different versions and new areas from the skate. locations.

i think i may grab rob's factory tonight (love the show) it just seemed like it wouldn't be as fun. not as many locations and a smaller skate park than any of the others in the game.

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#8  Edited By AimingWandersly
Jedted said:
"Thanks for the advice, i'll keep that in mind.  I wish those big ramps at either end didn't have the hole in the middle.  I was trying to use those to pump up my speed cause i know that give you a lot points but i always bail out in that hole.Another thing, is pushing with your back foot the best way to build up speed?  I always have the tendency to use the A button for pushing so i get the announcer callin me out for pushing mongo a lot."
it won't affect your speed at all, but the benefit is that if you are indeed pushing mongo, you are working your way towards an achievement/trophy without really trying.

i spent the entire game pushing with A and managed to get the 'pushing mongo' achievement before i knew it was there.

also, i find that if you land any type of flips to rails, back flips or front flips or one foot anything, it stokes the crowd a lot. sometimes, it might be easier to just make your first trick attempt a front flip and then just keep retrying until you land it and once you do, use that 3X multiplyer to just to flips into rails and flips out of them. should rack up your 12,000 relatively quickly.

also, if you can get enough air, the christ air (right trigger plus B) or any one foot grab are easy ways to stoke the crowd and get points fast.
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#9  Edited By AimingWandersly

is that 'my band is putting out a seven inch' i hear in the background to this vid?

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#10  Edited By AimingWandersly

they've just recently released that the 2nd chapter will be a free update to the first one that was $10. maybe a little more worth it.

i know i felt better about my purchase...