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    PlayStation 5

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    Sony's fifth PlayStation console launched on November 12, 2020 with two models: a standard edition with a disk drive and a digital edition without.

    Sony's big PlayStation reveal event

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    I would thus have no effective way to blend it in in the area around my tv

    Spray paint and a Dremel.

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    @frytup: Well, shit, I do have a Dremel that doesn't really get used that often. Could be a fun project.

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    @frytup: Well, shit, I do have a Dremel that doesn't really get used that often. Could be a fun project.

    Kinda kidding, but kinda not. I'd be tempted to just cut off the seemingly completely decorative outer panels until they're flush with the actual useful part of the console and paint the whole thing black.

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    I don't like how the ps5 looks like but i prefer it over the xsx.

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    Damn, never realized people cared about the aesthetics of console so much.

    I'll always take some attempt at style over a literal box any day.

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    The discless version looks fine to me, even an inhale like the original 360. And surely the most normal looking horizontal.

    I didn't think Alienware or ROG or whatever, it more reminds me of a hypothetical Legendary tier skin for Revenant from Apex. Or a skyscraper in the skybox of Destiny.

    Stylistically it feels out of the robot dog era of Sony, like something from that 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie.

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    What a console looks like is something I'm always deeply curious about but ranks, like, twenty-seventh on the list of meaningful priorities. That said, I think the PS5's design dates itself immediately. We're going to be able to look back at it and say "that's a 2020-ass piece of technology right there." In fact, it almost looks older, like something we'd see from mid-decade budget smart home technology.

    Also, it desperately needs a black shell.

    The conference was good. Even impressive, at points. I don't think I was really bowled over by anything, but I'm also not certain that was ever the intent. Today's reveal was very much the throughline of Sony's "We've got games, lots of them, many of them playable right now" narrative they've been able to hang over Microsoft for the last decade.

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    The console itself looks rad, IMO, but I'm sticking with XSX at launch. I'll probably get a PS5 someday. For me personally there were only two "must have" games: Spider-Man and Horizon. I really want to play them, but I'll wait.

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    Overall I thought it was a better showing than Microsoft as far as games go, but probably in parts because there was a lot of new and (to me) unknowns that looked interesting. Horizon looked good but never finished the first one so for a show stopper it wasn’t so much a show stopper for me. But also because it, along with perhaps Spider-Man, was the most expected. Also, everyone saying it looks like a router is spot on, even if I can appreciate it’s look anyway. Also glad they are going with a discless option.

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    Sony makes a black box: "wow, what a classic elegant design"

    Sony tries something different: "ugly"

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    #62  Edited By ToughShed

    It looks ugly as hell, especially compared to the Xbox Series X which I love the look of. It definitely looks like an ugly old Alienware style design. But I liked the games they showed.

    I yelled out loud for the new Demon's Souls remake so there's that.

    @chiefbeef123 said:

    Sony makes a black box: "wow, what a classic elegant design"

    Sony tries something different: "ugly"

    well.... that's taste right? new doesn't equal better.

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    If this image is accurate.. then holy shit that is pretty big.

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    I didn't have a chance to watch the presentation, but I just watched a bunch of the trailers, and yeah. A lot of these games look great! I absolutely loved Horizon: Zero Dawn, and while I don't think it needed a sequel, I'm still excited for it. It looks gorgeous.

    Deathloop has a cool concept and looks like a lot of fun to play. I don't love that art style, but it's not a big deal.

    Miles Morales getting his own game is super cool. That Spidey game on the PS4 was great in so many ways. It had fun and varied ways to use powers, it looked and felt great to swing through the city, and the writing was way better than anything I expected from a superhero game. Hopefully they can hit those high notes again while avoiding some of the repetitive nature of the PS4 game.

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    I don't want to act all high-fallutin' or anything. I'll probably get one eventually.

    But wow that design is... distinctive. Let's go with that.

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    Looks like one of those concept renders you see people mock up in the run up to new consoles that never end up being what the console actually looks like (NINTENDO REVOLUTION) except this time it's real.

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    #67  Edited By isomeri

    Sony showed a lot of cool looking games and plenty of gameplay which was great. A lot of those games I'd be interested in trying, but I don't think any of them will get me to buy a PS5. At this point the main reason for me to buy the console is pure technology lust, but hopefully I won't cave in.

    And I do think that it's a pretty ugly console. Maybe I'll get used to it over time, but there are just way too many shapes and materials going on and combined it doesn't look like a cohesive thing. The digital version is not quite as bad. I mean good on them for trying something new, but my first reaction is that this is the ugliest console design of the last two decades.

    Also, as @humanity pointed out, the thing looks huge. People of the internet have done some more size comparisons based on the USB port and optical drive and oh boy. The Series X is not small by any means, but it's a little less intrusive looking than the PS5.

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    #68  Edited By Shindig

    Man, it's bigger than the George Foreman.

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    @isomeri: It's enormous.

    The PS3 was quite a fat boy back in the day, and that console weigh a ton as well. The PS5 looks very ostentatious and very 2011 faux-future styled, but that wouldn't be TOO bad if it was nice and compact. But when you look at those size comparisons and the ergonomics of this thing ooof.. that is going to be the centerpiece of your entire living room and not in a good way unless your house/apartment is done up in shiny white plastic paneling.

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    Looks like the guy who designed the PS3 Boomerang still has their job.

    I do quite like the look of the new headset, but then you'll probably need to use the system's one front facing USB port for a receiver, right? God forbid they switch to using USB-C for that too, because then you'll have to unplug every time you want to charge the controller.

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    #71  Edited By cikame

    I fixed the name of one of their games.

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    Jeff was right about it being reminiscent of old Playstation games :P.
    Edit: A friend just sent me this image.

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    The Digital Edition looks passable when standing imho, as it's slightly more symmetrical. But the size is a problem for me, if those comparisons hold true. I understand that modern components tend to generate a lot of heat, but still.

    I've been trying to find smaller more compact solutions when replacing tech, and the PS5 seems to be going the other way.

    I'm also not really digging the whole duotone coloring scheme, kinda wish they would've chosen blue instead of white if this was the solution they absolutely wanted to go with.

    White surfaces look nice in promo shots, but can be kind of annoying to keep looking clean. Especially with the controller, speaking as someone whose hands tend to get sweaty pretty easily.

    Also, white plastics and time passing often don't have the nicest results.

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    So that Miles Morales Spider-Man game isn't a full game. It's an expansion, although it's not yet clear exactly what that means.

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    I'm sure there will be more colour options than white. I'll get the all-black variant, stick it in my TV stand and never look at it again until I put the PS6 in its place in 7 years.

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    I genuinely like the design. I super appreciate that it isn't just another black box. It's crazy how big it is but I still love it.

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    #76  Edited By pewpewphil

    My first thought when I saw the PS5 was, huh I might wait till the redesign/slim version. I'll give it to them its a bold design, stepping away from their 26 years of black boxes. However I'm not really a fan this design, as someone who owned a PS2 And PS3.

    Conference wise I really enjoyed it, they jam packed it with games and lots of it. Sure there was a few indie games too many, but its better than having tech demos. Also came out of the conference hyped for a few games : Rachet and clank, ghost wire, horizon 2, and RE8.

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    And I thought the PS3 was the ugliest of them all ^^

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    Can’t link because I’m on mobile, but now Spiderman Miles Morales is being called a standalone game akin to Uncharted Lost Legacy and not an expansion. It’s good to see that even if E3 officially goes away, the spirit of confusing announcements and even more confusing follow-up statements will live on.

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    Event was fun, nice to see the crew talk over something, harken back to a time of normality. PS5 design is weird. Don't hate it, don't love it. Game showcase was fun, though like most people who have been around for a long time now, more or less gonna wait until the games drop to see if they look like these reveals. Unsure on what console I'll be going with next gen, price will be the main factor. Also, against what seems like the popular opinion, I'm totally down with the disk-less version. I picked up a disc-less Xbox One this year and I love that thing, but I've never been one who cares about the physical aspect of most things and own very little possessions as I don't like clutter.

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    Man I hope the lack of an optical drive lowers the price significantly. Seems like the digital XBox retailed between $180 and $250? That'd be magical if this new PS5 were around $300 without the drive. I'm sure it'll be much more, but that's still got to be one of the most expensive components of a console, right? I owned exactly two physical copies of games this generation, both of which came with the console when I bought it. inFamous: Second Son and NBA 2K14. The experience with 2K14 was so aggravating I immediately jumped on the digital train. I just can't stomach the idea of buying a game, putting it in the console and then waiting an hour or so to play it. So much more convenient to download it, like, a full week before it's even out and then just wait for the lock-clock to hit zero.

    That console looks like utter trash in a way that's really surprising considering where the PS3 landed over it's lifetime and how well the PS4 carried the torch. The original PS3 was very 2005 so it worked, but I just don't have anything that looks like this in my apartment which is going to make it a really awkward machine. I guess I kind of like that the PS5 is going to really make me think about it every time I walk in my front door, though.

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    @nodima said:

    Man I hope the lack of an optical drive lowers the price significantly. Seems like the digital XBox retailed between $180 and $250? That'd be magical if this new PS5 were around $300 without the drive. I'm sure it'll be much more, but that's still got to be one of the most expensive components of a console, right?

    The bill of materials and licensing fees for a 4K Blu-Ray drive is around $50 so the raw component cost is unlikely to make the digital-only PS5 substantially cheaper. I could see Sony making it $100 less by taking a bath on the difference and hoping to make it up in digital game sales, or try to increase the value proposition by packing in a game with the digital-only version.

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    #82  Edited By Shindig

    I can't skip out on a drive. Not whilst I have PS4 titles on disc and a used game store is my only local retail option. I don't see much of a difference. I figured a £50 difference so maybe $75 tops. Although I'm dealing with a currency I've got very little point of reference for.

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    @shindig: That's about the price difference I would expect. A full $100 price difference would be really aggressive, and might work for them if they're thinking it might undercut the Series X if they have a less expensive model.

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    Demon's Souls, Bugsnax, and Goodbye Volcano High all look great to me.

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    #85  Edited By Seikenfreak

    Yea, I shoulda mentioned I'm disc-version all the way. I just like physical media, but also if it's backwards compatible then.. obviously I want it to work with my PS4 games. And HOPEFULLY my PS1, PS2 and maaaaybe PS3 games.. lol Or at least if they come up with some physical version verification gets you free download for old games.

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    Games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales; Stray, Kena: Bridge of Spirit; Project Athenia; Bugsnax; and Little Devil Inside all give me hope.

    The consoles looks fun. I was thinking it would be more 'functional'; but I am glad they didn't go with something so boring as what I was thinking. The organic flowing shape is far more interesting and well designed. Is that risky in a world of conformity? Probably. Yet, they made a choice that isn't hiding - bravo.

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    #88  Edited By NTM

    The event didn't excite or impress me that much, but I think it's a wait and see kind of thing. I didn't find it much better than the Xbox Series X event. There are games that I will no doubt play that were showed, but I want to see more. Plus, I watched the actual Sony stream and watching on a 4k TV, I was surprised and disappointed that they didn't stream it in 4k. However, I watched a bunch of the trailers in 4k after and I found it a bit more enticing. Also, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, but it didn't look like they showed the back of the console, so I wasn't sure what kind of ports it had.

    Game-wise, Spider-Man doesn't look like a full-on sequel, but that's not a bad thing, nor do I think it won't be an integral part of the Spider-Man story going forward. It just gave me more of an Infamous First Light feeling than a sequel. I'm excited to play more Spider-Man, but I want to see how it plays more. Could it be another Christmas in New York setting? I liked that in The Division.

    RE8, at first, I was thinking because on a technical level (again, watching a 1080p stream on a 4k screen) it wasn't impressing me, so I was saying to myself 'oh, please don't let this be RE8' after I was figuring it out. That said, once the trailer pushed past the cabin part, I became impressed and intrigued. It looks like they're blending arguably the best RE games, at least to me, which is RE7 and RE4.

    Demon's Souls was a no-brainer. Many of the other games I came away thinking that I will probably play, but again, I just want to see more. I would personally go with the digital version of the console if I was the only one using the system, but my brother still prefers discs, so we're definitely getting the disc version. I haven't read anything past what we saw from the event, so similar to my reaction to the Series X, I hope we can lay it horizontally.

    Edit - Oh, actually now that I think about it, if it were decision alone, I would probably also go with the disc version as well because I forgot that I love to watching 4k Blu-ray's. Obviously, we can already do that with the Xbox One X, and I'm sure we'll be able to do it with the Series X, but still. I believe we'll be able to watch 4k Blu-ray's with the PS5 right?

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    No mention of VR (more importantly new move controllers and headset)

    No mention of backwards compatibility.

    No price

    All of my peripherals from Xbox One will work with the Series X day one. I just picked up a ps4pro for last of us. But without knowledge of what PS+ means. (Are my subscription based “free” games available day 1). It makes it hard to consume any playstation products with no awareness of what the transition will be. Do I pick up Cyberpunk on PS4 or One-X. Probably One-X. If my controller blows a tire do I buy a new ps4 controller that doesn’t work with the PS5 (like vibration does anything but make me paranoid to put my controller on a desk while I’m distracted.) Are they going make the all-digital more plentiful so they can march us to a digital future where I can’t be game Santa Claus to my friends or the local thrift store.

    They showed nothing but videos. And unlike E3s of Christmas past we don’t have feedback from the GiantBomb crew to tell us.. don’t be fooled.. it’s a just this or that. (I’m shocked the crew wasn’t more critical but it’s nice to hate on Microsoft). I see no difference in presentation and once you’ve seen one third person over the shoulder action game or a first person shooter you’ve kinda seen them all.

    The most important thing to me for the upcoming generation is no more turning corners, shimmying through narrow pathways, elevators, and poorly masked fast travel for load times. Id really like backwards compatibility with some trophies and achievement cleverness that understands where games have been. Solve the Netflix friends consume media together issue. Make some of the toxicity bannable down to the account and ability to play even your offline games.

    And don’t you dare go discless. Gaming came from Arcades where somebody might leave you a credit in the machine so you could play. That’s what GameStop and disc games do. They let us play without verifying with some server somewhere and hope we can afford the bridge whatever these corporations feel is fair ... more likely profitable.

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    No mention of VR (more importantly new move controllers and headset)

    No mention of backwards compatibility.

    No price

    All of my peripherals from Xbox One will work with the Series X day one. I just picked up a ps4pro for last of us. But without knowledge of what PS+ means. (Are my subscription based “free” games available day 1). It makes it hard to consume any playstation products with no awareness of what the transition will be. Do I pick up Cyberpunk on PS4 or One-X. Probably One-X. If my controller blows a tire do I buy a new ps4 controller that doesn’t work with the PS5 (like vibration does anything but make me paranoid to put my controller on a desk while I’m distracted.) Are they going make the all-digital more plentiful so they can march us to a digital future where I can’t be game Santa Claus to my friends or the local thrift store.

    Sony have already said PS4 peripherals will work on the PS5 including PSVR, majority of PS4 games will be playable on PS5 pretty much the same as Xbox.

    PS+ works exactly like GWG each month you can buy two selected titles for free, which your able to plays as long as you have an active sub, considering its been around for years and a simple Google search can tell you so, why would this be in a PS5 reveal stream?

    Smart delivery on Series X is completely optional and upto the developer the only difference so far is all MS games will be a free upgrade however Madden is not using smart delivery until each dev says you won't know, also Cyberpunk isn't a great example as it won't be enhanced at Series X launch.

    Considering Sony hasn't announced any cross gen games I doubt any older PS4 titles will get any substantial improvements at all.

    Both boxes will sell out at launch what does plentiful even mean, if Sony produces more consoles overall but less of the all-digtal version compared to Series X is that still plentiful?

    Sony isn't going to talk about PSV2 the same year their luanching a $500 box. These are odd expectations for a first look PS5 stream.

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    Sony isn't going to talk about PSV2 the same year their luanching a $500 box. These are odd expectations for a first look PS5 stream.

    I agree, but they did show an HD camera peripheral without explaining what it was for, which seemed odd to me.

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    @thepanzini: @thepanzini: Sony have already said PS4 peripherals will work on the PS5 including PSVR

    -I don’t want those move controllers from Circa 2009 to work on a 2020 console. It’s kind of disappointing that we had to look a other VR controllers have first and second iterations while not even a tease that new controllers.

    majority of PS4 games will be playable on PS5 pretty much the same as Xbox.

    -the only games we can agree that probably won’t work on Series X will be their Kinect games (though I’m confident that even those might work just so Microsoft can say all Xbox games work on Series X. Let me go fill out PS5’s Wikipedia game index with the word majority and we can fill that in after they get my money.

    PS+ works exactly like GWG each month you can buy two selected titles for free, which your able to plays as long as you have an active sub, considering its been around for years and a simple Google search can tell you so, why would this be in a PS5 reveal stream?

    -Id like to know what their box can do. They’ve been super arbitrary with what PSPlus meant over the years as they removed PS3 games and Vita Games some were playable on PS4 some not. But they made it clear that psplus was still a thing with the GTAV mention so what does psplus now mean? Xbox lets you buy up to 3 years of Live and their agreement is pretty clear on what they are providing for the next 3 years and since it’s backwards compatible at minimum day one of series x launch I will get 360 games and Xbox one games monthly with the likelihood that all my subscription games to date will boot and play. Vita games, ps3 games, and ps4 games subscription games... lost to the ether?

    Smart delivery on Series X is completely optional and upto the developer the only difference so far is all MS games will be a free upgrade however Madden is not using smart delivery until each dev says you won't know, also Cyberpunk isn't a great example as it won't be enhanced at Series X launch.

    -it’s not about smart delivery. Actually it is. If I’m going maybe have to buy a game twice or maybe not buy game twice I’ll let you decide which makes more sense. Also no cloud saves with psplus is a fricking nightmare. All those poor gamers that finish last of us 2 and ghost of tsushima that trade all their stuff in to preorder PS5 better keep an active psplus or external hard drive or whatever hamster wheel solution Sony has for them. And more importantly if they enable games in waves and they don’t get to Assassins Creed Origin or some random game I love until 2022 and I didn’t have a psplus, still have a ps4, or hardrive is that save lost to time. I pull up 10 year old saves from the cloud on Xbox and haven’t had live in years.

    Both boxes will sell out at launch what does plentiful even mean, if Sony produces more consoles overall but less of the all-digtal version compared to Series X is that still plentiful?

    -if Sony produces the digital 5:1, 10:1 then they are mandating our game ownership future on the platform. By showing a digital box without saying how backwards compatibility works (maybe theyll do a VUDU mail in thing) they plan on selling my ps4,ps3,ps2, and ps1 games to me for a second time a claiming that’s backwards compatibility. Even PSNow has games on that service that I own the disc for but could not place into a PS4 and have it work. That’s not right. Right for Sony but not right for gaming.

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    I think the main reason for Sony to offer a digital only version of their Playstation has to do with copy protection, and for this reason I also think the digital only version will cost a lot less than the disc version. Face it, sharing and re-selling of games, cuts into their profits and they're going to take a loss on the console anyways. Why not offer an incentive for most people to move to a digital only version? You could argue that this will upset Gamespot, but seriously, given their recent financial difficulties do they even matter anymore?

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    @berfunkle: GameStop still matters because as kids opt for more Robucks, VBucks, and COD points they aren’t going to be exposed to those narrative games that Sony fans seems to love.

    If Mom and Dad can only buy Christmas gifts digitally the decision maker is now 8 year old Johnny. Johnny is going to choose VBucks very time. Maybe a savy kid might get psplus or Xbox live. But if uncle Mike can’t pick up Johnny .. Street Fighter for his birthday.. or maybe Granddad gets Farming Simulator for good grades and Johnny during the next quarantine gets bored enough to play those when the internet goes out then those games will exist but never be anybody’s private passion due to friends and relatives suggestion. It’s hard enough now to beg somebody to download a game pass game when all you hear is... my harddrive hurts... so and so on YouTube with the nice eyes says it sucks.

    There’s a world where some kid that’s poor through no fault of his own won’t experience the games his friends do through lending or cutting just enough grass to get a game on sale (maybe he should get a job or just not be poor.) I think it’s awesome when kids shop with parents and correct the parent and even the clerk on what they want or browse a shelf and make a selection. Everything on sale at GameStop is better than the redundant trash I once played on Nintendo or snes (fight me) so you honesty can’t go wrong.

    Physical games means you can slide over a $20 and take a risk. All gaming company default business models want to be subscription based and as close to pay-by-the-minutes as possible. Fortunately I’ve lived through previous models and have enough in my collection to sustain me through the next model if I have to ignore it.

    The next model doesn’t need me or want me to be honest. Regardless of what PS5 does (I’m more comfortable with Xbox vision and Nintendo once they release the next switch iteration.. currently) i will still be gaming. The allure of what Sony just showed is not enough to make me dismiss everything that’s come before. If they incorporate what’s come before into what’s next then they can count me in. But until they clarify they can count me out.

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    @thepanzini said:

    Sony have already said PS4 peripherals will work on the PS5 including PSVR, majority of PS4 games will be playable on PS5 pretty much the same as Xbox.

    Where have they confirmed that PS4 peripherals will be compatible? They've said that PSVR will, and presumably that includes the camera and move controllers, but as far I know they've said nothing about the DualShock 4 and other controllers.

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    @conmulligan: remember. The ps4 camera is a proprietary cable. So for your psVR to work, unless the back of the PS5 looks like a switchboard from the 1920s, you’re gonna need the 1 USB port for the headset and a 2nd usb (with adapter or a dedicated camera port) for the camera. A usb for the controller charging (your little charging stand ain’t going to let you QuickTime event and charge at the same time.) a usb for your external hard drive. Then the birds nest of cables for the VR box (I don’t even remember what that setup was like but it ain’t easy). What’s in the back of my PS5 ..USB C? USB A?

    They honestly told us nothing other than this is what will be for sale? Saying PsVR will work is that software or hardware? Will new VR releases work with the old camera? Do you even get access to new VR titles with old camera and old headset? New move controllers work with old VR headset? Do I need the new camera? And as far as official information from official channels I’d prefer if you don’t cite anything but PlayStation blogs, PlayStation Twitter, and the boring Cerny video from earlier in the year and this video home movies we just got. They didn’t even announce or tease ANYTHING VR (a tease could have been the admittedly cool wireframe blue VR headset they use to show people playing VR games). Tease me Shadow of the Colossus VR. Tease me PSVR2.0.

    So speculate all you want but they showed nothing. More importantly they didn’t give new dates for announcements. Tell me August 1st we will have more to say about 3rd party, VR, services, and backwards compatibility. Guess I’ll just keep refreshing YouTube daily. It was a poor showing appreciated by the same people that enjoyed the first 3 years of PS4 when nothing was there but somehow it was better than XboX. Anything else is speculation and fan site conjecture.

    What was shown in my mind could all be done on PS4 with insane loading times. So who cares.. go make a sandwich while you wait for your giant enemy crab to load. Services and hardware are the only thing that guarantees an eclipsed gaming experience to what we already have. Sure, wires were necessary for VR. Who knew patches were 50gb. So we are dealing with each company’s bandaid and best first efforts. So show me what you solved. My favorite game for the next generation is probably still on a napkin. Solve developer’s and gamer’s problems. For a pre launch environment, I honestly (and you can quote me) don’t care about the games. That will solve itself.

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    #97  Edited By Onemanarmyy

    I understand the need for additional information, but ... there is time. Like we haven't seen that PS5 teardown Mark Cerny talked about neither yet. I think it makes sense to have 1 show dedicated to the games that you will be able to play on the new box. Especially when you have 2 hours worth of content to showcase, that's a lengthy amount of time for a show. If they opened up the pre-order channels already and people were spending money on a console that they miss half the information on, that's another thing. Now the hardware has been revealed, the games have been revealed, the next step is providing the information we don't have yet.

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    @onemanarmyy: I just don’t buy it. Companies tease stuff. Always leave them wanting more. Spider-Man collectathon, check. Ratchet and Clank 8 or 9 or whatever I’m sure they havent stripped that mine for ideas. Demon Souls development probably started the day they turned off the ps3 servers in 2017 can someone repaint the Mona Lisa the old one is old. Gran Turismo more real than reality. GEICO can model collision better at an interns hand-me-down computer. I remember giving them the benefit of the doubt ps1,ps2,ps3, and ps4. Don’t give me that nonsense that the manufacturers won’t allow it. No actual use of sense so as long as they have what Nintendo-do check. The only innovation or thing that’s cool is the mic built into the controller. That presents it’s own bucket of issues. I really think Sony ain’t got much.

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    I love the design of the console, finally something different than the black boxes that have been churned out the past couple of generations. I appreciate Sony going for it with the design aesthetic. It's weird and probably over designed but I kinda dig that.

    In terms of the games shown, the Sony exclusive I'm most looking forward to from the reveal stream was Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart. I didn't play any of the Ratchet games until the reboot of the original on the PS4 and I was grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire thing. I was a late comer to the Playstation family, a slim PS3 at the tail end of that generation before going with a PS4 this generation. Rift Apart was a game that I immediately wanted to play right now, it looked that beautiful and fun.

    When it comes to the non exclusive games, Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo looked cool. As a long time fan of Arkane and the Dishonored games, the new setting/art style with familiar game play mechanics looks like it'll be a blast. I've never been the biggest horror fan, regardless of the media format, but Tokyo looks really neat. Resident Evil 2 Remake was surprisingly one of my favorite games of last year and its gotten me a little more interested in the genre as a whole. I know Shinji Mikami is revered for RE4 and the Evil Within games were solid, but this looks creatively like he's really going for it. I love the first person combat encounters and the enemy design. I couldn't tell from the trailer if the game was going to be open world or on rails, but regardless looks really cool.

    I think overall I just appreciated the breadth of game genres and styles that Sony showed off at this thing. That Kena game looks stunning and Goodbye Volcano High gave me a lot of Night in the Woods vibes which I'm always down for more of. Unless the price is exorbitantly high like $700 or more, Sony did enough during this presentation to convince me to pick one up at launch. This was the first teaser show that actually got me excited for the next generation of games and hardware.

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    #100  Edited By Onemanarmyy

    @fourthline: That's fine, you won't have to buy it. A lot of people in the GB chat & in this thread saw a lot to like. Everyone makes their own choices. You don't think highly of none of their games, for others those are the entire reason of owning a particular console.

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean with 'Don’t give me that nonsense that the manufacturers won’t allow it.` though. I try my best to not talk nonsense :)

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