OK, it's been 1/2 a month. Now I'm curious: games you had ZERO excitement for that took over your day-to-day.

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A couple weeks ago, I asked you about games you'd been memorably excited about until you got your hands on them and, for whatever reason, stopped playing them almost immediately. Partially because my own primary answer is so related to one from my OP then, it's only seemed appropriate to eventually ask for the other side of the coin.

For me, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina ofTime will always be the game that stands out for me. I was an avid Nintendo Power reader but I had a bad relationship with Link to the Past for entirely non-game reasons. My cousins who could afford to own systems while my parents would merely rent them had Link to the Past and I played it obsessively despite never becoming very good at or even completing it whenever I could. They lived close, so it was a lot. But I was always teased for not wanting to go out and hang with the neighborhood kids, play basketball, whatever. So I'd sit there in my aunt's basement, playing Link to the Past and not doing very well at it, sort of annoyed with myself that my interests didn't align with the people I liked most (and wanted to like me) at the time.

Ocarina of Time just didn't resonate with me as a result. Everything I read about the game sounded dumb. This was the era when games were becoming increasingly realistic, or more accurately focusing on dystopian, dark futures with deep, dark stories. I wanted to play sports games and action games, games wrapped around collisions, explosions and the impossible possibilities of the future. Ocarina of Time was none of that...and then they announced the gold pre-order cartridge. I was always a sucker for colored cartridges, and I'd started doing part-time paid work so I had my own disposable income aside my highly valuable allowance, so I really wanted to be in on the ground floor and knowOcarina of Time wasn't worth the energy; maybe I'd even write Nintendo Power about it!

The game enveloped me. I'd dive off the cliffside in Zora's Domain for 10-15 minutes at a time just for the rush and the novelty. I'd had a soft spot for Bass Pro Shop fishing games on the SNES, so I really enjoyed the progression of the fishing. The items hooked me, the mere idea of riding Epona around the open countryside hooked me. The music was perfect. One of the swords was really fucking big. As it happened, Ocarina of Timewas worth all that time spent on it in various Nintendo Powers and early message board arguments. I was the idiot, not those Nintendo shills or those who'd had a regular experience with the other Zelda games rather than a spiteful one.

I'll think of some others later, but since Majora's Mask was one of my OP examples in the other post, I only felt it was worthwhile to go into detail about how its predecessor set the wheels so violently in motion for me to be dissatisfied by its follow-up.

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#2  Edited By SarcasticMudcrab

Bought the Orange Box for Portal, ended up with over 1,000 hours into TF2 pre hats edition.

Currently on 2.5 days playtime in Paragon, didn't expect that either.

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Destiny.... I had played it three times borrowing it from a friend each time between games that I had bought and played. On the fourth time I borrowed it again in a slow gaming time, figuring I'd give it a final shot, and, well, it got me. I now have 570 hours in it on Xbox One, About 15 hours on PS4 and impatiently counting down the days until Rise of Iron so I can dive head first again.

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Overwatch. Bought it on release day cos I heard people talking about it. I had zero expectations and I've been playing the fuuuuuck out of it since.

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I bought the original Wild ARMs and Suikoden mostly on a whim in a Best Buy in California while on vacation. Both series wound up being some of my favorites of all time. I want to say Fallout 2 was also one of those whimsical purchases, but I can't remember if it was one of mine or @upperdecker's. Regardless, I don't think we knew much about it going in and both of us are still hooked on that series.

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I just plowed through Arkham Knight after spontaneously buying it for a good price.

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I bought Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines because for whatever reason I was really obsesed with playing a source-engine game in the mid 2000s and my internet was way to crappy for any of the steam-bound games (css, dods and hl2). It was 10 bucks, so I got it - with no interest in the theme, no knowledge about the license and no particular interest in rpgs as a genre back then.

Well, turns out it's not a great example for the technical strengths of the source engine. But it is, to this day, one of my all-time favorite games. A game that I think is objectively excellent and exceptional and also tied to some very personal sentimental and nostalgic feelings.

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#10  Edited By doctordonkey

I thought I'd give Heroes of the Storm a shot, so I bought one character I liked and started playing.

650 hours later and 110-130$ in about 8 months, I broke away from it. I don't think I touched a single game outside of that for those months. Be careful with MOBA's, man. There is something about them that just hooks into the brain and drags you along.

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Driveclub, i just picked it up to have something to show off my PS4, but actually ended getting super hooked trying to 3 star all the races. I would just default to it when i had those moments of "what will i play?", ended up getting the platinum trophy

although not a day to day game "tales of the borderlands" really surprised me after being disappointed by some of the previous telltale games, I ended up playing all 5 episodes in the space of 24 hours.

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#12  Edited By conmulligan

The only one that springs to mind is Mount & Blade: Warband. The funky visuals and crappy looking UI always turned me off that game, but I bought it on a whim during a Steam sale and ending up sinking like a 50 hours over the course of a week into it.

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#13  Edited By Zevvion

XCOM: Enemy Unknown. 'Ugh, this looks so dumb. I seriously don't like how this looks, I'm not interested to see how it works exactly, looks boring'.

EU Play Time: 600+ hours
EW Play Time: 650+ hours
X2 Play Time: 260+ hours

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#14  Edited By militantfreudian

Dragon Age: Origins always looked kind of drab to me, but my uncles' weekly conversations about the choices each has made in a given quest made me want to play it. When I got it, the disc didn't leave my Xbox for at least a couple of months. I even skipped school a few times to play it all morning.

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#15  Edited By UlquioKani

Bought Rainbow Six: Siege around the time of release after a lot of begging from a friend. I didn't touch it for a month and then finally played it and kinda dropped it again straight away. About 3 months ago, I found myself playing it again (thanks to my friend's insistence) and I've gotten crazy into it. I'm looking at patch notes (came out today) and watching pro players like I did when I was playing Dota. Hopefully I don't start to hate it like I did with Dota.

It's odd because I had no interest in it when it was being shown at E3.

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Overwatch. I missed out on the beta and really wasn't really interested in general since I prefer PVE type games, but those animated shorts won me over and now it's my go to game in the evenings.

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Dota 2. A friend of mine sent me a beta code even though I told him I had zero interest in playing. I messed around with the tutorial but still didn't really see the appeal. Then Brad started the Daily Dota stuff and I found a group of duders to play with. 3+ years, 2000+ hours, and I don't even want to know how much hat money, and I'm still playing the game almost daily.

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The most recent example for me has to be new DOOM, which I had zero interest in until seeing the GB quick look and pretty much immediately ordered it from Amazon thereafter. It's the only non-Telltale game I have a platinum trophy for, if that's any indication of anything.

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#19  Edited By Viqor

Doom from earlier this year. I fell in love with original Doom after playing through it for the first time last year. I was convinced that the things that made that game great (the extreme speed, open level design, slow enemy projectiles) were either not possible or far outside the design ethos of modern shooters. Not only that, but ID Software has been bleeding some of its most prominent talent for the last few years and their recent offerings hadn't exactly been huge successes. It didn't demo well either, alternating between a somewhat repetitive looking e3 presentation and a poorly received multilayer beta. To top it all off, advance copies were not sent out for review. So when Doom 2016 turned out to be one of the fastest, most elegantly designed, faithful, modern, and just plain fun first person shooters released in years, yeah, you could say that I was surprised.

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Overwatch. I only knew the game as a TF2 ripoff, and I wasn't that hot on TF2, so I didn't really care. Played the beta, and enjoyed it. Used the money I saved up for No Man's Sky to get Overwatch. Best decision I have made.

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I wouldn't say I had 0 excitement for the Witness, but I never expected it to blow me away like it did. Probably my favorite game of all time.

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There will have been others I'm sure, but in recent memory it's definitely Stardew Valley for me. I saw it as a game I'd like to try out one day... then I ended up putting almost 200 hours into it.

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Fallout 3 was one. First experience with the franchise was having a roommate's friend bring the 360 version over. I've probably got 600+ hours between that and New Vegas on PC across at least a half-dozen runs each.

Mass Effect was another one. A different roommate's girlfriend was overly obsessed with it when it was new, so I didn't bother to pick it up on PC till after ME2 was out (and I was living with someone else), but once I did Mass Effect quickly became one of my favorite scifi game franchises ever. I even gave Dragon Age: Origins a shot at a time when I was super burned out on fantasy games just because of the Bioware name and my experience with ME. I've probably got a couple thousand hours out of those two franchises.

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CS:GO. I was expecting nothing from it, but I bought it on a sale to mess around to see what it is about. That was almost 3 years ago and I'm up to 2,400 hours of playtime and almost $1,000 spent on it.

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#25  Edited By Trilogy

The first Animal Crossing. I remember thinking how dumb and cutesy it looked in Nintendo Power. I ended up getting it as a gift unbeknownst to me, and I totally fell in love, playing it every day for a full year. It became one of my favorite games of all time.

More recently would be Rocket League. I was sort of interested in it from a trailer I saw so I can't say I had no excitement, but I had absolutely no idea just how head over heels I would fall for it. I've got over 400 hours in it at this point, although I haven't been keeping up with it as much lately. It's still one of the greatest games of all time.

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Dwarf Fortress. Truthfully I had some excitement going in, but only because I had played a few "inspired by Dwarf Fortress" games and kinda liked what they were trying to go for (with varying degrees of success). I never intended it to quickly become the game I've spent more hours in than most others combined. I'm am quite happy it has however.

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DOOM. I wasn't very excited for this game, but then it got glowing reviews, so I waited for a sale. $30 well spent. I was obsessed with this game. The gameplay is awesome. Usually I can tell when I really enjoy something when I'm playing the game, I think to myself "this is fucking awesome". I did that a lot during the campaign.

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#28  Edited By Sam_lfcfan

Rocket League. It's probably my favorite game this generation, and I had no idea what it was before I downloaded it.

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#29  Edited By mems1224

Biggest one for me was probably Halo CE. Like everyone else I had a PS2 and gave no shits about a MS console. Then Halo came out and got a crap ton of hype and I never understood why, it just looked like another shooter. Then a few months later my cousin got an Xbox for his birthday so we hooked it up and popped in Halo and I was instantly blown away. The combination of great graphics, music, controls, enemy variety, weapons, vehicles and big open levels was something I had never seen before on a console. We played through that campaign all summer long in between 1v1 matches on blood gulch.

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I downloaded DOTA2 with absolutely no idea what it was or how to play it 4 years ago or whatever and now it is my most played game of all time by so much that I would never even admit to it in a forum that grants me anonymity. I played Starcraft and Warcraft and played them with joy. I'll play DOTA and have a negative experience but come back and do another hour of a shit show. It has struck a chord with me that I didn't know I had. I'm around 32-ish and I never thought I would find a game of that complexity that I would be even decent at. I considered myself good at Call of Duty and Gears of War or Halo but they just don't compare to the strategy and attention of the MOBA. I can also just walk away for ten minutes and get the itch. It's nuts. It's not my favorite game ever. But I NEVER thought I would be a DOTA2 player.

Honorably mention: Killer Instinct for Xbox One. This one actually caught me by surprise. I really didn't expect anything from this, and these are two modern games. But both had the same effect. I maybe thought Killer Instinct was a cool looking game on the SNES but definitely not fun to play. Somehow I'm three seasons in and I just strive to get as many achievements as possible and play the game for fun. This one I actually enjoy and I didn't think I would. I do love fighting games, especially Street Fighter. But Killer Instinct?! Who would have thought a Killer Instinct reboot would be good? Dude, I think it's the best fighting game you can buy today. It's perfectly balanced, which is insane considering the varied roster of characters that occupy very different spaces. The music and stages which are pretty rad. And the controls and move set for each character which are sensible and have depth but aren't un-approachable.

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#31  Edited By SethMode

@colonel_pockets: DOOM for me as well, only I went in with no knowledge of it. My girlfriend rented it from a Redbox randomly because when she picked a movie it offered a free game, and DOOM was all that was at the kiosk. I did know the negative buzz about the multiplayer and that was about it. The game absolutely blew me away. I played it to completion/100% over the better part of two days and was obsessed with it. I have since replayed it because I bought it immediately. It is currently my game of the year and I just never saw that coming, despite being a fan of the series overall.

And honorable mention for me would be Overwatch, as I don't really do competitive online all that much, but I gave it a shot over the free weekend and it sucked me in almost instantly.

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#32  Edited By Zippedbinders

Super Robot Taisen: OG Saga: Endless Frontier. I had heard about the SRW series and saw it was published by Atlus. What I found was a lot of boob jokes, a fun balance of embracing and breaking tropes, and the most fun combat system I've ever experienced in a JRPG. Its like if DMC had turn based combat. Its one my favorite games of all time now.

I'm so goddamn mad they didn't bring the sequel to the west.

Special mention to Condemed: Criminal Origins. I had tried Condemned 2, hated it, and never thought about C1. Fast forward to Matt n' Steve's Fear Gauntlet series, and I immediately went out and got a copy after watching the first episode. Aside from the end, its a great horror game.

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Overwatch. I bought it on a whim for PS4 because everyone was saying good things about it, so, since I had just been paid I thought "what the hell" and took the plunge. 80+ Hours across PS4 and PC later...

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Darkest Dungeon and Stardew Valley managed that.

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Classically, Fallout: New Vegas. Graphically, it's unimpressive, and the beginning is kind of slow, but underneath all of its flaws is probably the most thematically consistent modern RPG I've had the opportunity to play. The music, the clothes, the characters, the lore... they all come together to make something bigger than the sum of the individual parts. Kind of like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, a bit more derivative I suppose, but unsurprisingly, way the hell less buggy.

Right now it's RimWorld. I was going back and forth on whether or not to give it a shot because, on one hand, it's very replayable, but at the same time, if it's anything like Dwarf Fortress, I knew I was going to bounce hard. So I splurged, and, what do you know, playing god is as addictive as Luciferium. Just today, I had tell my last sane colonist to take out their former friends because they presented an existential threat to the colony, and because really, the colony was kind of sustained by cannibalism.

But I like to focus on the good times, like when my other colony was wiped out by a mad ibex during an unforeseen electrical fire.

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Red Orchestra. I bought it in one of the old Steam huge sale events at the same time as ArmA 2, and probably ignored it for months. I guess I wanted a realistic FPS thing but I got hooked on ArmA first (not a surprise, I already knew I liked that one). I think I only touched RO when I ragequit ArmA one night and noticed that my ISP had local RO servers and they were practically full - RO had been out for four years at this point, so it was a lucky coincidence I saw the weekly get-together for the locals who still enjoyed it. And then I loved that and played it instead, then moved to the Darkest Hour mod, and then things fell apart during the transition to RO2 and I stopped playing.

No, wait - Creeper World. Definitely minimal expectations, since it was just something in a bundle that I bought for other games. But I put in 100+ hours on it and the rest of the trilogy, and still replay them occasionally. Fun little casual game, practically built around turtling. It's not the only random bundle gem I found, but definitely the longest-lasting.

Also Space Station 13, which seemed really stupid and boring when I first learnt about it and later became the only game I don't dare to reinstall.

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Heroes of the storm. I only played it with my then roommate to do something social with him and then I eventually got hooked.

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Super Meat Boy grabbed me and wouldn't let go.

Now there's a sentence I never thought I would say in my lifetime.

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Overwatch... I had zero interest in the game before the beta. After I tried it, I preorder the game right there. One of my stronger candidates for GOTY.

Infamous... I am not a fan of many open world games, and I wasn't that interested into it. That changed once I got the demo. I ended up platinuming all the games in the franchise, with good and bad paths completed.

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@hermes said:

Overwatch... I had zero interest in the game before the beta. After I tried it, I preorder the game right there. One of my stronger candidates for GOTY.

Infamous... I am not a fan of many open world games, and I wasn't that interested into it. That changed once I got the demo. I ended up platinuming all the games in the franchise, with good and bad paths completed.

I had a similar adventure with Infamous Second Son. Generally I didn't really think much of the game and didn't get it at launch. Then they had that First Light standalone DLC on PS Plus and while that wasn't amazing I decided to get Second Son cause it was on sale. Man I ended up platinuming that game - my first ever Playstation platinum trophy. This is even more perplexing since I almost never play games twice, even ones I really love, but I did the light side, the dark side, played through on hard and collected everything.

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I bought Steins Gate is a PSN sale on a whim, which I never do. Didn't expect much from an anime visual novel. Then it took over. I could not stop thinking about it or playing it. I was moved to tears. So strange.

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#43  Edited By BisonHero

@rongalaxy said:

I wouldn't say I had 0 excitement for the Witness, but I never expected it to blow me away like it did. Probably my favorite game of all time.

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I had pretty low expectations for Hearthstone, and was initially like "Pfffft, this is like Baby's First Magic: The Gathering." Which is still true, but it turns out I have neither the money nor the friend group to keep up with Magic these days, so Hearthstone is a nice alternative that I've played several times a week since the beta. It's pretty fun, though it did honestly take quite a long time to build up a good card collection without spending money. It seems like it would be much harder to start playing the game now because the other players all have fairly large collections and there is a much larger backlog of cards/expansions for new players to obtain compared to when the game launched.

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Half-Life. I knew about the game from magazines and its long development, but I forgot about it and I didn't really know it was released till I held the box in my hand asking the guy of the video games stand (it was at the computer part of the Beverwijk Black Market (not as shady as it sounds)) if the game was any good. 'It's alright.' And the rest is history.

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#46  Edited By spankingaddict

The Witcher 3 . It took over my summer last year , and I wasn't planning on playing it until the gb crew sold me on it . Ironic . Also Rocket League

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#47  Edited By KyleRisu

World of Warcraft - Legion to be specific.

I have friends who have loved WoW for years, but for me it's never held my interest for longer than a handful of levels.

Over the last few years I had played other MMOs, most of which still didn't gain my interest; Final Fantasy XIV being the exception. I played through FFXIV from 1-50, and bought the Heavensward expansion, and finished all of the content. Now that there isn't much new content on FFXIV, and with the release of Legion, I decided to give WoW another try. Using the level 100 character boost you receive from buying Legion, I joined a friend's server.

I am incredibly surprised by how much I've enjoyed this expansion. Having relatively low knowledge of the Lore, and no interest in really learning any more of it, I'm happy that the game play alone has managed to continue to hold my interest. As an Enhancement Shaman, the DPS role isn't too much different from playing Dragoon in FFXIV, I got a handle of it pretty quickly. Now I'm really enjoying playing as a Healer in dungeons, and am considering making it my main role. Congrats Blizz, you made a video game that I've actually enjoyed (Not Counting Overwatch, because I actually really like that game.)

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#48  Edited By LeStephan

Grand turismo 6. Never expected to like it, now I play it almost every day and own a t150 wheel. The t150s ffb is pretty great but its not completely smooth and I'd like a bigger wheel size and whatever else the rs300 has that is better :p and maybe a shifter and better pedals and....money though.....DONT BUY A RACING WHEEL lol

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Defense Grid. I ended up buying it in a winter sale for peanuts and it ate up my whole winter break. Like, I beat it, got the gold medals, challenge modes... everything.

Mount and Blade. Same thing. Bought it in a winter sale and it ate up my whole winter break. It looked like hot garbage, but had a silly discount. I mean, you'd be losing money if you didn't buy it. But it got its hooks into me.

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Europa Universalis IV. Bought it as a joke and it's now one of my favorite games of all time.