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    Dead Rising 4

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Dec 06, 2016

    Frank West returns to Willamette during the Holiday season in the fourth installment of the Dead Rising series.

    Who else is getting this first day?

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    Poll Who else is getting this first day? (292 votes)

    Yep, I am. I can't wait! 12%
    No, but I think I'm going to get it at some point. 43%
    Not me, nor do I think I'll pick it up at a later date. 46%

    I'm personally really excited for it. What they're doing with the game speaks to me, the changes that they're making, and the things you're supposedly trying to do better at. Dead Rising's downside for me is the strict time limit, it is an otherwise great experience to me, because I love their settings, and feel the story and cutscenes are adequate enough to keep me interested in that respect. The time restriction has always gone against what I love about the games, and it's that reason three was my favorite of them so far, because it was so lax. Something four is taking away though, at least from what it looks like, is the psycho's personality (or in case of four, the maniac), which was always a highlight to me. They may not be the funnest bosses in the world, but they have an extreme personality that's a joy to watch to me.

    The thing that has me most excited is the new mall environment, and just how without the strict time, I'll get to explore it at my leisure, and see the story and all content through without worrying about starting the game over. What I've seen of character dialogue is actually really additive to the humor, though I can see some cringing at it and hating the characters for it. Dead Rising to me in terms of dialogue and story has been a mixture of seriousness, and not serious at all, and this seems to raise the bar. It's also awkward to say, but a good Christmas game that has zombies? Who else is excited for it? Do the changes to four turn you off, or do they excite you and bring you in?


    Off topic: I would make another one of these threads about The Last Guardian, which comes out the same day and I plan on getting as well, but I'll save it for here to talk about it a little bit, and perhaps for you guys to discuss as well (though not for use with the poll). I will just say that I'm somewhat excited for it, and hope it's good. I think Ico has a great art direction, and the minimal sound design is pretty good as well, but not for thinking it was archaic feeling, since I didn't, I still didn't enjoy it that much. On the other hand, Shadow of the Colossus, I loved that game, but I could only get through it once all the way through, and tried perhaps five times since its release to get through it again, but couldn't muster motivation to keep going, so I've only ever gotten half way through a few times. My least favorite part about that game was the final boss. I got the PS3 collection, which is where I first and finally played Ico, and yet I didn't get through Colossus again. I hope I enjoy The Last Guardian more than Ico at least.

    So, another off topic thing I wanted to say is that with the past several years of Christmas, being an adult and having a job has kind of made it so presents were no longer that big a thing, but this year, that kind of changed. I bought gifts for family, and it took nearly all my money unfortunately, with the included bonus of me buying myself a new sound system. I'm getting a new entertainment center as well, with speaker stands for the new sound system speakers, but I still have to find myself a nice love seat-like chair to finish the set up. It gets me excited, because I can't wait to play games, new and old with the new set up. Presents aren't everything, but by receiving and buying presents for people really feels like old time Christmas celebrating, with my soon to come new set up, with the added benefit of relaxing and just being happy to play good games in an ideal way (at least, ideal to me).

    Okay, happy holidays! Take care.

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    @undefined: I couldn't be more excited for this game and I have been a fan of the series since the beginning. The only change that bothers me is the removal of phsychopaths. While it's undoubtedly one of the things that made the series unique, I always hated the time limit. I hated escorting survivors back to safe houses, I thought the inventory system was too limited, even though it because less of a problem after you levelled up a few times and while I wouldn't have chosen it, regenerating health doesn't bother me.

    I don't really mind the change in voice actor either because I was never attached to Frank as a character and was quite surprised when a petition was started to get the original actor back. What I have seen of 4 looks excellent and it's the exact kind of Christmas game I want. I'm just happy we have a Dead Rising 4 to be honest.

    I hope you have a great Christmas buddy.

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    #2  Edited By alistercat

    I pre-ordered because the Dead Rising games are something I always buy without reservation (no pun intended, I just realised that I had, in fact, reserved it). I'm like you, and like the sound of the changes that they're making but if you take a look on the internet a lot of people are very unhappy. A christmas or winter themed game is a great setting though some of the christmas themed weapons are pre-order bonuses which is the worst. I'm getting a snow globe with my pre-order.

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    @alistercat: Yeah I have been looking at Reddit these past few days and everyone is so mad at this game!

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    @pompouspizza: I feel the same about all that. I would say the only thing I dislike about the voice change is just that it takes away some consistency, because he obviously sounds different, but it doesn't really bother me. Plus, it seems that the new voice actor is doing a fine job. I also hope you have a great Christmas.

    @alistercat: Yeah, I know people are unhappy. I can't tell them how to like a game or what have you, but I'd hope that those that are unhappy try to find some other good qualities about it. If it turns out to be a great game regardless, I don't think a change in a game should turn someone off. I know my opinion doesn't reflect others, but to me, the changes are not breaking of an experience. It makes me wonder what game in a series did this, and whether I am being a hypocrite, but I can't actually think of anything. I feel like not just the fact they are taking the strict time out, but also when they talk about what aspects they're trying to focus on more, that makes me happy. I know the story is goofy, but they did say they're trying to focus on that more, as well as the environments, and those alone makes me excited. I think it would be nice however if they did implement the strict time, just as a mode for those that want it. Maybe they will at some point. It probably doesn't make sense for the story though, I'm guessing. Have fun with your new snow globe, ha ha.

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    @ntm: It's difficult because I can see why someone might say that it's losing identity but personally those things weren't the things that I saw as Dead Rising. Which is fine. Some people are not OK with them changing it even though others are happy about the changes and that can't be resolved. We want different games, and they happen to be making one that appeals to me. What's best for capcom? I don't know. The bad word of mouth will probably hurt them but we will see what lessons they take from this game. I doubt it will sell that well.

    None of us can comment on the quality of this game yet, and as a general rule you shouldn't pre-order games so maybe I'll decide they've ruined it but that's unlikely.

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    #6  Edited By Genkkaku

    I was going to, but as I've watched a few videos lately I'm a little unsure, all the things I love about Dead Rising are the things they've slowly weened out, and this looks like to have none of those, I'm still gonna play it but I'm very captiously optimistic

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    @alistercat: At this point Dead Rising is a series I like enough that I will buy the games no questions asked until they give me a reason not to. Out of curiosity, what's your option on 3? I personally loved it and it was the game that made me get an X1 shortly after launch. I know a lot of the Dead Rising fan base doesn't like that game.

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    #8  Edited By The_Nubster

    @ntm: Last I heard, the time limit was paid DLC. Which is a giant, disrespectful fuck-you to fans of that aspect of the game.

    Dead Rising 3 wasn't even my cup of tea, the world was too big to get to know intimately and then time limit was there just to appease people rather than present any sort of challenge. The game was never about killing zombies for me, so everything they're saying about this sucks to me. Give me a reason to understand and learn my surroundings. Give me a reason to care about the NPCs. Give me hard choices to make. I don't want a sandbox, I want survival.

    The farther away they get from stress and true exploration (not just exploration for the sake of having a big open world), the less interested I am.

    Edit: words!

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    I enjoyed Dead Rising 3 a lot, but there are so many other games I need to play. This game is so far down the list that I probably will never get to it.

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    I just keep being surprised that it's coming out this week. Probably gonna pick it up at some point, but in no rush.

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    #11  Edited By Cameron

    I'm waiting for reviews. I liked Dead Rising 3 more than the previous games in the series, so moving further in that direction is a positive to me, but I'm waiting to see if it's a technical mess like so many games have been this year.

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    @the_nubster: For me it's always been about killing zombies. It was 10 years ago. I knew how I felt about it back then but playing DR1 again on PC confirmed my opinion that the cliche characters, social commentary and weird mechanics are not what I like in the game. Other people did, and that's fine, but there's nothing wrong with liking a zombie killing game either.

    @pompouspizza: I bought an Xbox 1 for DR3, and I played through it on PC as well. A lot of fun, but I didn't like the guy you play as or the layout of the city. Vehicles were an OK addition. I didn't like the grimy look of the game but it still looked good in general. The weapons locker kind of broke the game though and I hope they fix that a bit in this one. Having 7 maxed grim reapers at all times wasn't the most fun.

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    #13  Edited By Humanity

    I was not a fan of the first game or any of the others. Something about it just never grabbed me and this looks like a love letter to the fans more than anything else. So good for people that loved that original game I guess!

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    @humanity: From the sounds of it, it sounds more like the opposite of a love letter, at least 'where it counts'.

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    @ntm: Oh well I don't know the intricacies of the gameplay. From afar it looks like they took the original character and original location and then dialed it up to 11 which I thought would be something that fans would enjoy.

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    I wanted to but I won't be around an xbox or PC till later this month so I have to wait which should be for the best anyways because I'm not entirely sure if this game will be good or not.

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    Yup, pre-ordered. Getting the x-fists, and deluxe edition. It seems much faster, and just much more colorful. It has a weird curvy food court, and the whole thing seems nice and goofy. Smiling Frank, and his stupid voice is what sells it for me. I didn't like DR1 Frank, I was annoyed at characters hating on Chuck, and didn't like Nick's always scared face.

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    I'm down for a goofy season pass, sure. I think it'd be cool if they had like a Burning Man vibe of psychopaths in the parking lot, but that's like whatever, I guess.

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    #18  Edited By mems1224

    I can't wait to play but I'm still occupied with a lot of games right now. Almost done with watch Dogs, just started ffxv, have yet to start mafia, the witness, recore and Hyper light drifter. I'll probably ask my brother to get it for me for my birthday which is only 3 weeks away

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    Amazon mailed both to me on Friday. I tend to ignore game coverage for games I want to play. There aren't psychos in Dead Rising 4?

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    So, this is coming out for the PC same day as the Xbox but as of yet it's not even showing up on the Windows Store. Is there something I'm missing, or are they not even going to put it up on the store until release day?

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    #21  Edited By handlas
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    @handlas: That seems to be for Xbox because it asks me for an Xbox Live account when I try to pre-order.

    This shit is fucking confusing. Is there really no way to pre-order the digital PC version? I mean I probably shouldn't pre-order anyway?

    EDIT: Am I crazy or did Dead Rising 4 have a page up on Steam before? I can't find it anymore.

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    No chance in hell. It's barely Dead Rising and that is not Frank.

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    @hunkulese: Yeah, I guess not. I don't know how they're really presented in the final game, but they're called maniacs, and they seem to just be crazy, supposedly tough NPC enemies that you come across, rather than full fledged bosses that have a cutscene to them to show some personality. That disappoints me that we won't see personality to them other than perhaps dialogue as you fight, but I don't even know if this is true, it's just what it seemed like shown in the videos, and this is what some people are concerned about.

    @humanity: You have that correct, at least it seems, but they take out the big aspect of a strict time, and some fans love that aspect as it helped bring intensity and the feeling you need to survive in a zombie apocalypse. I think many fans feel that this is pandering too much to a crowd that wants an easier experience where they can just hack 'n slash through zombies (it's not why I'm more excited for it, but that's the reason I think).

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    #25  Edited By NTM

    @mems1224: Actually, I'm the same right now. I have to finish Dishonored 2 and Watch Dogs 2. I don't think I'll go back to Skyrim Special Edition or Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs until I play Dead Rising 4 and The Last Guardian. I'm going kind of slow with Dishonored 2 unfortunately, due to work and just Christmas stuff really. That all said, I think my brother will get me Dead Rising 4 and maybe The Last Guardian as a Christmas present, and that'd be great, but I plan on going through Dishonored 2 and Watch Dogs 2 first. I have a few days off, so I can get through these games.

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    @magmamud said:

    @handlas: That seems to be for Xbox because it asks me for an Xbox Live account when I try to pre-order.

    This shit is fucking confusing. Is there really no way to pre-order the digital PC version? I mean I probably shouldn't pre-order anyway?

    EDIT: Am I crazy or did Dead Rising 4 have a page up on Steam before? I can't find it anymore.

    Don't think a page popped up on Steam. I think it comes next month to Steam.

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    #27  Edited By Teddie

    Nah, I still haven't played any of the older games and they seem more appealing. This game looks like something I've already played before, whereas DR1-3 seem at least unique because of the time limit stuff.

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    #28  Edited By probablytuna

    I'm probably going to wait for the QL and also see if it has the same problem as Gears 4 on the Windows Store (something about really inconsistent downloads, having to restart a 70GB download when it reaches 90%).

    As for the game itself I'm looking forward to finally playing a Dead Rising gmae without the timer.

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    #29  Edited By NTM

    @teddie: I feel like that can be a complaint knocked against just about every game, the 'this looks like something I've already played before', so I can neither defend that with a response, but also what I think it really comes down to is that this just doesn't interest you. Honestly, I think it does the most for Dead Rising (whether that's good or bad) than it ever has. I should also say that three did have a time limit, but it was lax (though they did have a hard mode that wasn't like that), so you had more than enough time to do every single thing in the game, and explore every nook and cranny at the same time with relative leisure. I don't think unique really matters as much as just how fun and well designed it is. I am curious, and not that it bothers me, because it doesn't, I just wanted to know what was it about the past Dead Rising games that didn't interest you enough to play them?

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    #30  Edited By handlas

    @omgfather said:

    @magmamud said:

    @handlas: That seems to be for Xbox because it asks me for an Xbox Live account when I try to pre-order.

    This shit is fucking confusing. Is there really no way to pre-order the digital PC version? I mean I probably shouldn't pre-order anyway?

    EDIT: Am I crazy or did Dead Rising 4 have a page up on Steam before? I can't find it anymore.

    Don't think a page popped up on Steam. I think it comes next month to Steam.

    Also since it's a Windows 10 exclusive for now that's probably why it's asking for your Xbox Live stuff. That's my guess anyway. For Forza Horizon 3 and Gears of War 4 I basically had to buy the Xbox version which gave me the Windows 10 version. I'm not sure if that's the same with Dead Rising 4 though... it's not a 1st party title is it? Not one of those buy on Xbox and get on Windows 10; or is it?

    Either way I'll probably just get the Steam version. I hope your correct about it only being a month delay. I got enough games right now to hold me over till then anyhow. And wait and see if the PC version isn't trash.

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    #31  Edited By ATastySlurpee

    Not getting it first day. Too many games I've purchased day one in the last 2 months that I either haven't finished or haven't started

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    @probablytuna: Wow that sucks! I remember download Halo MCC on X1 which is huge and the download would restart if the download was paused.

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    Never pre-order. It is stupid to do that on so many levels, that it is mind-boggling to think that people actually do that. But I guess a fool and his money are soon parted.

    That said, this really is not a Dead Rising game. They literally have taken everything that made Dead Rising actually good and replaced those things with stuff that other games do better. Seeing the developer interviews really hammer the point how they misunderstand what DR fans liked about the original game(s).

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    @ntm: strangely enough the time stuff is exactly what made me bounce off the original so hard. That and the save system. I don't like games that don't respect my time - doing a bunch of stuff only to not reach a checkpoint and having absolutely nothing to show for 2 hrs of my life is something I am absolutely against - especially now as I get older and my free time in the evenings continues to dwindle. It's the man reason why I dislike rogue-like run based games.

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    Depends if the pc version isn't garbage like Dr3 where it was 30 fps lock and tied to the physics.

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    Reviews are starting to come out and it looks like more of DR3 which is a great thing for me. The biggest bummer I've seen is that there is no co-op campaign anymore. The multiplayer is a 2nd arcadey mode. I really loved co-op in DR 2 and 3 so it sucks that its not there this time around. Other than that though it looks like a solid, fun game.

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    @mems1224: "More of DR3" seems like a great way to sum up the reception to this game so far, which is also a great thing for me. I have never been interested in co-op anything so it doesn't bother me but it sucks that it's not there for the people that want it.

    I do wish the game had difficulty levels though.

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    @charlie_victor_bravo: Maybe you can help me understand something? I have never understood people's hatred of preordering games. Here in the U.K. at least, if you preorder a game you are not charged for it until it's despatched and you can cancel at any point before then. Does it not work like that everywhere?

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    @pompouspizza: Think about it this way, if preorder had no benefit for the companies, why would they push them? Sure this is to sell more games but why does it work?

    You don't only put money into the preorder, you internally commit into buying the game. You make a bet and you want to be sure that you made right one - you don't want to seem stupid, do you? This makes you even more biased if or when you have an option to cancel your order. So, if people preorder, they are more likely to get the game even if reviews would be worse then people assumed when preordering. (There are other factor like "Eh, maybe it is not as good as I thought but since I already...")

    OK, so it is your money, but where is the harm to rest of us? Pre-order numbers are indicators that will change the behavior of the publishers. They are more willing to put the effort and money into the marketing then into a good end product. You don't even have to publish a working game if most of your customers already have bet their money and some of their ego on it. This is why preordering is not only bad for you, but for the rest of us.

    So, it does not matter how it is done in place X, because it still works as intended. Because of people who preorder, we all get worse game, worse launches and more cut (for preorder bonuses) content. I could go on about minor sides effects and reasons, like data gathering and so on but I'll save my marketing theory ramblings for my thesis.

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    #40  Edited By DharmaBum

    I wouldn't mind seeing the Quick Look but the series has been kinda dead to me for a while.

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    @charlie_victor_bravo: Yep, I've never personally pre-ordered a game. If it's something that looks good, I'd rather just go and get it first day; most of the time, they have it still, so there's no need to worry about copies running out. Furthermore, total opposite for me, because I'm a fan of Dead Rising, and yet everything they say (minus the maniac aspect) speaks directly to me.

    @humanity: Yeah, I feel the same way. I'm not opposed to a challenge in games, but the way Dead Rising implements it doesn't appeal to me.

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    #42  Edited By NTM

    Oh, I'm just now seeing reviews for both Dead Rising 4 and The Last Guardian, it seems kind of mixed (as in, some think both are just fair to superb). I visit GiantBomb, GameSpot, IGN, Kind Funny Games, GameInformer, and God is a Geek. Through those, it's not consistent in their reception for either game. I'm excited.

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    @charlie_victor_bravo: Thanks for giving such a detailed and thought out answer. I personally only preorder games I know that I'm going to want to play as soon as they're available. I tend to look at prerelease coverage of a game and decide based on that whether or not it looks like something I'd enjoy. I never actually use reviews to inform my purchasing decisions.

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    I am grabbing it, I have enjoyed the Dead Rising games up to this point so I am going to give this one a shot. I am not happy with the removal of the timelimit and a few other design choices they are carrying over from 3 that just made that game too easy, but another chance to charge around in a sandbox with all the madness is still worth the cost for me.

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    Can anyone buy it for PC? I can't find it anywhere. This is not a play anywhere title so buying it digitally for Xbox won't unlock it on PC. It's not on the windows store and Amazon don't have any for sale.

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    @alistercat: Nope, I've tried looking but haven't found any way. I found some older news articles from Microsoft where it said they would update when PC preorder was available, but it seems like that never happened.

    Whatever I'll just wait until it's out proper. Does anyone know at exactly what time the game releases?

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    @magmamud: I'm not worried that I can't pre-order it, but there's not even a listing. Googling it doesn't list a single place where I can buy it for PC which is worrying.

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    @alistercat: Yeah it's strange. I mean I would hope that it pops up on the Windows Store as soon as the game is officially out. It better, otherwise I won't worry about dealing with this Windows 10 exclusive shit in the future if it's going to be so difficult to purchase a PC game from Microsoft.

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    @magmamud: In my googling I saw a statement that Windows 10 exclusivity is 90 days and Xbox One is 1 year so it may appear on Steam in 3 months, just like Tomb Raider.

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    no Co-op single player and.. who knows what's up with the PC... I think i'll skip this one

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