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Average score of 117 user reviews

I loved the idea of this game 0

I really enjoyed when I first played games like Final Fight and TMNT, and then when I saw that there was a 2D side-scrolling beat'em up game with a medieval setting, made me really pumped to try it. I had a really nice time with it, it had different characters to choose between and some cool enemies design, despite lots of repetition, what was a common thing at the time....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A clever multiplayer game 0

Warlords is the first game I remember playing with a 4 player multiplayer, it was a great way to have fun with other people, despite being a simple design. It wasn't anything close to bad at the time, I had lots of fun.The game since has come out in various versions, I hope younger people have a chance to check it out....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A very enjoyable game 0

Duck Hunt impressed me alot when I first saw, the fact that you could use a gun shaped controller to point to the screen and pretend like you were shooting in the game. That was awesome! But the game itself was very simple, it was really fun to play for short periods of time. And Duck Hunt has a unique look to it, everybody remembers the look of the game, with the dog that laughed at you. Really decent for the time...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The first game our plumber got 0

Mario showed up for the first time on Donkey Kong, but the first game he got for himself, the first Mario Bros, was this one. It was well designed for its time, having some nice and challenging gameplay. With a nice pace increasing the difficulty with very cool changes from level to level. It's a classic with the most recognazible character in video games history....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Simple fun to be had 0

Excitebike is a really simple designed game that always made me smile while playing it, and some times having some laughs at the crazy crashes your biker can have. I had a hard time being completely serious throughout the game, and not trying some stupid stuff that ended up making me fall. I still have it on a handheld device till this day and some times just give it a go. Still awesome....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A challenge in its own genre 0

Punch Out is a game like no other, you can't really say it's a fighting game. You might say it's a sports game, for being a boxing game, but what it really feels is like a puzzle game. A game that you have to find the combination of movements necessary for you to win the fight, being very patient, as well as having some good reflexes for when you don't know exactly what's is coming next. I've never managed to beat this game, but I sure had alot of fun, especially watching friends play it and get...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Good take on the genre 0

R-Type is one of the best of it's genre, being a 2D side-scrolling shoot'em up, and I had it for my Gameboy, on a cartridge that came with a collection of 20ish games in one package. It was one of the games that I played the most on the system, it was really well designed, with good controls. People who like the genre really should give it a try, is one of the best ones out there....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Really tight and ahead of its time 0

UN Squadron is one of the best 2D side-scrolling shoot'em ups ever made, and it was made so long ago. The game felt so pretty when it first came out, as well as having amazing controls and a really good balance overall. You can select from a few different characters and buy different fighters (planes) as you progress throughout the campaing. A really clever game that might be the best of it's genre. A underrated classic....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Almost there.. 0

Maybe the first game I've played in an arcade, this was awesome and really fun at the time, but it became really hard in some parts. At least it gave the blueprint to what was to come in the series, and probably what would be the best game in the genre. A arcade classic that made me love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the years to come....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A good start for something to come 0

Final Fight was my first game on the side-scrolling beat'em up genre, and made me realize that I could really enjoy some more games like that. It had some characters that stuck around for a long time and made spend lots of hours trying to finish and I'm not sure I was ever able to do. But I really enjoyed it, and I'm glad I saw it, that was the first step for me to try other games like this, having a sense that the genre was perfected a few years later....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Very good for its limitations 0

Volleyball isn't a sport that we see alot of games try to make it. And for a simple device as the Gameboy, you could think this would be a disaster. But that wasn't the case, Malibu Beach Volleyball really gave me alot a fun on my GBC when I played it, had simple controls and fair gameplay against the AI. Very easy to pickup, but hard to become great at it. I have to give props to this game to come out when it did, and be a good one....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Another rocky try on another awesome series 0

Just like Zelda 2 and Super Mario Bros 2, Final Fantasy 2 was a very different take on the series compared to its predecessor. I really enjoyed the game, unlike the 2s on the other two franchises I mentioned before, but FF2 took a strange road. They went for a training system, meaning that, you upgrade the level of something the more you use it. To improve your magic, use that magic. To improve your normal attack, keep using. But to improve your health/defense, you have to get hit and don't heal...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

My least favorite of this amazing series 0

Super Mario Bros 2, in the west, isn't really SMB2, it was a re-skin of Doki Doki Panic, a japanese game. Nintendo thought that the true SMB2, that after came to the west as Super Mario Bros Lost Levels, was too hard for the public outside of Japan, givinng us this different take on the series. When I first launched the game I was so hyped that you could choose between 4 characters from the Mario Universe, those been: Mario himself, Luigi, Toad and Peach.But as soon as I started playing and goin...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The rocky start of an amazing franchise 0

Mega Man went on to become one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, but it wasn't all fine and dandy when it first came out. The first game in the series didn't allow you to save your progress or pick up any type of password. You had to beat the game in just one sittin, and the game was really hard.The idea was set, an action-platformer where you have challenging levels and shoot blasts from your arm. With other robots as bosses, who after you defeat them you get their power, and ea...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

My introduction to the industry 0

Battle City is the first game I remember playing, when I had just turned 3 years old, on the NES that we had in my home. You play as a tank, and have to defend a point like your King on chest, with lots of walls on the map, that can be destroyed. I remember being so challenged by this game, obviously for being so young. But I had so much fun trying to succeed over and over again. And of course, I have to be thankful for the game grabbing me, making me want to play video games for the rest of my ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A nice twist for racing games 0

Super Off-Road was maybe the first game that had me laughing out loud playing a video game, because it was so funny to see those small cars from that point of view going crazy through the track, jumping and bumping everywhere.No game was like it at the time, and I had so much fun playing and becoming better on a game that can be really challenging to control. One of my favorites of that time....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The start of the best action-adventure franchise 0

The Legend of Zelda created the blueprint to how you should make a adventure game, filled by action and puzzles. With a great balance of discovery and having an idea of what to do next. Clever boss and dungeon designs, some nice secrets to improve your character as well as your adventure. With a well tough-out map for you to traverse through it and find new stuff every time, going back and forth.One of the biggest marks in video game history, being a classic that will be remembered forever as o...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A awesome soundtrack in a good game 0

The game that upgraded some parts of the first Mega Man, most considerably having a way for you to keep your progress. The soundtrack was absolutely amazing for it's time, took the world by storm. But I was still not that big on the gameplay, some dips on the frames and some almost unfair difficult sections, making the controls not look that awesome, being on the same year as Super Mario Bros 3....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The end that was actually a start. 0

Final Fantasy came out with the intuition that it would be the last attempt for Square on making an impact in the gaming industry. That's why they called it FINAL Fantasy. But at the end of the day, the game was more successful that even Square could imagine, saving their company and giving it a great start for a franchise that would long live throughout the years of video game history.The game came after the first couple of Dragon Quest games, but it was the one that finally hit outside of Japa...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The most played game ever made 0

Tetris is a game that doesn't even need any explanation, might be the one game everybody in the world has already seen it. What some people might not know is the size of the game, how big it was, and the fact that you could play in basically any system you could have at the time, and still can, even today.For most people it was the number one game to play in a Gameboy. It's one of the classics that will never guy, by it's simplicity....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The example of expanding on a already successful formula 0

The third game on the Super Mario series is one of the best examples in gaming history of how to take a game that is already great and make some upgrades to it's sequel, making it still fresh, challenging and fun. The large number of outfits, giving it a very unique change of pace to the game, with so many variables on the gameplay was stunning when it first came out.The game also expanded on the number of secrets you could find throughout the levels, being warps or bonus-zones, giving you some...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A surprise for Pac-Man himself 0

Not even Mr. Pac-Man would imagine that the best and most well talked about game in his franchise would be the game that stars his loved one: Ms. Pac-Man. A nice upgrade on the tight responses to the controls, with some cool level layouts and nicely progressive increase in the difficulty, without being slow to give you a challenge, but also not being unfair. The traditional design of Pac-Man at his highest level, that's what this game is all about. A true mark in gaming history, give it a shot....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The game that started the biggest success in gaming 0

Super Mario Bros upgraded the gameplay of the original Mario Bros to a level nobody could imagine at the time. The game started having some diverse and clever level design each time you progressed throughout the game. The tight controls for it's time was very impressive, as well as having so many secrets hidden in the levels, starting the warps that became very famous in the franchise, and giving the first mainstream look at people trying hard to speedrun the game with that component of the gam...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A well made combination of genres 0

ActRaiser is a game that puts together a 2D action-platformer with some RPG elements, and between each level, it makes you play a city builder game to improve your civilization. It was amazing at the time the fact that they even have that idea, let along make it work.The game has some great art-style, good controls for its time and its considered, by many, a classic....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

One of the pillars of the Point-and-Click Adventure genre 0

The game has one of the best humors I've ever seen in a video game, lots of good jokes with good dialogue between the characters. This is probably the older game that I can think of that made the writting caught my attention. I'm in the minority that likes the second one better, but this is a nice introduction to a pretty nice story. The reason it doesn't get a 5/5 from me is the slow start, specially with the fights to learn the trash talks, it was not a good pace for an first impression in my ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A good variation on the Tetris gameplay 0

Dr. Mario was basically a different take on Tetris, having the plumber as the main theme and main selling point for the game. But overall it was a pretty cleaver and cool game, having a nice pace on the difficulty, changing from level to level. Still a good game to play in some small chunks on your handheld to this day....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A decent start on the genre 0

The first soccer game I've ever played and one of the first ones ever made. It was hard to make a decent one because of the limitation on the number of buttons. Making only possible to pass or shoot. But at the time it was a decent game to fill the gap untill some really nice soccer games started to come out....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Not a worthy sequel 0

I was disappointed when I first played this game, after the first two being so good. And it felt even worst when I tried again a few months ago wondering if it was really that worst then his predecessors or I just didn't remember it quite right. Yep, it's not worth it. And everybody says the NES version is the best of the bunch (That's the one I played)....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The Highest level of a 2D platformer 0

Probably the most known game of all time, every single person on earth during the 90s at least tried or saw someone trying this game. It was something unreal, took the world by storm. The tight controls are something that makes the game good till this day, what is unbelievable for a game that came out almost 30 years ago.The game introduced Yoshi to the series, some new power-ups and a beautiful overworld for the level select, with lost of variety and detail, truly impressive for it's time. Cons...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A perfect mesh between a Souls game and a Metroidvania 0

This game has no shame in making it look clear that it is a tribute to Dark Souls, as much as it's to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. A mixture between this two games, in 2D, making almost as well as it was possible to be made. The game has the best pace of any souls game in my opinion, making you feel the difference after upgrading your character and your equipments each time, what I don't think it's very good in other souls games that I played.The art style and the atmosphere created by th...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A good and underappreciated open-world game 0

Mafia 3 has one of the strongest starts I can remember in a video game. Has an absolutely 10/10 character performance and style of story telling, via a documentary-like ongoing interview with the characters from the game, remembering what happened with Lincoln. The characters are deep and feel meaningful, with a real impact on the story. Having some well written dialogue. The world feels very accurate and well done, creating a very good impression on how it must've felt during that time, special...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Could've been more, for Dragon Ball fans at least. 0

The game has remarkable visuals, it's amazing to think that they could make just as the anime, the character movement and attacks are incredible to watch. The gameplay, as a fighting game, is fantastic as well, not perfect for everyone, but with a decent "easy to play hard to master" that I love in video games. But that's it!The story mode is horrible, you just keep fighting the same fights a bunch of times. The game has some decent cutscenes but they happen once every 6-10 fights against meani...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

One of the best JRPGs ever made by men 0

Final Fantasy 6 has the most number of playable characters in the series, with each one having a meaningful backstory, plus, the game doesn't really have a main protagonist. That was something that the developers wanted, making most of the characters equal to the importance of the party and having an emotional attachment with the player, and they succeeded.The game also has a diverse soundtrack that is considered a masterpiece, with a sensational contribution for a sense of atmosphere, making a ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

One of the best universes in gaming 0

I played so much hours of this! And when I started to link the whole warcraft universe histories, was fantastic! When most of my friends loved to play Age of Empires 2, Age of Mithology and Starcraft. Warcraft 3 and Red Alert were my loved ones, I loved the map creator feature, making your own adventure, falling in love with Thrall and Jaina.The best part about it, was in the Summer, going to our summer vacation beach house, and joining the LAN houses where Warcraft 3 was the dominant game, maki...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The Highest Level of An Open-World RPG 0

A game everyone who played was talking so greatly about and took me around a year and a half after release to finally play it. It was sensational. The story is so dense and with so much content on every part of the world. Everybody having a unique personality, it's kind of scary to think of how much work CD Projekt managed to put on the NPC's. The only thing I dislike about the game when I was playing it, especially comparing it to Witcher 2, was the combat, becoming easy and happening too many ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A Masterpiece 0

The idea of making Chrono Trigger started by a collaboration between three Japanese "giants" in the industry: Hironobu Sakaguchi (creator of Final Fantasy), Yuji Hori (creator of Dragon Quest) and Akira Toriyama (creator of Dragon Ball) had an event to attend in the US and they traveled together, where they shared the idea of making a game together. Just by this history, you must have a vision of how great this game could be, and they nailed it!I didn't own the game on my SNES, I eventually got ...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

My Favorite Game of All Time 0

The last game in the series that was heavily influenced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, truly the FINAL fantasy written by the original creator. Going back to a fantasy setting.The game that came with my PS1, the first 3D RPG I've ever played. Probably the best characters I've ever seen in a video game, besides, after playing other games from the series, I was even more impressive how this one put a lot of memories together as well as great new things.The first couple of times I played, didn't manage to ...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.