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Average score of 117 user reviews

An underappreciated game 0

Titanfall 2 is a really special game. How the devs implemented the movement of your character on the level design was so smart and well done. It felt great to jump, slide and wall run while you were shooting at bad guys. How much character they gave to B.T. was a great surprise as well, I really enjoyed all the dialogue between the pilot and his titan.The story has some amazing moments that make the game feel on the higher tier of the first person shooters we have. Never feeling repetitive with ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The best place Spider-Man was ever in 0

Marvel's Spider-Man, developed by Insomniac, had a very big buzz to it before it came out, and everybody who had played it previously liked alot. My expectations were high, and still I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. It's amazing, very well put together. Spider-Man is one of my favorite superheroes, being such a relatable character. This game makes it even better with the presentation of the chracters, if feels so real, especially the dialogues between Peter and MJ, or Peter and ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A new take on a Indiana Jones type of adventure 0

The first Uncharted is mostly recognized as the weakest of the series, and I can see why. I really don't like how the game starts, you go from opening a casket to just being a serial killer soon after, and Elena has no idea what type of person you are, but it looks like you can kill any group of man that the game throws at you. That's my main criticism with the game, it's just too much meaningless shooting. You just keep killing waves of enemies that don't even make sense, they could easily redu...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A new Kratos 0

The new God of War for PS4 don't just changes de formula but it puts itself on a higher level then anybody could expect it. The visuals in this game are just amazing, very polished graphics and maybe the best use of light I've seen in a game, with the prettiest metal you can imagine. Any source of energy it's also well designed, the enemies despite not having enough variety are really well made also.The main change this game goes for, compared to the rest of the series, is its pace. The combat i...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

A great new idea from Microsoft 0

Gears of War took the world by storm at the time it came out. The graphics looked so amazing and being a new ip was really impressive. But I didn't enjoy as much as most people, I still think it was amazing, but it could be ever better.It had some fps dips at a few parts of the game, the story could be a little bit deeper from the jump. The gameplay doesn't make you change your strategy very much and sometimes it feels a bit random, you can get instantly killed by an attack and later survive to ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Rockstar did it again 0

Red Dead Redemption creates a very believable world, where you take the place of John Marston, a former gang member who had a tough childhood and went one to make some bad decisions. He needs to cooperate with the government to make sure he clears his name and protect his family.The gameplay is basically Grand Theft Auto in a old western america, and I love me some GTA. But RDR has become my favorite Rockstar game, it has a unique setting and story, that most other open world games don't have.Yo...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A Bioware masterpiece 0

Mass Effect 2 feels like a very personal game, it makes you care about your crew members by having amazing dialogue options and writing, with so really great voice acting for a video game at its time.You start right after the end of the first game, and some things go wrong, making Sherpard go into a coma for 2 years. When he wakes up, he discovers that the people who saved him are from Cerberus, which is a independent company who were kind of one of the bad guys in the first game. But they have ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The first 3D Action-Adventure masterpiece 0

Ocarina of Time was the new benchmark for action-adventure games at the time, it created a new standart that it was impossible to think any game would do it again.When the game started I wasn't so sure of how good it would be, the games strenght was in its dungeons, having some real cool puzzles and sense of discovery.But then, the master sword + time sequence happen (I won't spoil) and the game completely blew me away. It changed even the gameplay, but most amazingly, the new setting, giving a ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The best 2D Action-JRPG 0

I loved Secret of Mana already, as it was. And this game improved alot on it, with a better pace for the combat, character customization, giving you the ability to distribute your skill points as you wish, on whatever you want to focus.But the main thing about this game is the fact that at the beginning of the game, you have a choice between 6 characters, and you have to pick 3 of them, one main character and two side-kicks. And each character has its origin, its hometown, its motivations. Telli...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

One of the most influential games of all time 0

I'm just amazed by this game, how could they make a style of open world game in 1996? It's incredible, the evolutions in the graphic department and with the controls, having the analog stick on the N64, was great.Most of the time, the 3D games from that era don't hold up, but that doesn't happen with this one. You can play this game today and see how great it is, so just imagine how great it was at the time. I only played a couple of hours at the time it came out, but recently went back to beat ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A perfect take on the genre 0

Hollow Knight is the true modern metroidvania game, it's fresh, with really tight controls and it gives that atmospheric sense just like Super Metroid at its time. It's not hard to get lost in this dark world, full of intriguing bugs and curious places. The game is so rich in content and unexplored lore, the deeper I went into Hollow Knight, the more I was surprised at just how much content and freedom it has to offer.The main hook of the game is the traditional way of the genre: New movement ab...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Keeping up the Pokémon greatness 0

The games in the 3rd generation of Pokémon had a couple of new things compared to it's predecessor. But most of it, it was still a traditional Pokémon trainer journey.You choose to play as either a boy or a girl, name your character, and then set out on a lengthy adventure as you attempt to become the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world. Along the way, you'll visit a number of different towns, compete against their top Pokémon trainers, talk to a bunch of different...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Infinite amount of charm and style 0

Cuphead was a game that caught everybodys attention when was first show just for a few seconds on E3. All that we heard was "what was that? we want to see more of that!" and the game went rogue for a couple of years.It was clear that it had a unique art style, a 1930s-ish cartoon, hand drawn, give me that. It's funny to look back and think: how did nobody else tought of that? huh!When the game finally came out, it did not disapoint one bit, it is amazing. The combination of art-style and soundtr...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Almost a perfect Monster Hunter game 0

Monster Hunter World was the first game in the series that I played for a huge amount. I tried the PS2 and the PSP games but only for a couple of hours.The game has a loop that the name implies, you hunt monsters, you go into the wilds, look for clues on where the monster will be, go find it and hunt it, killing or capturing it.You have tons of options for weapons and armor, that you'll craft throughout the game with the resources you find all over the map or that you get from the bodies of the...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

How could we see that coming? 0

Shadow of Mordor was one of the biggest surprises in video game history. An action hack 'n slash game with the Lord of the Rings lincese, telling a side story, getting huge amounts of praise from the industry? What!?Everybody expect this type of game to be full of gimmicks and have a bad story to tell. Sure, Shadow of Mordor has that, a story that doesn't grab you and some fan services that makes no sense and don't add anything for the game.But even so, the game is amazing, the combat is so resp...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

How to mesh genres with perfection 0

Dead Cells is the perfect combination of genres, it makes you experience the thrill of discovery of games like Super Metroid and also the learning process of a roguelike, making you go through levels, learn the mechanics, probably die on the first couple of tries and comeback each time more prepared.The game has just the right amount of enemie variety, not giving you hundreds of different pattern to learn but also not being that repetitive from level to level. It strikes a perfect balance of enc...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

The first 5 star in the JRPG genre 0

Final Fantasy 4 was the first in the series to combine a great gameplay with a great story, the first 3 lacked one of the two, you can call the first of the great ones.The character design and personality was revolutionary in a RPG at the time. The character driven plot making a dramatic narrative, going for things like search for morality, makes alot of fans of the series consider the 4th game to be the best in the series, and I respect that, it's hard to speak against it.This game also introdu...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

One of the highest marks in gaming history 0

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is considered by many, as the greatest game of all time. Even if you ask people that don't necessarily agree, most of them can understand why. The game is what you can call a perfect sequel, picks up what the first game did great and upgrade it in every level. Better graphics, better soundtrack, more fluid gameplay, more secrets, more upgrades, more diversity and places to explore.It starts in your house, with your character (Link) sleeping in his bed, whi...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The best of its genre 0

TMNT: Turtles in Time is, in my opinion, a definition of how to perfect a genre. It's so fun, so balanced and with so much personality. The game looks amazing for its era, the soundtrack is one of the best of the SNES games.The game is a side-scrolling beat'em up, one of the best couch co-op games you can play. You can choose from all four Turtles, each one having their traditional weapons and fight style. The level design was really cool, making you travel through different eras of time. Plus h...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A crazy game for its time 0

Road Rash was a really fun game, for me as a kid was incredible to see a guys racing on bikes in absurdly high speeds while punching and kicking each other, even using weapons some times. I had so many laughs playing it, and it was one of the first games I've ever done everything that was possible on a "playthrough". It had a really nice system, you could buy better bikes and the game became even faster, but also harder, as in most racing games.It's even hard to call Road Rash a proper racing ga...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The best of the not so popular games for the SNES 0

1991 was a incredible year for side-scrolling beat'em up (or hack n slash) games. My three favorite games of all time from the genre, came out in that year. Two of them, are hidden gems that most people probably never played. And one of them is The King of Dragons, in my opinion, the second best game of all time in it's genre after Turtles in Time. It has a medieval setting, that gives you five different characters from you to choose from: Dwarf, Elf, Cleric, Fighter and Wizard.The game has a re...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A sensational hidden gem for the SNES 0

1991 was a incredible year for side-scrolling beat'em up (or hack n slash) games. My three favorite games of all time from the genre, came out in that year. Two of them, are hidden gems that most people probably never played. And one of them is Knights of the Round. The game gives you three characters: Arthur, Lancelot and Percival, in a medieval setting, you just go right and kill lots of enemies with your sword or axe. It had a really nice way of upgrading your armor/weapon each time you hit a...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The start of a big rivalry in video games 0

After SEGA saw the amount of success Nintendo was having just by the fact that they created a character in a game series, that became a mascot and the face of the platformer genre, they only have one way to go and that was making a mascot of their own to compete on the market. They came up with the blue hedgehog wearing his red shoes and running as fast as a camera could possibly follow him (sometimes even breaking the game and going past it). Sonic the Hedgehog, at the time, had some really goo...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A good game that aged horribly 0

It was really impressive at the time to see Street Fighter 2, the character movement and variety was really good. Took full advantage of the 16-bit console, despite being really early at the console life cycle. But the controls were just not that good, and with time they became horrible. The game had 8 character for you to select from, plus the 4 (Balrog, Vega, Sagat and Bison) that were controled just by the CPU. The gameplay loop was the Arcade Mode that every fighting game have....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A really weird game that I enjoyed alot 0

In this game you run down a road, with the camera behind you, and you have to catch birds and avoid the other things like a bus, a car, a river, etc...The levels kept changing each time but the gameplay was always the same, I didn't mind as much the design. It was a great quick time killer, with some really cool graphics for it's time. The late game can be a bit boring but I played a whole lot of it....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The first great Castlevania game 0

I've never felt the love for the NES games of the franchise like a lot of fans did. Super Castlevania IV was the first one to caught my eye, making it some very interesting changes to the look and gameplay. The better graphics to the platforms and the ability to swing your whip was a very important upgrade to the fluidity of the game. Really diverse and engaging level design was the biggest strenght of the game, you could see how Konami took advantage of the 16-bit system.I'm not the biggest Cas...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A downgrade after the previous Mega Man games 0

The main concept that Mega Man 4 had was to introduce us to the chraged Mega Buster. What was a great idea and later would become one of my main positives for a Mega Man game, but in their first try it made the game slow, and took too long for you to charge it. After Capcom perfecting the formula with Mega Man 3, in my opinion. And Mega Man 2 being a big step up from the original, and having amazing presentation/soundtrack. You cannot feel anything other then a bit disappointed in the 4th game o...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A late but decent game for the NES 0

I never played the first two Ninja Gaiden games, all that I herd was that they were very difficult but good. And I can say that this is how I would describe Ninja Gaiden III. I really enjoyed the game and it's style but it was really hard. The game is still a solid and impressive action game from the NES era, but it's also a game that missed out on capitalizing on its early potential. As a result, this game that could have been one of the best of its genre, and just it's another one of those act...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

What to expect from a sequel 0

Alot of people consider the first Monkey Island game to be better, because it was original. It's usually hard for a sequel to succeed, because it has to improve without losing what made the original good. And I think LeChuck's Revenge did that, it's a better game, in my opinion. The humor is as good if not better, and it doesn't have the slow start that the first game had. Obviously it's not the start of the journey, so that helps, but still I give it much props for that.The gameplay is the same...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Lots of style, lots of fun 0

Sunset Riders is a really weird shoot'em up. It has lots of style and A WHOLE LOT of colors to it. It was so funny to see it for the first time, a cowboy wearing some pink blanket and a pink hat? Another one wearing a combination of yellow and pink clothes? The shots you fire being green, pink and other really stand out colors and you riding some really colorfull horses. It was just so weird, in a good way. It felt fresh and creative. The pixel perfect twitchy reflex based gameplay could've been...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A unique and fun game 0

It was kind of easy for this game to stand out amongst a very popular and competitive genre at the time, by having a very unique license to it, who in the world doesn't know The Simpsons? And then you put then on the street to brawl and beat some bad guys up, with very funny animations and clever weapons to pick up. Just a amazing idea that grabbed so many people when they were walking by a arcade machine and saw the familiar characters.A very fun game, and one of the first ones I've ever played...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A decent game in its genre 0

Street of Rage is the basic setting of what you can think when someone says side-scrolling beat'em up. Some fighters walking right and beating up bad guys. So whats that mean? It's really fun, really good especially if you have a friend to play couch co-op with. But this game biggest problem is the year it came out, it was on the same year as so many good side-scrolling action games. Beat'em ups that would become the best at their genre....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A following to a nice idea 0

Total Carnage was great at keeping alive what Super Smash TV started, a crazy idea for reality, to become a very fun twin stick shooter, with bullet hell and some crazy animations. A setting that makes you laugh for how out of this world it is compared to reality, a very good couch co-op game that has hours and hours of fun for you to have with a friend, if you enjoy this types of game. Very deserving of being a successor to Smash TV....

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A very simple and fun game 0

Paperboy 2 is one of those games that you don't really expect too much of it, because of the simple idea. But it has you laughing and having a good time, at least for short bursts of time. It was also a game that people who don't usually play video games liked it, or at least watch it someone play. For being a normal day to day job with some crazy twists....

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A very hard game 0

Shuper Ghouls 'N Ghosts is a mixture of run and gun shooter with platformer. Set in a medieval-like setting that you are a Knight with an armor and spears to throw. If you take a hit, your armor breaks, then you get hit again and you die. Not much to be done with that.Unlike most peole, I've never felt like the difficulty in this game was that fair, I hate when games make you suffer a cheap death so that you can see what can happen and on the next time you get there, you'll be ready. Ghouls 'N G...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A different take in a tough genre 0

Tiny Toon Adventures had two things going against it from the jump. The game as a platformer, where we were in the beginning years in one of the biggest rivalries in video games, Mario vs Sonic. Games like Super Mario World and Mega Man 3 had just came out a year earlier. And this one hit the market on the same year as Sonic the Hedgehog, it was a tough going to stand out amongst all the competition.The second thing was that was a licensed game, with a theme that would throw off alot of people, ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The peak of original Mega Man 0

Mega Man 3, for me was the best game in the original series. They introduced the dash/slide, giving some clever level designed to be added in the game. The good soundtrack was kept, almost as good as the one from the 2nd game and the bosses, as well as levels received some great improvements on their design. The formula was kept, having you choose which level to go, stealing weapons for the bosses and using them to kill another bosses as a weakness. Making you face all of them in the end again.W...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The best twin stick shooter 0

Smash TV was a chaotic game with a really funny idea and well deisnged style. It was good enough to be port to basically every system that existed at the time and was for sure one of the highest levels of fun to be had in a game like this, still is. A TV show where you put a couple of guys in a room and unleash waves of enemies on them, making them have to survive at any cost, is a really crazy idea.It's a hard game to explain, but it's for sure a video game classic like no other. And one of the...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

We need more of this 0

F-zero was a very cool idea, a futuristic racing game published by nintendo. With a very unique style and gameplay, one of the best soundtracks ever made and lots and lots of fun to be had. You could choose between 4 characters and race your way through lots of well designed tracks with lots of variety. It was also a good game to just goof around, like launching yourself over the track and creating an explosion.Nintendo needs another F-Zero, maybe some crossover or something different. But this ...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

The first high-tier JRPG 0

After the first 3 Dragon Quest games and the first 3 Final Fantasy games, none of the games had being able to combine a overall package like fans were waiting for, Dragon Quest 4 was a really nice upgrade tho, taking us a few steps closer to that goal, it was able to combine a really good story, well designed and thought out, with interesting and diverse gameplay. Making you have your own character, and then play each chapter of the game in a different part of the world with different characarte...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.