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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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Average score of 6 user reviews

My Second Chance 2

Yesterday I wrote an extensive review of Gemini Rue, the latest point-and-click adventure game published by Wadjet Eye Games. I hit on all the points I wanted in that review, and was just adding links right before I was going to send, when an accidental click effectively erased the entire review. I usually remind myself that that sort of suffering is small compared to the suffering in the world in general, and I did some of that here, but I also found it a perfect complim...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Bloodmoon: Morrowind's After-Dinner Mint 0

Both Bloodmoon and Tribunal, add-ons for still-popular Morrowind, each have their own distinct flavor that borders on experimentation. While Tribunal tries out things like pack animals, hirelings, reliable armor construction, and a place to dump some of your more famous artifacts, Bloodmoon's radical landscape differences is a straight up a vacation from Morrowind. Sure, there are some pretty epic magical items hidden away there, and it has its own limited armor construction system, and Bloodmoo...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

The Vibrant Rebirth of a Classic Game 0

Until I borrowed a copy of Metroid: Zero Mission, the only Metroid game I'd ever played in any great detail was Metroid Prime on the Gamecube.  Even before Prime I knew Metroid well by reputation, though: its use of special items to gain access to new areas previously inaccessible wasn't the first such design, but its platformer accessibility helped make the name Metroid itself synonymous with that idea.  Watching someone do a run-through of Super Metroid I had the urge to see where the franchis...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Hidden Treasure in the Labyrinth of History 5

My history with this game goes back to its initial publication.  I still remember looking at it through the glass case in some department store, its dragon coiling through a labyrinth, holding the key aloft.  I vaguely remember my thoughts then, that it was probably too complicated for me to handle.  I based this solely on the cover, which should be a lesson to all of you youngans.  Still, I was intrigued by the game, and regretted not getting it, even after I saw screenshots (which were usua...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

An Example of Authorial Control Done Right 6

Role-Playing Games are pretty arduous work for any group of game developers.  Especially if you take into account the demands of fans and passers by, there seems to be a higher level of expectation for an RPG than with most games, and the competition can often have some of the best stories and choices of videogaming.  But within RPGs are several genres, and many of the people camping around one RPG expression don't necessarily talk to the others.  The Spirit Engine 2 is in some ways a str...

8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

David Lynch in Sadistic Binary 6

Mondo Medicals is a rather unforgiving and devious first-person puzzle game by Cactus Software of Sweden.  The walls of the rooms you see are all in shimmering gray-scale, as if you were picking up a 1950's broadcast of an alternate history, where computers and video games were developed long before they were in our time-line.  The sound is scratchy and odd, and when you see the man in black in the strange cut-scenes in between levels, he speaks backwards, and the subtitles that translate are ri...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.