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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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@sethmode: Isaac Childres's system is pretty compelling if done right, yeah. Interesting that the Marvel game reminds you of it, maybe it was one of their inspirations.

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@bigsocrates: There are some tactical games that use cards but maybe this is one in a big, well-known setting. I've played a lot of a digital version of the game Gloomhaven and the tactical cardplay in that is rich and full of little moving parts. You have a set of cards that aren't randomly drawn, though. The tactics come from enemy card draws that dictate their behavior, and you have a random modifier you draw that can alter effects. Lot of different ways to do it, I've played a few others over the years, to the point where Steam is convinced I'm a fan of them even if for me it's still down to the individual game.

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@deanimate: Hey. Cool to see a fan. I honestly don't remember where I got the pictures, but it might have been from CC's website, since I can't actually see the pics for some reason I'm not sure if they're just screencaps I made. I don't *think* I went digging in the game files themselves, that tends not to occur to me, but it's been a while since I wrote this.

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@azgrymnthepale: You know what, the actual designer has been answering questions on Steam for a few weeks now. Check the forums there. If you can't find it I can share a link.

And yeah, it's not just the details but how they add together to make the game feel a lot less regimented and more naturalistic, somehow, even if it's still a fantasy RPG.

I think part of the lost love had to do with its apparently disastrous release, which began with a bug that could erase non-game files or something equally nasty. When it was patched up, which I guess is pretty much the version we now play on emulators and the like, it was pretty reliable despite some eccentricities, but back then, especially before most people were able to download patches pretty quickly, it caused them serious damage. Unsure how much better it would have done otherwise, but I think its lack of popularity at the time was generally attributed to those bugs.

Totally agree, if you can get past the jank it's still a great game after all this time. I think games could still learn from some of its design decisions.

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#5  Edited By ahoodedfigure

I'm too slow :) Punch someone in the face for me.


Too many failed attempts, now. Whee.

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#6  Edited By ahoodedfigure

@geraltitude: Thanks. I think it's kind of weak and unfocused to start. Probably should get a rewrite if I ever try to talk about this sort of thing again.

@mento: How long you been a mod? :)

@bollard: Hey, there's that old frog icon. :)

@thatpinguino: Thanks. We'll see. Like I implied I wouldn't mind having a place off-site where I could maybe control things a bit better, but then I'd be losing anybody who didn't want to follow me over. Not an easy decision.

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Thanks. Been thinking about getting back in, or at least transfering to a different place. Feel like things have changed a lot here, though, and that a lot of people who read my blog have moved on to other places. Still, if I wind up not being able to write professionally about games, at least I could just write about them anyway since I think about them often enough. How's by you?

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#8  Edited By ahoodedfigure

@hailinel: Wow, that long? I don't know how major the shift was, it still looks similar to what it was when it started to me, but I haven't really payed too close attention. I tend to just let big releases wash over me and I catch up with them when I can afford them :)

I'm willing to give the Bureau a fair shake if I ever get my hands on it, sure. But this from an X-Com fan who hasn't even played the rebooted property that displaced the Bureau, and haven't used the desura key for Xenonauts yet. Closest I got was playing Shadowrun Returns, but that's not quite as in-depth a squad game as I think we're talking about here.

@wandrecanada: I tend not to notice Warhammer products, maybe I was burned by the memory of spending all those bills on the miniatures back in my misspent youth, but I'll keep an eye out for that one. What makes you feel that it's close to X-Com?

Also, my post is damned old, but thanks for resurrecting it anyway :)

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#9  Edited By ahoodedfigure

Based on what you've said I'm not too interested in Inquisitor :)

I did download a demo for something called Underworld Gold, but for some reason it's giving me malware vibes, so I haven't tried it yet. About the closest thing to an RPG I've been playing lately, as far as what many of us would define as an RPG, would be King of Dragon Pass. I've revisited old stuff but that's the only "new" one, really.

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#10  Edited By ahoodedfigure

@BisonHero: Didn't know they did that. Another reason for me to stop avoiding drones half the time. I tend to think about offense first. Hell, maybe that's part of my problem :)