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Quick Look: VRodeo: Astro Bot Rescue Mission

Brad and Jeff guide around their little robot buddy to find even more little robot friends!

Sit back and enjoy as the Giant Bomb team takes an unedited look at the latest video games.

Oct. 10 2018

Cast: Jeff, Brad

Posted by: Jan

In This Episode:

Astro Bot Rescue Mission


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So that's what that PSN account avatar is all about...

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Edited By LeStephan

@vinone:I would've thought the same if that was all I'd have done. You seem to be writing it off having only played, like, the equivalent of wii sports (slight exaggeration :p) . Im sure theres like 40 titles on psvr Id rather play than the couple you've named (and on pc that'd be even more I'd guess, although ive also heard people say psvr has the strongest titles of all of em in general)

I also totally expected my friends to be unimpressed with vr as they are the 'pc only fps is most important' types of gamers who literally cant play consoles without getting sick(not joking). I showed my psvr to 2 of them and neither of them wouldve taken the headset off if I wouldnt have told em 5 hours had already passed :p Neither got sick either.

Long story short, I guess, is that I wish your friend wouldve bought better vr games to show you xD haha

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This looks like a fun little game. Maybe I'll get a PSVR on black friday after all.

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That's not really a VRodeo, more like VPonyride!

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When 213 popped up I thought they were referencing my username. ?‍♀️

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Edited By SlopDrudge

looks just like Super Lucky's Tale

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Am I crazy or does this look incredibly bland and generic for a PSVR title?

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I can see why people thought that song during the last minigame sounded a whole lot like Kirby, but I rather thought that it sounded more like the Ponce De Leon boss fight of Rogue Legacy.

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Edited By Topcyclist

@vinone said:
@topcyclist said:

PS: of the 10 people i showed VR only like 2 werent super impressed. Both hate games anyway. Mostly adults liked it surprisingly. VR may be losing money on just appealing to non gaming adults.

My first experience with VR was a very short PSVR demo on the PlayStation Bus they drive around and was kind of just like "well this works." My friend recently bought a Vive and I played Job Simulator, Beat Saber, Rec Room, Space Pirate Trainer, Google Earth, and a few other things and was left very unexcited about the whole thing. I would say I was definitely impressed by the tech and the immersion at moments but I haven't had the urge to rush back to my friend's place to play it again or pick up my own.

give it another try. But with better games. honestly vr isnt as bad as people say. not worth 500 dollars but worth it. Plus everything gets cheaper. Buy it in 4 years then see how it is.

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Edited By LeStephan

@vinone: Superhot, wipeout vr, really anything in a cockpit, farpoint, rez, RE7, detached, polybius, thumper. zoe2 remarstered, horus station, psychonauts in the rhombus of ruin, raw data, obduction, windlands, apex construct, dirt rally, firewall zero hour, and probably more, it obviously also depends on your tastes.

And as I said though, I only really keep up with psvr as that is more than enough to keep up with for me on top of normal videogames and other stuff. But I guess on pc you'd still have a bunch of those plus stuff like budget cuts, elite dangerous in vr, a counterstrike-ish game I forgot the name of, and uhm yeah Thats about where my pcvr knowledge ends :p

My original post was actually way longer going on about how much of an insane difference things like the depth perception make for racing games, or how lame polybius and thumper are on a flatscreen after playing in vr where it feels like your going a million miles per hour, or how being able to look around with your head in a flight game makes ALL the difference. Guess I shouldnt have deleted that haha.

Also, sorry, you are right, I understand you weren't really "writing it off", Its just how I managed to form the sentence at the time.

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PlayRoom is a fantastic window into other peoples lives. Here's some highlights from the last time I checked in.

Guy in disco lit living room drinking heavily while loud rave music plays. His girlfriend/wife is staring into her phone on the couch behind him
Guy in disco lit living room drinking heavily while loud rave music plays. His girlfriend/wife is staring into her phone on the couch behind him
Irish lad staring silently into his phone and doing nothing
Irish lad staring silently into his phone and doing nothing
This cool snake in a tub
This cool snake in a tub

That Astrobot will forever be associated with the feeling of morbid curiosity and regret that is associated with the PlayRoom for me, so I'm not sure if I can get into this game.

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Top 3 GB goty. Calling it now. VR never translates well to video. This game is great.

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Maybe it's because I'm at a point in my life where I have to deal with a lot of serious stuff and it's wearing me down but oh my god do these guys complain about every single stupid thing ever. I don't think I've ever seen them or heard them be excited about something, anything!!! It's always bummer, wooooow, and oh god being uttered as means of showing frustration with something as perfunctory as a platformer or a piece of hardware which can be fixed in two minutes!!! How do they handle real life difficulties, I cannot imagine.

Was looking through old videos and comments cause Astro bot is free on ps plus. Surprised how down the crew was back then on the game. Playing it myself its way better than they lead off, given their discussions. Funny thing is, the VR makes it since the platforming comes off normal for viewers and that hurts it so much. The controls gameplay variety etc are all top of the line in presentation. It really doesn't show its hand till after the parts Brad played so I see why they didn't seem super impressed. Brad jumped a bit ahead and in-game terms it was about an hour of game time :( not enough to show the clever stuff like blowing out in real life to make wind in the game and more. It gets harder as well. I think the game would sell better if Mario was the main character thou. Harder to sell a new mascot though I think they did well. Anyway hope your doing better. Old comment but it's nice to see how things progress.

PS: Funny how they all love Astro bot on ps5 and finally jumped on board the Astro bot train. Not sure why it didn't hit em sooner. maybe the length of this game is too long vs the new one in getting to the clever stuff. :/