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#1  Edited By Tuksit

@bisonhero: You are absolutely correct, except more young people are into birdwatching than you'd expect and more old people are into PoGo than you'd expect, too. They're really both for everyone with an open mind.

I'm not that keen on app-based birdwatching or checking off a list of birds seen but I've been casually into it for as long as I have been video games(perks of having an ornithologist brother) so it's really great to see some uptake here. One note as well, it's not clear how much longer many birds will be around so enjoy them while you can. And for their sake, keep your cats inside as they are an extremely large reason why many migratory song bird populations are down around 60-70%. Your cats will be healthier too :)

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yeah, without the emblem i'd probably have guessed that's a Lamborghini.

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It's really not that weird to find a handful of people that don't like Sonic? Why do people imply that it's some dishonesty on their part because they're ashamed they like it? It's not like Sonic has some universal appeal. The crew(and many of us!) are into plenty of other games nominally 'for kids'(Pokemon, Mario, etc.).

Personally, I've always found the Sonic characters to generally be pretty unappealing, to start with. The world and lore are nothing special either. That's obviously off-putting enough that I haven't played too many of the games but I remember as a kid briefly playing a bit of sonic on the Genesis and a demo of Adventure on Dreamcast. I wasn't the most well versed kid when it came to games at the time but even so both were not fun experiences, though I enjoyed the graphics and tropical setting of Adventure. I've since played various emulated Sonic games and one of the Wii ones for a bit, too. None of them did anything that was appealing to me, personally. It always felt like the best parts of the gameplay were the bits in between, where you're not actually in-putting anything? I did not like the first Sonic movie at all either, it felt trite and pretty pointless to me. So it goes.

Point is, some things don't hit for everyone, that's fine. Don't imply they're being dishonest because it disappoints you, though. I know it can be annoying when people rag on something you like, happens to me too, but you just gotta shrug it off, you know? Your like and their dislike are both valid, they just happen to have a larger audience to voice it to. And sometimes a bit of hyperbole makes for better content, too ;)

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Fuck. Here I was just tootling about my day and this hit me like I slipped on a patch of ice I didn't see. All the love to Jess and Jason. Real ones through-and-through, those two.

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I would absolutely pop into a community server!

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So it looks like I actually got this... I assumed it was already taken but I guess I'm now the proud owner of Wurm Unlimited. I remember hearing about Wurm Online years ago, seemed like there was a small but diehard community that swore by the potential of the game to some extent if nothing else. Suppose I'll investigate and see what's going on with Wurm these days.

Thanks for the code.

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Two things come to mind has I read this stuff.

Aligning yourself with a political campaign, regardless which, means you are at least ok with the total package that they present. Mr Luckey has aligned himself with the Trump campaign which has shown itself to be, among other things, demonstrably racist and sexist. Has he aligned himself with this campaign because he supports these particular attributes? Only he can truly know. But at the very least he has indicated that he does not see these attributes as deal breakers. Even if he isn't actively espousing racist or sexist views, it could certainly be argued that by tolerating them in his candidate, he is at least "coloured" by such beliefs. Is that reason enough to vilify him? I suppose that's up to the individual to decide but I certainly think it is. These are abhorrent, deplorable views that disqualify someone from getting a pass. Even if you are supporting Trump exclusively for his economic "policy" for example you do not get a pass. I have family and many friends who I am not willing to throw under the bus(or watch get run over) because it means more money in my pocket. Perhaps there is a distinction to be made between being actively racist, sexist, etc and being passively racist, sexist, etc. Whether or not that is a meaningful distinction is open to debate. Personally, I'm not sure it is.

I'm continually shocked by how often people, especially young people(I am in this group), make light of this election through "memefication" and trolling. Do people truly not understand the stakes in this election? I love a bit of political comedy but this stuff is just... vomit inducing. Mr Luckey says in the Daily Beast article that he sees this as a "...jolly good time." Really? I've seen and had discussions with many people who are legitimately rooting for Trump simply because they find him entertaining. Are you for real?? Many, many people stand to have their rights curtailed. Many people's lives are legitimately riding on the results of this election(internationally as well as domestically). In light of these stakes, I don't know how people can engage in these activities with a clear conscience. You're dumbing down and obfuscating election issues when it is so crucially important, especially in this election, that people go to the polls well informed. I'm not sure I can look at someone who engaged in or supported political trolling in this election and think of them as a good person. Politics should never be entertainment first as these decisions have very real implications for all our futures.

Is this enough to boycott the Rift if Mr Luckey is indeed still associated with the product? I can't afford vr at the moment anyway, but in the future I will not be buying an Oculus Rift.

And just a final note: I'd like to spare a thought for any future archaeologists and historians who might endeavour to comb through the heaping trash fire that is our contemporary political discourse in order to try and make sense of our times.

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I think it's also important to keep in mind that CD Projekt has to pay their employees to create this content which they are giving people free of charge. (The argument that it's not free because you have to pay for the full game sounds a bit bizarre to me because what would I do with an armour set or a quest if I don't have the game? For all intents and purposes I do have it but can't do anything with it until I pay for the game. It's functionally the same unless I was into staring at some files in a folder on my computer somewhere.) So since they have to pay people to create this content, of course they're going to have to strike a balance between quality and cost effectiveness on their part. Yes the game sold a bunch of copies but they're an independent developer so they likely can't afford to have a team sitting there for months creating intricate quests that integrate fully with the rest of the game world only to give them away for free.

Also I'm not at all convinced that these quests were stripped out of the main game before release. The reason being that one of the strong points of The Witcher 3 is that, as mentioned, the quests do integrate into the world so well and almost organically lead to yet more quests and content. The very fact that these DLC quests don't do that and knowing the reputation of CDP as a developer that is legitimately passionate about making great games and doing things "right" suggests to me that this DLC content has been/is being created after the main game was already finished as they have said.

All in all I think it is a matter of managing expectations. As soon as they announced this free DLC I immediately figured it would be some small little pieces of content as more of a thanks for buying their game (and as people say to get that marketing boost every week for a while after release). I also think that in the wake of the whole Destiny charging $20 for three dance emotes debacle and when considering the quality of DLC industry wide (which with a few exceptions has been pretty questionable in my opinion) one can't be too critical of CDP in this instance.

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Drew is actually only in the Bastion segment and Brad leaves after the Ori one. They had to get ready for UPF.

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@zokamoka: Nice gesture man. As a poverty stricken university student I would like a key :P