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Seeing the confirmation that Sony's bumping its blockbuster games is the thing that's pricing me out of getting one of these things. It's pushing things to $140 in my country, which is more than I spend on a week's groceries. Hopefully this trails off as fast as the last time they tried to pull this shit here and it's just game stores trying to cash in on early adopters, but with the price hike finally hitting NA as well I'm not so sure.

At the very least I'm going to be staying far, far away from any digital-only consoles next gen.

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First time I played it I had a pretty bad case of the "Not what I wanted"s, but I still made it through and did a lot of the side content because it was good enough, amongst the other games coming out that year.

Tried to go back to it last year on PC and dropped off after a few hours, found the writing very dull/dry and the plot centres around the most boring aspects of the world, considering the state of things and where they left off in DA2. I definitely remember there being some good stuff in there, but the character work was a huge step back from 1 and especially 2, which really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for this one.

It's assuredly worth the $5 it must cost these days to check it out for yourself, though.

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boy it sucked when dude’s power went out or their kid disrupted an epic run

Agreed, it did suck when dude’s power went out or their kid disrupted an epic run

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I assume this is their math after taking into account stuff like viewing parties (my friends and I usually stream stuff over discord and share a subscription), but yeah, that price isn't going to appeal to most people upfront. It's certainly too much when they already have a superior version of Mulan on there that doesn't cost $30 extra.

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The Judgment Amon fight is insane, mostly because he spends half the fight attacking the framerate.

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I can't even use my Switch pro controller for multiple exclusives, so something like this doesn't even make me bat an eye anymore.

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How can people think Return of the King is too long, but then turn around and enjoy binging a TV show with twice the runtime? Disgusting.

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I'll wait a few years for the PC port that runs at a solid 20fps instead.

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One might argue that a good writer can make people relate to their characters regardless of how alien the subject matter is. In my case though, the issue was that all the characters came across as if they were written to fit the story, not the other way around.

If I can make a comparison, we see Joel as a totally normal father in the beginning of the first game and then hard cut to him as a jaded, ruthless piece of shit, but he still feels like the same character. Might be because we saw what led to him becoming that way, might be because his mannerisms are still in there from when he was panicked and in "survival mode" trying to save his daughter, my point being the game gives us the information we need to understand that character "growth".

Contrast that with the prologue of Part 2, Joel is suddenly very trusting of complete strangers while out on patrol, giving his name, going back to their camp and willingly following them into a room in which he is outnumbered and surrounded by armed strangers. I've seen a lot of people argue that he let his guard down after so many years living in a safe community, but we never see any of that in the game beforehand (and later in flashbacks we see he hasn't cooled down at all, he gets hotheaded and picks a fight because someone was being a shit to Ellie and Dina, and complains to Jesse about Ellie's patrol routes being too rough). So to me he just seems like a different character in that moment, written to be stupider than he ever was because they needed him in that room with those people for the big shock moment and subsequent call to action (even worse is a character has a line of dialogue in that scene pointing out how this entire scenario was pure luck to begin with).

Also just as a side note for some extra funnin', here's an interview from 2013 with Druckmann talking about how Tess was going to be a villain in the first game, but they scrapped it because the idea of someone following a person cross-country for a year was thought to be too unrealistic and forced. It must have made more sense to have it happen twice in the sequel instead, I guess.

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Looks like the guy who designed the PS3 Boomerang still has their job.

I do quite like the look of the new headset, but then you'll probably need to use the system's one front facing USB port for a receiver, right? God forbid they switch to using USB-C for that too, because then you'll have to unplug every time you want to charge the controller.