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@eccentrix:I can't say what type of confidence one must have to step out like that.

@sombre I can't go super saiyan. But I can super saiyan shirt this bitch.

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@brian_: As a big DBZ fan, who might have been the same age as you then, I would have at least cheered, maybe joined. I don't quite remember where my hormones were at then.

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#3  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@brian_: If you have video of that you should send it to the community team. That's making the spotlight for sure!

Also, were there any costumes involved?

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#4  Edited By spacemanspiff00

So I thought it would be fun, in light of me remembering this just now and laughing, to see if you also have a funny moment to share.

I was driving through my neighborhood in summer and saw these two teens Naruto running into this house wearing full on headbands and Uchiha capes. Boy I wish I had caught them a little further from the house. Quite the display indeed. Was it purely for a laugh or was it super cereal? We'll never know. But I'll never forget.

So how's about you duders? Obviously you would see stuff like that at a con or whatever but I'm talking just mega random occurrence. Oh, I also saw a car with waifu's plastered all over it. I suspect you may have too haha.

*This popped into my head because of a funny Naruto run gag in Aquaman 2. Maybe the thing I enjoyed most about the whole flick.

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I'm slowly working my way through The Expanse right now. Just the last 3 books after the show got cancelled. I'm not a big reader but I need to know how this story ends. I've brought it up here before but I would recommend the Bioshock prequel novel if you're looking for something a little lighter. I think its like 400 pages or so.

Been there done that?

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@sombre: Other than Rorie, I never got the impression that any of the other staff were interested in communicating on the forums. I suspect, especially in this instance, that it would be somebody we don't see the face of very often or ever. And would think that it would fall to emailing the actual support section on the website for an issue like this. Even then, its not clear whether the staff are even allowed to talk about it. I could be wrong.

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#7  Edited By spacemanspiff00

I don't think I could say much more than what's already been said. I don't know how many other hobbies you have that you could spend time with instead. I also don't think you should feel bad about being less into a hobby sometimes.. I'll go months without barely touching games. That being said, being in similar boat to you coincidentally, I took @undeadpool 's advice and decided to try something different from my usual interests. Game Pass to the rescue! I decided to pick something that evoked my current sci-fi mood(Steam apparently lists these genre types under 'Themes and Moods) and the desire for a more casual experience.

Enter Opus: Echo of Starsong. Its a little more anime than I typically touch these days and its also more a visual novel with simple material gathering and survival gameplay, three things I usually avoid. If the gameplay was more heavyweight I doubt I'd stick with it. However, the whole package is just rather charming in a greater than the sum of its parts kind of way. Its around 10-12 hours I believe which isn't super breezy but certainly not daunting in any way. The visual novel stuff is enjoyable and its hitting the space vibe I'm in. Even if there is some pretty substantial anime cliche stuff. @mento has a nice comprehensive writeup about it.

I suppose your Game Pass club is probably offering you some different games that you might not regularly play as well. I'm not sure if your media genre moods ebb and flow a lot like mine but just trying to narrow that down really helped me pick a game. Usually I'm rather paralyzed by choice when staring at GP and PS Extra.

Anyhoo, It still sounds like you had a pretty good time last year. Hobbies should be enjoyable. If they aren't, its good to take a break or find ways to branch out. I guess its kinda sad when we can't find the same joy we once did in something but often it just takes a little time off to miss it. Though I suppose you don't intend to completely stop. As I've gotten older I find it more refreshing to diversify my entertainment. Hope you still find plenty of joy in 2024, whether that be with games or new or existing hobbies.

Stay well duder.

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I guess this is where I admit to not having stopped watching One Piece after posting in another thread that I am stopping because it drags too much. It still does. I made it a background show and that worked well for the parts that go on too long but MIGHT contain something of note. I am currently on the Marineford arc, which I understand is arguably the best arc and so far I agree. Enies Lobby is a close 2nd. Thriller Bark was a tad long but is filled with great moments.

The thing is, I find myself constantly scrubbing through stuff at the risk of missing small moments because I would rather get to the point most of the time, and what normally occurs is some overdrawn confrontation, babbling, or character reactions that zoom on faces and the peanut gallery while they gawk and emote.

One Piece is the only real hole in my history with popular Shonen anime. When its good, I am enjoying a grand adventure. When its not, I am amazed that folks endured this as it released. I've attempted to get into some recent Shonen stuff and its all fallen off(Should I give Jujutsu Kaisen another shot?). One Piece is wacky, wild, ludicrous, and ridiculous in a way that is both exciting and endearing. Maybe its just because it comes from a time when I was the right age for it and I am molded by that era.

This remake is a great announcement that couldn't have come at a worse time for me. I am close to halfway since I skip all the filler arcs and will likely finish the series before the remake has a chance to catch up. I'm not even sure I would want to restart the whole thing at this point. Its a fun ride that is poised to become a one and done for me. Who knows how long the remake is gonna take to produce.

I find myself at what might be the apex of the whole series so far, and as I prepare myself for The New World Saga its a bit disheartening to think that the series may seldom reach those highs again . Yet, the whole series is an up and down coaster with arcs I really enjoyed and an arc I decided to just skip even though its cannon. My relationship with One Piece is one of wonder and annoyance. I can't wait to find out where it goes while languishing in the slog that is getting there.

Why did I start watching One Piece?

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@bigsocrates: I have since read more details about the studio and perhaps there is few, if any, that we should feel sorry for. I wasn't aware of the game being a possible scam. I remember hearing it was some MMO thing and that was enough to lose my interest. Quite the clusterfuck, indeed.

It sucks too that it does more harm to the early access model, which I don't engage with anymore, but have watched a number of great projects come out of it and had a great time with. Subnautica comes to mind.

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Ahh crap I guess I was late to this news. I just posted about it in the community thread lol. That's a tough way to end a year.