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Can't believe I finally own a house... that's some weird shit.

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Average score of 36 user reviews


While racing as a whole seems rather bland and uninteresting to me, -this- game truly stands out. Rock 'N Roll Racing is a fun game with more to offer than what it appears. Players start by selecting a driver from a roster of drivers, each of whom have their own attribute buffs so depending on how you want to play there is a driver for everyone (and maybe even a special one in there somewhere). Next is the vehicle select. Players choose a car, each of which also have their own specialties and a ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Lore and Slash 0

I can honestly say I was surprised with this title. Granted it had been on my radar since it's release I was honestly expecting to be an enormous crap chute but I was surprised with what this game did have as far as content goes. The graphics are pretty glossy and are pretty well done. The framerate both in and out of combat are pretty smooth and roll well from one instance to the next. The enemies and locations are very nice and I noticed myself standing in spots and just rotating the camera ar...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Fun Sonic Spinoff 0

This game was great! Not only as a spinoff but as a Game Gear game it was just fun! The levels are done well with little-to-no hiccups at all as far as glitching in the landscape or anything like that. The music was upbeat and fit well into overall feeling of the game. Enemies varied and kept the gameplay different without making it seem too repetitive. The game's weapons also added to this and by being able to swap them around and fit whatever the situation need be. Being a Game Gear game it's ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.


Star Wars: Shadows of The Empire despite any backlash from reviewers should be played. This game is one of the most fun of any console game I have yet played and for a STAR WARS title is the best game LucasArts has ever released. The game pits players in a "shadow storyline" which plays behinds the scenes of The Empire Strikes Back and leads upto the events right before the beginning of Return of The Jedi. Players take the role of a smuggler/mercenary Dash Rendar who is similar to (and friends w...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One of A Kind 0

This game has a lot to offer zombie-shooter fans in an age where there wasn't really another game like it in town. The game has tons of fun and unique weapons, enemies, and locations to visit which never fail to give the player a fun romp through a gaming experience that is like none other (in the BEST of ways). Baddies have weaknesses to particular weapons that it's up to the player to find. The locations have destructible set pieces which allow access to restricted areas, extra lives, ammo, po...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Fine Duke Nukem Game 0

Everything we've come to know and love about Duke is present and accounted for. There are good, cheesy, one-liners, tons of gunplay, baddies, and locations to explore which gives the game some good flavor and make it a little different from the standard run'n'gun FPS's we're all so used to. This third-person adventure shooter took concepts used in Duke Nukem 3D and fleshed them out with a little more. While many people criticize this game I thought it was done quite well.The graphics, considerin...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A True Classic 0

If you're reading this you've come across one of t he true gems of the SNES. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts is one of the most challenging games of it's console. For anyone who has played the original for the NES you know exactly what you're getting into. The game's hit detection is one of it's best and worst qualities. It is pretty damn accurate which means enemies go down with the right timing on your behalf but the same goes for you from enemies. The game goes on the ol' 1 hit 1 kill quality which is...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Best Mega Man Title 0

With a series so famous for it's platforming and crazy weapons, Mega Man X is by far my favorite of the entire franchise. The game begins simply enough with a tutorial-ish level and just steamrolls into a completely stellar experience from that point on. All the enemies, locations, and bosses are greatly varied and it's set in a way that can makes the game so fast paced that it's just amazing. This game takes everything that made Mega Man so great and just gave it a slicker, smoother way of runn...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Star Wars At It's Finest 0

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is an air-battle based game published by LucasArts and what a helluva ride it is! Star Wars: Rogue Squadron takes players on a tour of the Star Wars universe via space battles on planets only before known from some mention in backstory or loose dialogue from the films. The game offers a wide variety of spacecraft which fans of the franchise have come to know from the familiar franchise such as: X-Wings, A-Wing, and Y-Wings just to name a few. Each ship comes equipped wi...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

History Gets A Facelift 0

This was my first-ever squad based shooter and I couldn't have asked for anything more. Freedom Fighters puts you in the role of a man fighting for his right to live free, plain and simple. The player starts as a lone solider fighting against the Reds in an alternate reality where the Soviet ideal has encompassed the entire globe... except the U.S. As the player fulfills the missions of the lone Freedom Fighter others will be inspired and lend aid to your cause. Ultimately the player will be gra...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Classic 0

For a game that's 20 years old this game is still just as fun and (believably) challenging as it was when I got it as a kid. The musics, graphics, and sound for it's era were very well done and it still holds up against just about any other SNES game you could stack it against. The platforming is fun and offers a challenge in certain spots, particularly Pete's Peak where you must use a grappling hook to traverse across gaping chasms which are sets with wind traps that can blow you down through t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Cel-shading Action 0

This game is pretty straight forward in just about every way imaginable. With the three storylines consisting of Peter, Brian, and Stewie's all pushing you through Quahog in their own stories, they vary up the repetitiveness of each story mission (no matter what the character). Peter's story has the player go through various levels with a pretty basic beat'em'up style formula. Brian's story has the player go into a stealth mode style of play which is to say: trying to traverse rooms without bein...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

23 Years Later and Still Hard As Hell 0

An good plot, hordes of enemies, and learning the art of timing your moves and jumps/jump attacks are a must for this game. 23 years later and this game is still hard as hell. One of the toughest to beat I've -ever- played. For it's time the graphics, sound, and music were all amazingly done and the cutscenes were an awesome touch to an already amazing game. The landscapes change but the challenges remain the same throughout. The ability to time your jumps is crucial and that "almost died" panic...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Stands The Test of Time 0

This is one sequel that stands alongside it's predecessor. The sound, gameplay, and music are all just as good (if not BETTER) in comparison to the original. For fans of the franchise (from this particular era) this game is a must. Not only does it give you the thrill of the experience you had playing the first game but some components have been added, such as the Shadow Clones. In addition, instead of having to "jump-climb" walls the game added an up/down "slide" wall mechanic which made the pl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Pit Fights and Beat'em'up 0

While this game got panned hard by reviews I try to find the good in just about every game and while this game wasn't perfect, there was fun to be found in it. The story is a little loose but manages to hold some charm with it's tie-ins to the original Final Fight through characters/cameos.There are things players can do to make easy money like the classic, break it and loot it but there are also pit fights. The pit fights are pretty cool and with spending some cash you can buy combos at various...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Great Fun! 0

This game took a lot of classic games and gave them a funny Disney twist. The central Hub is laid on in The Lion King jungle that we all remember. There are several spots on the map you can click on that have little animatics that are cute and funny and fit the Disney style. All the mini-games are fun and highly addictive once you give them a chance. The Score Boards are a way to show your skills and challenge your friends. Love or hate Disney -this- game is a shining example of what childish fu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Hit and Miss 0

I try so hard to find the good in every game but this one was hard. There were points about this game that made me like it such as going to the Old Forest, Bree, the house of Tom Bombadil, fending off wolves while traveling up the slopes of the Misty Mountains which were points few other Tolkien games took you but those points have to be overlooked when compared to the overall scale of the game.I'll be the first to say it. It's hard to give a bad review to a franchise that is so rich in it's sou...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Hack and Slash Fun 1

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a game based on the movie franchise and it is executed rather well. To date this is probably one of my favorite film-licensed games. For it's era the graphics are functionally sound and pretty well done. Players start the game during the event of the Last Alliance on the slopes of Mount Doom which gives the player a chance to experience the game's tutorial in a fun way. From there the game takes the player to the encounter with the Nazgul on Weathertop th...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Deadite Smiting Fun! 0

The game begins post-Evil Dead 2 in an alternate reality where Army of Darkness has not (yet) taken place. Ash finds himself in an insane asylum and from there the game steamrolls into a fun romp into the Evil Dead world. The graphics aren't horrible and some of the sound effects in the game are freakin' great. Ash is accompanied early on in the game by a deadite companion named Sam who can be used and/or abused by Ash in various useful and hilarious ways. As players progress through the game yo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A FPS Must-Have! 0

Urban Chaos: Riot Response was a helluva good ride. I happened to see it on the rack in a used game store for like $10 and decided to give it a go. Within the first few minutes I was instantly surprised by what this seemingly unknown game had to offer. Not being a huge fan of FPS's I didn't really know what to expect from this game but was actually quite surprised by everything that it has. You play a cop who gets aid from EMT's and Firefighters which is pretty damn cool! EMT's help replenish yo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An Amazing Marvel Game 0

While this game does have a bit of lag in the controls it doesn't stop The Punisher from being a completely badass game with so much more to it than appears at it's surface. Players take control of Frank Castle, a vigilante out for revenge on all manners of "baddies" worthy of his particular form of justice.The games controls can be a bit loose, especially with the jump/tuck'n'roll movement but other than that the controls are pretty solid and the graphics/movement are pretty smooth throughout. ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One of The Best! 0

This game is without a doubt one of the best STAR WARS franchise games -ever- released. It combines a third person shooter, with action-adventure and makes it a fun game steeped in Star Wars awesomeness. The story follows the exploits of bounty hunter Jango Fett pre-Attack of the Clones in a storyline that has to be played to be believed.The game's graphics are slick and smooth and the the cutscenes are almost like you're watching a movie. The player gets wrapped up in a much larger story of gre...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

They're Back! 0

There are few sequels that live up to the potential of their original launch titles but this one seems to have done it with some good style. This game not only improves upon concepts touched upon in the original but draws out more of the experience that made us love these two knuckleheads from the beginning. Choosing your path in the story makes your ability to alter the story seems a bit more significant and knowing what was the right/wrong choice is revealed via comic book style cutscenes seei...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

-I- Liked It 0

I've always been a bit of Star Wars nut and this game does has it's fun and over-the-top moments. The one part of the game I cannot overlook are the damn boss battles though. The gameplay as a whole is pretty balanced out and the flow of playing through the game (a few trick-ups here and there aside) the game is a fun one to sit down and blow through except for the damn bosses. When the 2nd boss of the game is so impossibly hard to beat that it makes you want to throw the game in the garbage... ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Overcomplicating A Simple Concept 0

I really enjoyed all the LEGO games up to this one to be totally honest... but this one turned down a dark road that made it hard to like. The simple playstyle was seemingly "overhauled" and incorporated redesigned controls for lots of simple commands that players had become familiar, and comfortable with from all the previous titles. That being said it's really kind of hard to have a love for this game when so much of it was changed and turned into a semi-complicated mess. The one saving grace ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Fun Romp! 0

Army of Two is a unique experience much akin to it's brother/sister game Gears of War in terms of playstyle. Army of Two is a game that carries it's own charm and for players who did enough homework on their own to know what they were getting into, this game offered an fun single or co-op run-and-gun experience with enough guns and customization mods to rival that of Arnold Schwarzenegger in COMMANDO. While this game was often written off as a "clone" it was offered up as a similar yet different...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An N64 Gem 0

From the very beginning this game has some of the most outlandish, crude, and vulgar humor seen on a game possibly ever... and it's completely amazing. Conker's Bad Fur Day was a rare (no pun intended) game for the N64's usually family friendly persona. The levels/chapters are all strangely obscure with a bit of crudities throw in that are so out of left field that you can't help but laugh. The game's color scheme is rather bright and cheerful (even in the "darker" chapters) and are actually ver...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Here We Go! 0

Right off the bat I have to say this LEGO game is probably the best I've yet played and nearest and dearest to my heart. I've been a huge fan of the movie franchise since I was a kid and all of that I must confess, I'm sure adds to the charm of this game. The game offers all the fun scenes, locations, and characters from the movies that (for most players) is something we're all familiar with. One of the best part is the locations are expanded upon (much like LEGO Star Wars) and give the player a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Better Than The First 0

This game took everything that most of us loved about Star Wars in the first place and combined it with everything that is LEGO! This games seems to take all the concepts of the first game and improve upon just about every aspect. While the first game had a bit of "clunky" feel to it, those familiar with it were able to pick up this game with much more ease. The same level of hilarity can be found in the cutscenes we loved from the first game and given to us with characters we were far more fami...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

LEGOS Never Go Out of Style 0

After first picking this game up I wasn't sure what to make of it. The camera seemed a little clunky and the jumping seemed to drive you crazy... until you got a handle on it that is. Shortly after getting acquainted with the controls of the game it's actually quite easy to get into. This game gives the joy of Star Wars with the twist of LEGO and after giving it a chance it was actually a damn fun game. Granted there are better games but there are also much, much worse. The cutscenes were hilari...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fun Indeed 0

I haven't gone back and played this game for years but it still holds a place in my memory. This game was a rare find in the seemingly enormous ocean of original XBOX games. As would be expected the component of free will is this games' true driving force. The ability for the player to choose to be good, evil, or a little of either/both is a choice that is beyond fun.The RPG component of experience based on the attacks the player chooses make the player decide what path they will walk in terms o...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Epic Game 0

I'll be honest, I picked this game up new for $9.99 and not being a huge fan of FPS's my hopes weren't set too high for this game. Within 10 minutes my view was a complete 180. The creepy atmosphere of Rapture alone was enough to make you hold your breath in addition to the plethora of bumps and clangs in the distance. The game takes you deep into a ruined city where once high hopes were set for the salvation of man seeking to find sanctuary from the increasing corruption of government on the "o...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Loot'n'shoot! 0

I guess to start, this game review is long overdue considering how long it's been out and been played. I guess if you aren't a fan of RPG's, FPS's, or Dungeon Crawler/looting games then there probably wasn't much for you in BORDERLANDS but for those of you who do you were in for one helluva game.This game offered a shit-load of loot, run-and-gunning, vehicular combat (not the best but still fun), co-op play with up to 3 of your buds, and some damn fun DLC's. The game put together some concepts t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Tatooine DLC 0

Having played the Hoth installment DLC first I must say I'm rather glad I played them out of order. This (1st) DLC had a fun (if be it) short level which was still rather entertaining and (in my opinion) much better than the Hoth installment. There are areas that seem a bit bland/repetitive such as the tunnels beneath Jabba's Palace. The Gamorrean Guards are (or at least seem) a little tougher than some of the other enemies you fight through the actual game campaign which makes it kind of fun to...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Hoth DLC 0

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Hoth Mission Pack is okay I suppose. The fact that you're playing in Echo Base brings me back to the nostalgic days of smiting Wampas in the old Shadows of the Empire game on Nintendo 64 but alas this DLC add-one (despite it's bells and whistles) just kind of lacks what a lot of people look for in DLC's which is:(1) Longer, richer campaign/multiplayer value experience(2) Achievements(3) Kind'a going along with (1)/ a few more hours of gameplay... but still with -ta...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Simply Amazing 0

So I just finished BioShock 2 (obviously) and I was simply blown away. I picked up a –BRAND NEW- copy of the original BioShock back in 2010 while I was used game shopping mainly because I saw it for $9.99. As soon as the game began I was amazed with the graphics and overall feel of the game (especially the music) and after finishing it I just wanted more. This Christmas (2012) I received a copy of BioShock 2 from my older brother (for whom I bought a copy of the original BioShock) and told him h...

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