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#1  Edited By patrickklepek

@coma1138 said:
@patrickklepek said:
I've never been driven from my home. Because I'm a guy.

Not entirely related, but you mentioned awhile ago about doing a piece on "swatting," if I remember correctly. Is that something you're still going to do?

No one should have to deal with death threats/having their personal information posted online, but having armed police swarm your home seems way more dangerous/scary, IMO. The Internet is an awful shitty place for guys too.

(not trying to downplay what people have had to deal with, but I still think it's an issue that needs to be discussed more)

Swatting is a little bit different, and doesn't appear to be gender-specific. It's really a new form of trolling (but one with possibly awful consequences.)

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#2  Edited By patrickklepek

@sleepinglesson said:
@sleepinglesson said:

@patrickklepek: You've been pretty clear about what side of this topic you fall on from the get-go. Do you agree with Jeff that there has been a strong reaction from the "anti-" side that has resulted in the same sort of harassment that you've decried?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this Patrick.

While there have been bad actors on both sides (like, say, that dude who wants to bring back bullying), but I don't think there are equivalencies here. The targeting of women has been a problem on the Internet, and in gaming culture, for a while now. Someone made a game in which you beat up Anita Sarkeesian. Three women have been driven from their homes in the past month alone. Of course, there are people pouring the gas on thick on all sides, but I don't think it's possible to make the argument female game creators haven't been systematically targeted in hopes of driving them into silence and maintaing a status quo that favors a certain group.

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#3  Edited By patrickklepek

I just wanted to say hi to all the Giant Bomb staff, and it would make my week if you acknowledged my existence.


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I think Boogie298's recent video nails it because I largely fall in line with what he says. I don't label myself as a "feminist" simply because yes while women are often attacked more often and with greater fervor this is a HUMAN thing. I'm a humanist. I feel like regardless of gender,sexual orientation, race ect if you're human then you deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect as the next person. Online harassment against people in general just needs to stop. And it goes beyond Gamer Gate and the video game world its a human condition.

While I think you'd get just about anyone on board with being interested in equal rights for all, you also have to acknowledge that some people have it worse than others. On the Internet, women definitely have it worse then men. It's true that men are harassment, men receive death threats, and terrible things happen to men. But every study has shown that women are targeted in a way that men aren't. Think about how that trickles down. If you are fearful of being harassed, maybe you won't speak out. Because of that, consider how many voices we never hear from? While I've spoken out about social issues a number of times, I've never been driven from my home. Because I'm a guy.

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@johnham said:

Real talk; if you think Leigh Alexander's "Gamers are dead" piece was meant to say literally that all gamers are bad people, or that all white male gamers are bad people, or that games focused on that slice of the market shouldn't exist anymore, you're either misreading the article (in good faith), or purposely misreading the article to drum up more hate.

Alexander's piece was about the widened scope of contemporary gamer culture. "Gamers are dead" is not meant to say that the people who've helped gestate this medium have no place in its future, it's saying that we, as a community of people who love games, have finally helped to usher this hobby truly into the mainstream. "Gamer" as a designation at this point is almost meaningless because from a certain age downward almost everyone knows something about games, and has played and enjoyed them. If you truly read that article with an open mind and read it as "hostile" to its audience, I would suggest that you shouldn't take internet thinkpieces about video games so seriously.

I also think it's really interesting that this piece has become a GamerGate canard, because it has literally nothing to do with ethics, at all. Even if the article was openly hostile and couldn't be read in any other way, how does that present an ethical quandary that GG feels needs addressing? Being mean to someone in an editorial isn't an ethical issue. The reality is that the "Gamers are dead" article is a loose, poorly considered pretense to harass another female voice in the industry.

That's what I've always thought was strange about this whole thing, too. The idea of "gamer" culture is dying, and it's a really great thing! We won. Everyone is gamers. Everyone will be gamers. We built this really amazing thing by nurturing it and supporting it for decades, and now it's growing up and it's going to do weird things that we don't expect. That should be something we get really excited about and embrace.

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#6  Edited By patrickklepek

@patrickklepek said:

Hi everyone! Myself and the rest of the staff will be hanging out, too.

You and Jeff can't be that naive in order to realize that speaking out does actually help and that for the most part that a lot of these people only get away with their shitty behavior is because they actually think that the majority of people won't speak out.

When folks like Jenn Frank and Zoe Quinn, friends of the site who have contributed to our work and supported it, have been driven out of the industry or driven out of their homes, we feel the need to say something, and we won't apologize for that.

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#7  Edited By patrickklepek

@shivoa said:

Many thanks to all the staff (especially doing moderation work) and specifically Jeff for writing down his thoughts and desires for the GB community and gaming.

Our modding team deserves a huge round of applause.

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So, I am one of those who "joined" Gamergate because I think some of the practices going on in video game journalism is wrong. Not going to go into what, because it is minor things that I don't feel that strongly about, but I felt the "movement" might actually change some of it. But I admit, I it heated when the "Gamers are dead" happened, when everything was censored and hushed down. I had a small discussion on Twitter about Patreon with Alex and Patrick, made some posts on this lovely forum. None of it really seems important at all after seeing how all of this has gone down.

With that said, I want to personally say sorry I'm sorry. The way this has gone is deplorable and fucking disgusting. To the staff, mods and members of Giant Bomb, I am sorry.

I hope things will go back to just having fun with dumb video games again.

Extra shout out to Rorie and the mod-team. You guys are heroes. And to Alex and Patrick. You guys rock.

I don't think you should have to apologize. It's important to fight what you believe in. But fights get confusing, messing, co-opted, and without an exit strategy very fast. We try to be as open as possible about our own approach to games/writing/journalism, and this is just an extension of that, even if people disagree with us.

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So the big question kinda is: How will this end? Or rather: How can this end?

As far as I'm aware there are no "GamerGate demands", so it's not like they can be like "Yeah, we achieved it! Good job everybody!". Claiming you want "more ethics" is kinda meaningless if you don't specify a bit. Should GiantBomb just post a "Hey, we don't get money for reviews and Patrick doesn't write about feminism cause somebody forces him to" blog and then everybody is happy?

I'm not sure there is an endgame. Honestly, I believe this is the beginning of something else -- the creation of a culture split. I'd be totally cool if this ended up creating a whole slew of new websites that catered to this type of approach to games coverage. I welcome the competition! If "objective" (read: no social politics) coverage becomes popular, more power to them, you know? I want folks to be happy.

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When Wu says she "calls on" you guys to make a statement, do you find that it comes off as more of a plea, or a demand? I don't really know how to read it, and I'd be interested to see how you guys interpret it, being the ones "called" into action.

That was really a miscommunication. We had talked about what happened to Brianna on the morning show, ahead of her interviews, and an article had been planned all weekend. Once she was aware what was happening, she apologized. It's all good. We probably should have talked about this sooner, but we were very careful about how we approached this. We're on good terms with all parties now. :)