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@patrickklepek said:

I meant specifically in the case of Wu, sorry if that seemed broader than it should have been.

You're right that those people have been (and will continue to be) critical of the site. I invite that, as we can always do better. I don't have a problem with that. I wish everyone loved the site or saw things from our perspective, but you know what? That's not how it works, and people are going to disagree with your approach, people are going to offer differing perspectives, and it's important to listen to them. You might learn something. Disagreement will probably still be there, but that doesn't mean there isn't something to be offered in deep criticism.

I agree with listening to your critics, especially when twitter seems like such an echo chamber. My question to you would be, what does "we can always do better" mean? Is "better" capitulation to your critics, or your own goals? Are they the same? I'm not sure I'd be happy with a situation where you agree with those critics mentioned such as Allen, that GB is terrible, that the people who visit GB are terrible. Writing this did more harm in their eyes and you didn't appease them at all.

I don't think it's any more complicated than the idea that humans are always capable of improvement, and part of that improvement comes from listening to other people and having a dialogue.

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@patrickklepek: To me, it mostly just felt like a guy venting and trying to make sense of everything that happened. He was definitely angry, but he avoided slurs and tried to back up all his claims as best he could. I didn't really get a slut shaming vibe from it at all. I'm not saying I agree with his decision to make it so public or the way the public responded to it, but I'm curious why you feel it was slut shaming. There's a good argument to be made about him posting it in multiple places to ensure people would see it, but the content of the post itself really did just feel like an ex ranting.

As for "the journalistic impropriety questions," I haven't followed any of that to the point that I'm not even sure what questions came up. Eron deals only with his relationship in those posts.

Again, I'm not trying to say that anything that came of this was warranted, just trying to make sense of the post itself. If it's true (again, big if) then that colors my opinion of Zoe (who I had nothing but respect for before). It's the kind of thing that had no real reason to ever grace my screen, but it did, and I can't pretend I didn't read it.

I don't doubt part of the reason the Eron post garnered sympathy was from people who have been wronged in a relationship in the past. That's natural. It's empathy. But that assumes that post was true, or that post made any sense in a public venue, or that we should take his accusations seriously given how many of them have been proven full of holes and falsehoods and hyperbole. He posted it to 4chan. Why?

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@patrickklepek: Well you are kind of to blame for this. Not you specific, but people like you with your position.

We are in a situation where there is a growing lack of trust and not to single you out, but you are here answering questions here so i will. Where are the articles we can trust i mean you are willing to give a platform to a lot of people, but you never show any willingness to call out any of your own bad apples.

I have seen this industry grow for longer then you, but all the reporting you see is very one sided and kind of weak. I mean you would never do a piece that would criticize some one like Anita or go deep after any of your own and that is helping to create this schism and it will only grow. You wrote little pieces that no way could come back to bite you in the ass.

Personally i don't care i predict the Gaming industry becoming nothing more then hype machines in the future and all gaming journalism moves to youtube and that will be sad, but that is where we are headed.

Hey, murderbunny! I think what you're saying is that I haven't written articles (or advocated positions) that fall in line with your beliefs. Part of the reason for that is because, well, my reporting and opinion-related work is completely influenced by my own beliefs.

Are there specific angles that you would want me to tackle? If what you're looking for is a takedown of Anita Sarkeesian, I can't offer that. I largely agree with her work. I can't run a piece breaking down why she's terrible when I don't believe that, you know?

I'm not sure what you mean by "pieces that no way could come back to bite you in the ass." I feel like anything that I've written related to social matters has come to bite me in the ass because people constantly hound me about them, despite being one person on one site. :)

As for the notion that we're all headed to YouTube? Yea, you're probably right.

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@killdeer said:

@tonch Thanks! I'm really bad at writing and very emotional about how one side gets rail-roaded on this issue. Sometimes I wonder if any of it makes sense.

@gaff Yes. The Adam Baldwin tweet was sort of about Quinn. It was directed at InternetAristocrat's part 1&2 videos. These videos deal with the corruption of journalists in the wake of the info posted. Not so much about her but why the accusations of corruption and a call for ethics on these sites was not just falling on deaf ears but actually being silenced by massive post deletions and accounts being banned. A favorite section of mine is about how somehow TFYC got doxed and dogpiled but somehow that's untouchable info we can't talk about...

You realize one of Internet Aristocrat's videos started with giving "thanks to Zoe's vagina," right?

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@vinny: @patrickklepek: @alex: Thanks for being so damned reasonable on this topic. I don't really feel that there is a massive problem with journalistic ethics as the GG folks do, but it's been really upsetting to me to see some incredibly vocal (and influential) people dismissing all of them out of hand as "those are just a bunch of misogynists". While I have no doubt that some pro-GG people really do just hate women, to dismiss them all in that way seems to me to be unjustifiable and incredibly unfair. So I don't have a dog in the fight, as it were, but I'm happy that you guys are willing and able to rightly treat the topic with the nuance it deserves (and, though you may not agree with someone's views, treating said views as sincere and not merely a rationalization to be a jerk). Thanks guys, it's refreshing to see.

GamerGate represents an undercurrent that's been building for years. I suspect it's here to stay, even if it's not called GamerGate. I just hope it finds more meaningful ways to enact the change it wants.

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@patrickklepek: Serious question: If Eron's post about Zoe is actually true (I only just read it yesterday to catch up on all this and the man does offer a shocking amount of proof) then even though it's personal business, am I not allowed to take a stance on it the same way many people take a stance on someone like Orson Scott Card's personal beliefs when refusing to buy his books?

Again, I have no idea if it's been verified that his post is 100% factual, but if it is, as someone who was hurt by a very similar situation, I honestly don't want to support her as an artist anymore. I don't support or condone that kind of behavior the exact same way I don't support or condone that behavior from my own friends. It is an ethical stance.

And of course, I don't support or condone the people who have been harassing and threatening women in the games industry. Those people are vile.

Just wondering what your take on that is.

Let's remember that the vast majority of Eron's post is slut shaming, and the journalistic impropriety questions raised were found bunk. If there are already holes in the story, there are probably really great reasons to think the rest is suspect.

It's also incredibly unclear what posting this in the public sphere (he also posted versions to various message boards) accomplished, other than dragging his relationships into the open. Who does that?

The consequences of Eron's post have been awful, and I can't come up with anything meaningfully good we've gotten as a result.

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@patrickklepek said:

@kaptainkobe said:

When Wu says she "calls on" you guys to make a statement, do you find that it comes off as more of a plea, or a demand? I don't really know how to read it, and I'd be interested to see how you guys interpret it, being the ones "called" into action.

That was really a miscommunication. We had talked about what happened to Brianna on the morning show, ahead of her interviews, and an article had been planned all weekend. Once she was aware what was happening, she apologized. It's all good. We probably should have talked about this sooner, but we were very careful about how we approached this. We're on good terms with all parties now. :)

When you say "all parties", to whom are you referring? Do you mean the big three in terms of women in gaming who have been targeted like this (Quinn, Sarkeesian, Wu)? Because there are people who you have featured on GB before who have also been targeted by "gamers" (Myers, Alexander, Allen, Simins I guess?) and they are very vocal in their condemnation of Giant Bomb, its staffers (including yourself and @alex, to name a few), and its users. They're saying this letter was too little and far too late, and just another example of you guys not understanding the problem at all because of your biases and life privileges (i.e., you're straight white dudes, so you can't just say "hey everyone, stop being dicks" because it doesn't work and that's not taking the most advantage of your privileges).

It's all very frustrating, because I love Giant Bomb, and while I don't know these women very well, it upsets me that they hate GB (and that's hardly hyperbole. They have all but come out and said they hate almost everyone who comes here because we are fueling the problem that GB refuses to try and fix) And yet even furthermore, I get what they're saying and think they have good points: GB easily could have come out swinging far earlier against bullshit like GamerGate.

I meant specifically in the case of Wu, sorry if that seemed broader than it should have been.

You're right that those people have been (and will continue to be) critical of the site. I invite that, as we can always do better. I don't have a problem with that. I wish everyone loved the site or saw things from our perspective, but you know what? That's not how it works, and people are going to disagree with your approach, people are going to offer differing perspectives, and it's important to listen to them. You might learn something. Disagreement will probably still be there, but that doesn't mean there isn't something to be offered in deep criticism.

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@wolfgame said:

While there have been bad actors on both sides (like, say, that dude who wants to bring back bullying), but I don't think there are equivalencies here. The targeting of women has been a problem on the Internet, and in gaming culture, for a while now. Someone made a game in which you beat up Anita Sarkeesian. Three women have been driven from their homes in the past month alone. Of course, there are people pouring the gas on thick on all sides, but I don't think it's possible to make the argument female game creators have been systematically targeted in hopes of driving them into silence and maintaing a status quo that favors a certain group.

But why do patterns of abuse have to be of the same level to condemn them universally. A double standard and differing outrage levels only serves to further alienate people who feel like a double standard exists. The fact that we need to have this contest of "who made the worst death threat" is an exercise in insanity.

Much of my frustration stems from the fact that this movement had no legitimacy to begin with. Zoe Quinn's sex life was not our business, and the journalistic impropriety alleged in the disclosure of her sex life (if we're to even assume the allegations are true) were proven false. Thus, GamerGate was not only built on the targeted character assassination of a woman in games, but the allegations raised had no merit.

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#9  Edited By patrickklepek

@patrickklepek Do you think it is possible for level-headed gamergaters to split from the movement, and start their own movement based on level-headed criticisms? I am not in support of gamergate, but maybe this is a potential solution?

I believe there's already a website that's formed out of this? Good Games or something? The name escapes me right now. But that'd be my recommendation: be the media you want. That's never been more possible in video games or anywhere.

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#10  Edited By patrickklepek

@chimpchamp said:

Why have so many publications thrown themselves in front of the gamergate bus? Supporting antiGG has made so many places look bad, now we have to add GB to that list, why??? Why support Alex giving 5 star reviews to his friends (Jazzpunk)

Sometimes games are good and deserve 5 stars, shocking.

I want a friend named Jazzpunk. Maybe a dog?