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@tds418: I was using a common example, nothing more. If you want to discuss it more with me you know where to find me.

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@mendia: I like it when it’s hot enough to make me sweat freely in a situation where I can be outdoors with even the slightest breeze. There’s an uncomfortable temperature range below like 85 that can be a bit unpleasant and I hate a hot building unless it has good air circulation. But walking outside sweating my balls off? I’m down.

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@bisonhero: thanks for the correction. Can’t believe I made that mistake!

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Jesus Vinny get rid of that saw chain nonsense and just get a silky saw. The calories and heartache you’ll save over using that gimmick will be worth the extra space and weight. I’ve seen a few of those and even people who were good at working the chain wasted so much energy using it.

And as for Abby questioning bears in the area, there are thousands of black bears in NY and NJ has a problem with bears. Which will only get worse caving to non-conservationists on the bear hunting in the state. When you live in a part of the country where the most human-dense state in the union has a problem with bears, it’s probably smart to be aware of your surroundings when in the wilderness.

To remove a tick grab it as close to your skin as you can and remove it with steady, smooth force. With tweasers!

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All of these somehow differently deformed cool Ss makes me very happy.

Also that can’t be how Jeff walks normally.

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@fisk0: I can definitely understand why it would seem odd. Maybe growing up on games like Diablo 2 and games with similar perspectives trained that response out of me.

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Edited By OpusOfTheMagnum

@curryspiced: without knowing more about the world they are presenting it’s hard to know but it seemed like people generally view them as machines, as tools, and not as being sentient. Who knows. If nothing else it seems clear that the level of clumsiness the whole thing is handled with makes it difficult to try and use it as a catalyst for discussion.

That article only adjusts for population, other factors that are highly relevant shows a much slimmer difference based on race. It’s a complex issue and simple data does not provide enough context for a solid conclusion. I’ve looked into the data, and when you get it all lined up somehow things are too close to call it a conclusion.

@tds418: You posted an article pointing to the lack of training police receive. Even the article talks about it being an issue of ignorance and lack of training. That isn’t the same thing as being a raging racist asshole who shoots people based on race, or some cop shooting a robot because he’s not human so who cares he’s just an Android (or -insert real world identity here-).

I was specific for a reason. Mistaking a diabetic attack for intoxication and or resistance because police are wildly underfunded and poorly managed on training is not at all what I was talking about. Equating that to destroying a life with absolutely no other reason than “better safe than sorry, it’s not alive anyway,” simply misses what my point was.

People are evil, people make mistakes, people lack the information needed to act appropriately in many situations. Police are people. Some of them will do all of the same stuff. That is unfortunate.

Do you believe police regularly beat up old folk because they don’t like diabetics, or do you believe police work in a very high stress job that can become a matter of life or death in the literal blink of an eye and rarely get the training their profession deserves? To me the latter seems closer to the truth generally speaking, because the former makes little to no sense. Granted, that is just for a specific type of encounter or situation so that’s hardly conclusive on police behavior in general.

I noticed many of those were also traffic stops, which you may not expect to be dangerous but in fact traffic stops are some of the most potentially dangerous situations an officer can find themselves in for all sorts of reasons. Did you know many police are trained to deliberately put their prints on the vehicle in case something happens to aid in an investigation? Imagine a job where something like that is an every day kind of occurance. Now imagine someone is doing something you don’t understand, but you know is unusual behavior. And imagine you get very little formal training on a LOT of stuff, including this situation. But you have other training that wants to kick in, even if it may not be appropriate for the situation.

I also keep up with this stuff, LE is an interest of mine so I do a lot of research and gather context regularly when something happens that is significant enough to make it outside of the department etc. I surely don’t know everything but I have quite a bit of contextual information I can use to make informed deductions.

I don’t expect the game to dive into all of that but some awareness of the complexity of the subject would go a long way in my opinion.

Pretty sure if I continue debating this I’ll run into trouble with the mods so I’ll leave it at that. If for some reason you really want to discuss it, PM me.

TLDR; that isn’t especially relevant to what I was specifically talking about, and there seems to be a lot of context missing from the perspective that you are offering and the game seems to be fumbling through.

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Edited By OpusOfTheMagnum

In difficulty; I think it depends. Dark Souls had less balanced builds than you’d find in 2 and 3. As a result you could end up really struggling or kicking ass. One of my first successful completions used the claymore, which between it’s stats and move set was extremely effective for me. That wasn’t that hard, even as my first souls experience. DS2 I remember really struggling with the moment to moment combat due to the huge change of pace and timing early on, but then getting a good feel for it. A lot of the difficulty there came from multi-enemy boss encounters or running out of whatever item made you human again, until I figured that out. It wasn’t until that point I felt the game became easier. I never really finished 2 because it was so long, I just played a bunch of characters through most of the game for some reason.

@zinkn: They significantly improved many textures and have done some work to the lighting, for the frame rate to a consistent 60 vs the 5-25fps it was on 360, runs at 4K. All of which Brad said at the beginning

@fisk0: I think that’s intentional, you aren’t carrying a torch. It isn’t supposed to be that kind of light source.

I also think that looks like a total mess that happens to have decent shadows and way too much post processing.

There’s only so much you can do to DS between the original state of the assets and the engine I think.

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@curryspiced: As far as I can tell in the universe of Detroit, Androids are not generally sentient and when they are it’s a defective sort of free will. If they were commonly known to have free will, I might feel different. I also think that is complete fantasy, but if we accept the lore of Detroit, I don’t think at that point it would make much sense for robots to be treated as anything but machines.

No one said cops don’t make mistakes. I did say that it is extremely rare for police to treat people as inhumanely as to just shoot someone surrendering with hands in the air and no context to make them a threat to anyone like the scene in the game because they are standing next to someone that died from ostensibly natural causes. Which is true. Not Even the most blatantly deceitful media articles or posts on cops in America have tried to suggest something that severe.

I can’t really think of any situation with an officer in the line of duty just smoking a person for being at the scene of a medical emergency. That is really extreme.

If that scene was meant to reference the perception of police in America, I think it’s valid to criticize that unless it is aware that it is addressing the perception, not treating the perception as reality. I really dislike how many foreign studios try to make statements about American history, society, etc and just go based off of media driven perception. It’s lazy and ignorant and leaves as bad of a taste in my mouth as mashable and .mic and the like posting heavily edited police encounters. I don’t know that that is the connection the game is making, but if it is that seems pretty dumb. You could argue they are using hyperbole to illustrate a point but exaggerating an occasional instance of training failing an officer and an even rarer instance of actual abuse of power to not even murdering but dispatching, disabling in a way that has no human element is a bit much, unless we’re stepping back to a time when certain people were treated as non human, but that was some time ago and not really the same as what your comment seemed to be talking about.