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A Loss and A Reminder

My name is Kevin Larsen and I like all of you am I user of this fine site. Also, like the rest of you, I was shocked and saddened at the news of Ryan Davis's passing. I never got the chance to meet him in person or really interact with him in anyway beyond playing with him in Torchlight 2 for TNT. But that didn't make it any less of a heart ache. Here was a man that entertained us all on a daily basis, a person I had followed since his early days at Gamespot (about half a life time ago for me), and now we will never get the chance to hear, watch, or read anything from him again. That's a selfish way of looking at it from my standpoint, as for the people that really knew him (his family and friends) the loss is so much greater.

We have all sent our condolences to them and have wrote many things like this here on Giant Bomb and many other places, and knowing that I wasn't going to write something like this, because it is just another thing for the same cause that has no extra meaning or anything. But after last night I couldn't shake the thought. It stuck with me all day for my drive to and from work and while I was trying to get work done. The thought was why did it stay in my mind? I think it was because of the affect that he did have on me, even though he nor anyone would consider it. The stuff he did, along with the rest of the Giant Bomb crew has, has brightened days when I felt like crap; has put smiles on my face when all I was able to muster was a frown before; and has taken my mind of things that have always bothered me. To me that is something I will never forget and will always be thankful for.

The other thing that kept it in my head was that we as people on the internet and in reality sometimes forget the reality of things. Anyone at any moment can be gone the next. On the internet we tend to forget that users we interact with are people and that things we say at times can never be taken back. It's always bugged me seeing comments complaining about something a staff member does or just another user. It's why I'm mindful of what I say, because you never know when that person could be gone. That's why I started this with my real name, it's because I (not some anonymous user name) am sad at the loss of Ryan Davis as the rest of you and will always be thankful for who he was and what he did for all of us.