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List of Shame 2024: Two-Oh-Torpor

One more year of accruing games, only some of which I'll ever play. Like the least troubling problem ever though. Boy howdy are we all going to pay for our excesses someday. Until then, though, time to live like the irresponsible kings we are with another year of enjoying the best the game industry has to offer. Or, in my case, some of the best the game industry has to offer and then also a bunch of mid shit that I was able to pick up in sales and bundles.

My one goal is that I beat more games this year than there are studio closures. Fingers crossed.

Time to drop a B-W-C, first one of the year:

  • [B] games are those in the Backlog, i.e. owned and ready to go once the mood strikes. There's twenty Backlog items this year and they're listed roughly in the order I intend to tackle them, though my vagarious whims might have other ideas. (Gonna start using "vagarious" more often in the New Year. Good word. Sounds dirty but ain't.)
  • [W] games are those in the Wishlist, i.e. those I don't yet own but am on the lookout for. Normally I separate this category into two lists of 15: one for the highlights of the previous year, precious few of which I'll have played or bought yet, and the other for those of a slightly older vintage. Since 2023 was so stacked I'm going with a 20:10 ratio instead.
  • [C] games are those that I've Completed, i.e. those, uh, that I've completed. [W]s become [B]s become [C]s is the idea, though I can't say I've ever managed a full sweep before (nor will I ever if it involves buying ~30 new AAA games in one year). [C]s get shunted to the bottom of the list with their completion dates for posterity's sake.

(Last year's total: 14 out of 50.)

List items

  • [B]

    People seem to think this Zelda is pretty good too so I guess I'd better play it. I guess.

  • [B]

    Got a lot of "Legends" on this list already, huh. Nayuta's like this weird Trails/Ys crossover (in the mechanical sense only; though there is a crossover fighter out there) but since I already love both those halves by all means hybridize them and let me play it.

  • [B]

    I love Xenoblade, it's just I come up against so much inertia to start a game whenever I hear its playtime intrudes into the triple figures. I know I'm going to have a blast though, especially as this one hit the mainstream far harder than its gacha-toting predecessor.

  • [B]

    Gotta get my RGG Studio fix sometime this year. Somehow I think there'll probably be fewer arcade games in this one.

  • [B]

    I love slimes.

  • [B]

    I bought this on a whim because I heard it was a SE SRPG that everyone liked. I think I may have confused it with Triangle Strategy though.

  • [B]

    Tales is another franchise that I'm always ready to revisit, if only on a one game per year basis. Xillia 2 is presently the only one I own that I've yet to play. I suppose I could always find a creative way of obtaining Legendia or a fan translated Destiny 2.

  • [B]

    I bought this because ArbitraryWater told me I probably shouldn't. I don't even know if that counts as peer pressure, but overambitious CRPGs seem to be in flavor now (certainly for me; Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous was some of the most fun I had last year) and so on the list it goes.

  • [B]

    One of the EGS giveaways for the holidays. I'd heard just enough to be too skeptical to buy it new, but you can't argue with free.

  • [B]

    Once again, this is more of a "representative" slot for all the explormers I intend to play next year. 2023 saw quite a few new ones I'll need to pick up at some point. Of the ones I have right here, in addition to this long, ambitious game with the hard-to-spell title, we have:

    9 Years of Shadows ([C] 27/04.)

    Carrion ([C] 24/05.)

    Salt and Sacrifice ([C] 09/04.)

    Shantae and the Seven Sirens

    Lost Ruins



    Depths of Sanity ([C] 02/03.)

    The Vagrant


    Mega Man ZX

    Mega Man ZX: Advent

  • [B]

    I'm not sure if I have it in me for another super long Pathfinder game, especially since this is weaker than the one I just played, but it's certainly an option for this year.

  • [B]

    I've been sitting on this bloodsucking anime Soulslike since forever. Might be time to dust it off already.

  • [B]

    Well, if I find myself wanting some more RGG action despite being three games behind (soon, anyway) there's always that FotN spin-off they made once. By the time I get to this my backlog will already be dead.

  • [W] 2023

    (No idea when I'll pick up anything on my wishlist, so these are in alphabetical order rather than ranked by desirability.) This is the one with the thermoses, right? Old Gods of Zojirushi on the soundtrack?

  • [W] 2023

    I think I'm in the same ro-boat as others when I say I wouldn't care tuppence about this game if it wasn't made by modern FromSoft.

  • [W] 2023

    Even people who didn't play BG1 and BG2 or DOS2 loved this game, so I guess I'd better try it.

  • [W] 2023

    Language deciphering game that seemed kinda neat. Come to think of it, I still need to play Heaven's Vault at some point too. C'mon, Steam sales.

  • [W] 2023

    Limbo and Inside were great, this one sounds even trippier. Will I get to see Steve Guttenberg and Wilford Brimley join a giant rolling blob of flesh? Either way, sign me up.

  • [W] 2023

    Underwater exploration and seafood. Two of my favorite things to come from the ocean. Actually, I don't think I have any other favorites; fish are always peeing in there, you know?

  • [W] 2023

    Talking of peeing oneself. Wholesome fishing game combined with some very unwholesome eldritch whoosits? Kinda want to go into it blind.

  • [W] 2023

    Provided it gets its PC port this year or I finally bite the bullet on a PS5 despite it still having less exclusives I want than I can count on one hand. I should get to this before the spin-off, Clive A Clive, comes out.

  • [W] 2023

    The vibe of this reminds me of those trippy early PS1 puzzle games. Like IQ or Kula World. Not a bad thing.

  • [W] 2023

    As soon as Trails from Zero is done I'm going to want to hunt this down. It's a two-parter, after all.

  • [W] 2023

    You know when you feel like you really need to go to the bathroom and then you get there and your bladder's like "just kidding, bud, go back to what you were doing don't mind me". Apparently this game isn't that, but some kind of crazy puppet Pinocchio thing. You had me at "Fake Bloodborne".

  • [W] 2023

    They just can't leave Kiryu alone, can they? Good, because neither can I.

  • [W] 2023

    Vibe game. Pseudoregalia's another one.

  • [W] 2023

    I mean, I guess, but I'll admit to not being in a huge hurry for more open-world superhero stuff. At least I know it's good.

  • [W] 2023

    Sad I couldn't get around to this Dangansuccessor last year but being a Nintendo exclusive doesn't make it easy to find cheap.

  • [W] 2023

    Was a bit skeptical of the first and reports that it was padded all to hell, but I've heard no such misgivings about this one. I'll throw it on the pile of other enormous RPGs I'll never find the time for. My kingdom for a hyperbolic time chamber.

  • [W] 2023

    I should probably play Remnant 1 first. EGS was kind enough to give it to me.

  • [W] 2023

    Chained Echoes was great and though the development teams are different I've heard a similar degree of approbations from the usual crowd. Plus it almost made our mod top ten this year.

  • [W] 2023

    Smarty thinky robot puzzle game. Loved the first, will have to play this at some point.

  • [W] 2023

    I have a list of Zeldersatzes that needs updating. Just give me anything remotely like Zelda and I'll bite.

  • [W] (2022)

    Still holding out for some Kirb and his enthusiasm.

  • [W] (2021)

    This slot also represents all the other explormers I've not had the pleasure of explorming yet. I'd write a list here, but there's too many.

  • [W] (2021)

    For when I get bored of photographing my neighbors undressing. I'm just kidding. I probably wouldn't do that. They installed curtains, anyway.

  • [W] (2021)

    Thanks for putting this on Steam, Sony. Thanks for continuing to devalue your own popped collar monstrosity of a console.

  • [W] (2020)

    I hear it doesn't suck now.

  • [W] (2020)

    Since Activision no longer gives a shit about these remakes, I'm hoping the same will be true for various marketplaces too. It can suddenly enjoy a second wind of popularity and receive a sequel after I've bought it for nothing.

  • [W] (2020)

    Can't really justify purchasing this yet given all the other RPGs I'm dealing with, but it's in my periphery. Maybe when sale season rolls around.

  • [W] (2019)

    Likewise. It's almost its fifth birthday, I should've bought this a long time ago back when its original developers would've still profited.

  • [W] (2017)

    I absolutely intend to play at least one game from 2017 for every year from now on until I finally exhaust whatever's left. Just how many more untapped surprises can one year still contain? I'll update this item to include any 2017 games I complete this year, possibly including this remake featuring Ms. Aran.

  • [C] 11/01.

  • [C] 30/01.

  • [C] 07/02.

  • [C] 26/02.

  • [C] 25/03.

  • [C] 14/04.

  • [C] 20/04.

  • [C] 10/05.