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In past years somebody (Rorie?) always posts stats on the GotY top 10 votes that users submitted. It has already been a couple of weeks since voting closed...

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I am not very good at it but I have been playing again since the recent update. It got harder since I stopped playing. There are new and different enemies. Scrolls work differently and weapon upgrades. All my old weapon upgrades are gone, but all my unlocks are still there otherwise. I had 20 hours in the game from before and didn't have the teleport rune yet. The update made the boss on the bridge harder so I started exploring the areas before the boss more. Found the teleport rune and now I am working on the Ossuary. If you haven't played for a while you might want to check out the changes.

I feel I will never kill that damned eyeball boss. :(

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Little kids should not be playing Friday 13th. It is a reaction (in some cases over reaction) to: this kid is lowering my enjoyment of the game, combined with: where are this kid's fucking parents?

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Well, if it was my website I would try something like this: Each person takes a turn nominating a game. You rank the newest nominated game against the list, beginning with the lowest game on the list. The game bubbles up to its position on the list. If there are more than 10 games on the list after this then the bottom one is thrown out. There is no farther arguing about games positions that are already on the list. If a person chooses not to nominate a game in one round, they can never nominate another game. Go until no one nominates another game. List done. There is some strategy to this of when to nominate your favorite game. It makes choosing GotY into kind of a game.

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I really cannot comprehend the mind of a cheater. Cheating in a game like this makes absolutely 0 sense. Somebody thinks that it is fun? There is no challenge, so how can it be fun? Those guys in that video look bored just running across the map shooting. Oh, you can make money doing it? Then the game is fundamentally broken. This is how paid for loot in any multiplayer game breaks the game. I used to play a ton of multiplayer and cheating is the main reason I stopped. The blatant selfishness of many humans makes me depressed.

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#6  Edited By Memu

It makes no sense to me that Jeff has Destiny 2 on his personal list and not Horizon, considering what he has said about both games in bombcasts. It is like willfully choosing to ignore Horizon for some unknown reason. If he WANTED to make a case for Horizon, he could. It has arguably a great story, great characters, and great combat. If Jeff can't remember why he gave 5 stars to Horizon, maybe go back and play some of it again.

Anyone can say, this is just an arbitrary list. But if you don't care about making an honest list, no one else will care about your list either. That is what happened for me this year. They don't seem to care, so I don't care. They seem really tired and lazy in this GotY. Where is the leadership (Jeff and Brad)? You need to teach by example so these new underlings can learn how to do it right.

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But it is like that with most games that you are into them when you are playing them and then you move on to the next game and forget about the previous one. At GotY time you think back on the games you played and what it was like while you were playing them. As humans we are naturally biased towards the things we did more recently and can remember more easily. Part of your job when you make a honest GotY list, is to recognize this bias and try to account for it. Something like Wolfy2 does so much crazy shit that it leaves a memorable impression. Are you going to fill your list with games that do outrageous things because that is more memorable?

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They should have kept the turn-based combat from X. I also did not get far into X-2 before hitting a combat wall. The rest of the game wasn't compelling enough for me to either learn how to play better or grind it out. There has to be some online guides out there to help you if you really must continue. Google it.

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I don't understand the love for this game. Waste of 4 hours of my life I wish I had back to play something fun. I am guessing that people that like this haven't seen much anime before. Higurashi anyone?

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It doesn't feel like the same world to me. The world of Nier is magical and the world of Nier:A is technological. Plus there would be no surprise that all the humans are dead. But where did all the Shades go? Where are the "shells"? I did spot Emil's (magical) head, I think, at one point in Nier:A. Branding? ok.