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Best of 2011

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  • In a year of a lot of sequels thank god for L.A Noire. A fresh take on the adventure game genre with ground breaking technology. The game could have been a mess, but luckily it exceeded my expectations. L.A. Noire has it all, story, characters, acting, and interesting game play mechanics. No expense was spared and it shows. A video game achievement that will be hard to duplicate, but the question is will anyone try?

  • Has there been a title in recent memory that has created as much controversy than DA2. High expectations and an award winning original will do that, but if you look beyond the poor choice of a more linear,confined setting, you will find a great story, characters and a fun combat system. It may be a smaller adventure than its predecessor, but DA2 still succeeds in offering a solid RPG experience.

  • The only game on my list i have played in years that i would never, ever recommend to anyone. This game has a lot of flaws, but its rewards are unmatched. If the game had an option, any option, to make it slightly easier, it is the best game of the year.

  • I usually would never recommend, nor add a title that i have spent only a few hours, but in those few hours i have never been reminded so much of why i love video games. The art, humor and gameplay are as perfect of a game you will ever find.

  • At the start of the year there was a lot of talk about zombie fatigue. Guess what, killing zombies is still fun. Throw in an island resort setting, rpg elements, a Dead Rising weapon building mechanic, a good enough story to see it through and lets not forget some of the most brutal combat since Condemned. Easily the biggest surprise of the year.

  • Look, the lead characters name is Garcia Fuckin Hotspur and his guns name is Johnson.

  • A game that when released in January was broken. However, once the patch was released TW2 provided an open world, deep rpg

  • Look, forget all the crazy talk like this is some sort of great game. Its not. What it is however is a game that came out at the right time. With the market flooded with dark, realistic, doom and gloom tales SR3 hits the right spot of what video games are supposed to be, sometimes, which is plain old simple stupid fun.