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Average score of 9 user reviews

Space Marine muscles its way to success 0

*I wrote this review about a year ago so some game references are a little dated.When developer Relic first announced they were taking their long running successful series War Hammer 40,0000 universe from an RTS to TPS many were very skeptical and disappointed. Developers will rarely stray away from their strengths and will not try to reinvent a successful franchise. However Space Marine has allowed Relic to break away from their comfort zone and flex their skills by expanding the War Hammer uni...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Next Level Games offers Batman America 2

Quick info: My expectation for this game was nonexistent until about 2 weeks ago when I watched a 15 minute demo. I thought the game looked better than most movie tie-ins and the combat (no guns) looked fresh if not somewhat familiar. I never read any of the Captain America comics, but understood the premise and knew of the characters such as Red Skull, and Iron Cross.Is there a tougher developer assignment in the video game industry today than accepting a job to create a game to coincide with a...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

No longer the King, Duke returns 0

How long has it been? Well, 2 generations of consoles, we finished the fight(or so we thought), we traveled throughout the Fallout wastelands of Washington D.C., and New Vegas, Call of Duty and World of Warcraft has helped expand psychiatric wards, and Zelda is in 3D without glasses, but don’t look now Duke Nukem has returned. It’s been 12 long years since Duke Nukem Forever was first announced. Its numerous delays, rumors, and constant question of when has made release dates a yearly gaming co...

7 out of 19 found this review helpful.

Rockstar Presents a Gaming Blockbuster 1

  Red Dead Redemption developed by Rockstar- Single Player campaign only Reviewed on an  Xbox 360 Arcade, Samsung 56” DLP 720P with Tritton 720ax Headphones Video games are one of my hobbies and have enjoyed them since the days of text adventure from Infocom to todays epics such as Mass Effect.  My game completion speed is medium. If the game is great I will read, watch and do everything offered. Total time played 54 hrs, according to the in game stats.                 If there is one genre...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Sorry Lara, Im leaving you for Bayonetta 0

  As gamers we can’t complain. The last couple of months have been unlike any other. The market has been absolutely flooded with some of the best games ever. However a large majority of those games have been sequels, where are new game ideas, and characters we care about? Alas, Platinum Games answers that call and delivers Bayonetta a high production, ridiculous original action game that is a blend of memorable characters, fluid fighting mechanics, with solid story, and high replay ability. S...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Tiger is still the one to beat('cause there is no competition) 0

Every year there is a small handful of game titles i consider a must buy the first week of their release. Tiger Woods has always been one of those titles and this years version did not disappoint. It’s an improvement over last year’s version and it made a non online gamer into a huge fan of the Xbox live experience.Picture perfect. I think what has made this series so successful(besides no competition) is the game play. Last years version IMO missed the mark. The controls were just very unforgiv...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You dont have to F.E.A.R. this sequel 0

*No Spoilers. This review is based on production, and gameplay.* The original F.E.A.R. came out of nowhere in  2005 and reinvented the FPS horror genre with awesome visuals, advanced AI, and a story worth following. The original game is still used today as a graphics benchmark for pc systems, and is usually used in comparison against some of today’s FPS games, it was and still is that good. Gamers have been waiting on Monoliths  F.E.A.R. 2 for a long time. While it is good and a lot of fun it s...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Cryostasis- Cool, but not cool enough 4

Im calling my shot and saying Cryostasis is going to be the winner of this years "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." award. An award for a game that has everything going for it to be great. An original interesting story, innovative graphics, good characters, strong enemies, and a realistic atmosphere. However,  in the end execution and technical problems will be all that is remembered for this game. Cryostasis is simply a FPS, horror, adventure game. The game is set in 1981 where you are trying to find out what h...

11 out of 21 found this review helpful.

Lara makes her move to the nex gen cosoles 0

First of all this is probably the 4 TR game I have played over the years. I was really looking forward to this title and had very high expectations after seeing screenshots and reading previews.  I have enjoyed the TR series and have been  pleased with the past editions of Anniversary, and Legend. Developer Crystal Dynamics has been  somewhat good for the series, but at its attempt to move the game forward is stuck in neutral.  This game has a sense it was built for the fans and not gamers. Ther...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.