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It's nice to see people supporting the game more nowadays than when it first came out. I suppose most of the naysayers went away. Not that their complaints were necessarily unwarranted or anything.

BGS's games are always my favorite. Oblivion was the whole reason I became a "gamer." I played a few things before then, but it wasn't until a friend showed me the scope of that game that I truly fell in love with video games. Because of that (and also because I personally think the quest content is the best they've done), Oblivion remains my favorite BGS game.

However, each subsequent title I seem to play more of! I put double my Oblivion time into Skyrim, even though I still love Oblivion more. I haven't quite done the same with Fallout 4 yet, but I easily have trounced my Fallout 3 time twice over with my Fallout 4 time. While I can't say the magic has ever necessarily been the same since finishing Oblivion for the first time, BGS games always feel like home to me, and I find that I have to let the game run its course through me and then put it down for a while before I come to a full assessment of it. I haven't gotten there quite yet with Fallout 4, but it's a game I haven't stopped enjoying since it came out, so, I imagine that must count for something!