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Endurance Run: Day 4

  • Highlights of today!:  

-Meet gamedeer? A lucha wrestler is not to be seen maskless, but in "how to build a bomb" we get to see what was briefly called "gamedeer" which is what I assume his regular maskless street name is. 
-GTAIV podcasts and Jeff's strange reaction to the game... makes me wonder what was so moving for him.... very odd to think of Jeff as being emotional 
-"that's the way the game is played"....what the hell kind of school is that anyway? Teaching to throw out integrity for freebies? seriously? that's NOT how you play the game if you ever want to be taken seriously as a critic?

-First podcast with Vinny! Yesterday it was "intro brad" and now vinny in the mix. I think they're both in the next one if i remember correctly. then the countdown to watching videos is on! 
Until tomorow! 


Endurance Run: Day 3

I'm almost through all of April 2008. It's pretty much all podcasts. Right now my rate is going through a month a day, but that won't last too much longer when I start mixing video and podcasts a lot more. 
Highlights of today include describing mortal kombat deaths as looking like someone explodes into 7 rib cages. Never thought of it like that. It makes me laugh. First episode with Brad on as a special guest. Not through this podcast yet, but I'll be listening to it on the way home and should be finishing it up.  They also gave away the HDVD drive with the contest of people coming up with ideas of contests. Listening to someone reinact a scene from Heat was a bit annoying. maybe if I've seen that movie it would be more amusing. 
not a ton to report today. thanks you 

Endurance Run: Day 2

I got up until the podcast starting on April 1st, meaning all of March 2008 is under my belt along with a few "how to build a bomb" videos. It's hard to know what videos to watch when, but i watched them up to when they video them recording a podcast. So I guess when I reach that same podcast, I cant start watching the videos again. It'll be nice when the podcasts hit the July mark, because at that point the videos are dated appropriately and I can keep order properly. Should get to that point this weekend. 
Anyone know why Episode 4 of how to build a bomb was giving me a "this video was removed by owner" message? Ended up hunting it down on youtube. They made a joke about "". went and checked it out. it just links to a poker site. LAME!!! Ryan's facial fuzz isn't pleasant in these videos. He looks like he's going for a colonial wolverine. 
There's a video with Jeff talking about the ideas for the "Review Characters" (jeff with mushroom cloud head, ryan with star eyes) He had some pretty good not used ones. I want to see how they would pull off a "throwing up arms giving up" kind of character. How do you do that and not have it animated? 
I like hearing them talk about the Mana energy potion like it's a new drink. Seems like I've seen those things forever. Time traveling is weird. 
These first months podcasts are pretty fun. Can't wait until they get their footing and get video and podcasts mixed into my day with a bigger crew. Ryan and Jeff are great but I'd like to hear more bouncing off of other people (besides Alex) I think my next podcast has brad on as a guest.... if not next, then soon.  
Until tomorrow! 
PS: I'm not worrying too much abou format, grammar, or punctuation in these updates. These are just some things on my mind. Also I don't plan on attaching these to the general discussion every day. just for a few days or if I have something important to report. thank you

Endurance Run: Day 1

So I decided to consume all of Giant Bomb's content from start to end. This is a back catalog of 4 years (probably 5 or more years by the time I get to present day) This will include all endurance runs, all TNT's, reviews, quick looks, even game trailers not even done by them. If it's a video on Giant Bomb, I will be watching it. I will also be listening to the podcasts in the same sequence day in date with whatever videos im watching. Since I'm going to be doing all of this, I figure I might as well make a daily blog on GB documenting what I've seen and whatever is on my mind at the time.

Here's a little info about when I'll be watching. If I'm at work and I'm not super busy, (90% of the time at work) I'll be watching or listening to podcasts. If I’m driving, I will be listening to podcasts. When I am playing a game and I'm just grinding levels or collecting whatevers, I'll be probably listening to podcasts, maybe watching movies if I can devote enough attention. Weekends, I might not do anything depending on what's going on. If for some reason I don't blog (whether I get too busy or no one ever reads them anyway so I stop doing them) don't worry, I'll just update the next day.

I hope a few people out there are curious enough to see my descent into madness as I do this. This is the first blog I've ever done so bear with me please.

Day 1: Listened to the "arrow pointing down" podcasts and the first "bombcast" as well as watched the first few "how to build a bomb" videos. I've already seen these so many times it's hard to know what to say about them. Other than that it's fun to see the good old days of GB again. Also I find it kind of funny that the early videos actually had a bomb in it. Sure it was a flea bomb, but who knew the site would be so literal, right off the bat. Early podcasts, VERY heavy on the taste testing front. Not a bad segment, but I'm glad they shifted away from it. Looking forward to the podcasts where Brad and Vinny come aboard. It's more fun with more personalities. Up to February 2008.

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