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KillEm_Dafoe's forum posts

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I grew up listening to this band. Loved them then, love them even more now. I stopped listening to them some time after high school, maybe because I thought I was too "cool" for them or something, and because I was starting to listen to a lot of heavier and different stuff. I circled back around to them years later and had a new found appreciation for them. Their music is a lot more tongue-in-cheek and self-aware than I think people give them credit for (and Still Sucks is them coming right out and saying it). The riffs and grooves are undeniably killer, and Wes Borland is an incredibly inventive player with one of the best guitar tones I've still ever heard. John Otto and Sam Rivers together make a very tight and energetic rhythm section and can groove like few else can. And for as much shit as Fred Durst gets, as he is obviously the weakest link in the band, it wouldn't really be Limp Bizkit without him. His lyrics are rarely deep, sometimes legitimately awful, but often ridiculous enough to be funny. Most importantly, they're just a fucking fun band.

I've been looking forward to another LB album for ages. Still Sucks ain't it though. It's not "bad" per se, as I actually enjoy a lot of the tracks for what they are. However, as the first thing they've put out in a decade, it's incredibly underwhelming. It's 32 minutes of what feels like totally random, half-baked ideas. Almost none of it is heavy or resembles what LB have done best in the past. The first two tracks are fun, with decent riffs and signature LB sound, but after that it loses any sort of focus. I wouldn't even really call this a nu-metal record because very little of it is guitar-focused.

I would be surprised if any of these songs were intended to be on the fabled Stampede of the Disco Elephants. With all the talk of Fred Durst being in the studio constantly over the years, there's no way THIS is all they came up with. Most of the songs sound like filler tracks that would be between bigger songs on a bigger album. Wes Borland even said in an interview relatively recently that they had about 35 songs done. I'm hoping they release something more substantial and that they don't take more than a couple years to do it. I mean, it's cool that they're back and doing shit again, but this album simply isn't enough. Ideally I would like to finally get The Unquestionable Truth Part 2. Part 1 is secretly probably the best shit they've put out.

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This was fantastic and hilarious. Really well done! Bra-fucking-vo, duder.

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The Beastcast is always what I listened to on Fridays during work, where I have to drive around 2 and a half to three hours. It would fill most of that time. Now I usually put on an episode any number of other podcasts I listen to that I missed throughout the week, or hope that one is uploaded in time for the drive.

I really don't listen to a ton of other gaming podcasts. I listen to a few metal-oriented ones so those will have limited appeal if you're not into metal or the music industry. The Ex-Man with Doc Coyle and The Jasta Show are my mains there.

More recently, I've checked out Behind the Bastards which seems amazing based of the few episodes I've listened to. Fire Escape has been fantastic so far too and will last me most of a week because of how fucking long it is. I've added MinnMaxx to my subs but haven't actually listened to it yet.

My other favorites are Conan's podcast, Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum, Life is Short with Justin Long, Smartless, and The Movies That Made Me, as well as a few others with less regularity. I used to listen to Doug Loves Movies all the time but lost interest when he started doing them from home. Hopefully that will change this year,

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Pretty much any fighting game. For as much as I enjoy everything about Mortal Kombat, it's not even worth me trying to pick one up anymore. I bought MKX on PS4 when it was like $5 a few years ago and tried playing the story on the easiest difficulty, and by the third or fourth fight I was just getting my ass handed to me and I decided I was done. I've never been good at any fighting game, and I'm never going to be. But I do enjoy watching them be played, for sure.

Also any battle royale game, beyond Blackout. I don't like playing them solo, and my only buddy who's in to them has pretty limited gaming time, and even less time where our schedules match up, so we never played any long enough for me to get a feel for them. We played a lot of Blackout when Black Ops 4 came out and loved that, but just kinda fell off once they made too many changes. Like, I would love to play Apex and did enjoy what little time I played it when it first launched, but at this point, I don't think I would have a good time trying to jump back in. The few battle royales I've played in the last couple years I just didn't played often enough to get good at which made for frustrating experiences.

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The Hotspot has been some of my favorite content of the last year. A lot of it is a nostalgia trip, or just a lot of fun and random conversations with no real focus on a topic. I'm sad to see it go. I know the duders have moved on but I would love if they came back every so often and did a HotSpot here or there.

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Like a baby during the last 10 minutes. Christ. I just started thinking of all the memories I have of GB over the last 12 years, and the different times in my life I associate with them. These guys were there for all of it, the good and the bad. It's crazy to think how long it's really been. Feels like the end of a very formative part of my life.

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I want to see GB try some new things with new people while still maintaining the core spirit of the site. I think obviously that a few things, i.e. the Bombcast, Quick Looks, etc. are staples of the site and should remain as such. I'm excited to see what the Jeffs have in mind for the next chapter of Giant Bomb. The thing that scares me most is that there's a distinct possibility that they will be moving very far away from what GB has been since its inception and that Jeff may have much less of a front-facing role from here on out. I hope to hell I'm wrong. I'm not ready to let go of GB as a whole anytime soon.

For Brad, Vinny, and Alex, I want them to take whatever time they need to focus on their personal lives before diving head-first into their next endeavors. Ideally and selfishly, it would be amazing if they at least started a podcast of their own. Those guys hanging out and interacting with each other has always been what Giant Bomb has been about, and it's what drew me in and kept me here for the last 12 years. I will try and keep up with whatever they do next, if they end up doing something that can publicly be kept up with. I already listen to Brad and Will's podcast from time to time, so I'll probably start checking that out weekly now. I really hope Vinny especially ends up doing some new internet venture. He's too infectious of a personality to keep out of the public eye. If he does, of course, I want it to be on his terms and to be something that doesn't drain him and keep him from his family.

As for Alex, he's probably who I relate to most on personal level from the crew. Whether he chooses to continue being a public facing figure or not, I hope he gets to be happy.

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This is a fucking other way to put it. I knew a day like this would have to happen eventually, but I thought that was still years away...not NOW. I've been following GB for the last almost 12 years. They've been a huge part of my life, to say the least. Always a constant source of comfort, if nothing else, especially in my worst bouts of depression. I can't stress enough how much I've enjoyed the amazing, quality content over the years, not to mention the innovations and originality they brought to games coverage.

I know Giant Bomb isn't technically done. I'm always gonna follow Jeff G and crew. But I can't help but think things truly won't ever be the same, and it feels like the end of a significant chapter in my life. When Ryan passed was the last time I felt like this. Never knew him, or even met him, but it felt like losing a close friend, and it's the only "celebrity" death I ever cried over. Obviously Alex, Brad, and Vinny are still very much with us, but knowing I won't get to see them play the latest games or hear them talk about games, life, culture, whatever, on a weekly just leaves this hollow feeling inside.

THANK YOU guys, from the bottom of my heart, for the comfort and entertainment you've brought me over the years. It simply cannot be understated how much it has meant to me in just helping maintain my sanity through thick and thin. I hope you guys land somewhere where you're happy, whether it's continuing in games media or elsewhere. Hope to see you around. Thank you.

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First episode was a lot of fun. I don't really care if they become more focused in the future or not. I didn't really mind the messy nature of the discussion. I just like listening to these three hang out and shoot the shit. I laughed a lot during the almost 3 and a half hours. Some people seem to get weirdly hung up on certain things.

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Yeah, I dunno...the few seconds they showed of RE: Verse during the showcase looked appalling. Like, I don't necessarily want a PvP RE game at all, but I also don't think it would be that hard to make at least a half-way decent one. The problems with their previous attempts aren't even from just a design standpoint, though that does have a lot to do with it. The have pretty much all felt very under-developed and played like absolute shit. The RE3 Remake had great gameplay, and while Resistance looked the same on the surface, it doesn't have close to the same feel and just wasn't fun to engage with. I don't get how there can be such a disconnect between the simple FEEL of their single player versus their multiplayer offerings.

The fanbase has been clamoring for a new Outbreak for over a decade at this point. Capcom really ought to just remaster/remake the two games and put them out together. It would do quite well. They've been making pretty smart moves over the last 5 or 6 years, but they just don't learn when it comes to trying to make multiplayer Resident Evil work.