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#1  Edited By HarbinLights

curation isn't really an issue for me with steam, so i'm not sure that's a meaningful distinguishing feature for discord (at least in my case).

Curation is certainly a thing with gog, and that means no DoDonPachi. ;o;

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Not only is game preservation in a precarious situation, but seemingly, game ownership, as well.

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I don't expect this to do much better than the Twitch Prime games.

Lots of people want to hop into the "create a PC gaming platform" market, but none so far have the commitment towards it that Valve has.

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I don't care about PEDs and I don't watch sports. (Your vote) 24%

I don't like sports. I can't watch them without thinking about ways that they're unequal in terms of gender. Speaking of which, is testosterone considered a performance enhancing drug that is regulated sports associations? A bit silly, if a natural biological hormone is considered a "performance enhancing drug".

I think I remember news about a female runner in the Olympics getting in trouble for what the Olympic commission deemed "unnatural levels of male hormones", because everyone has to have binary, exactly stereotypical hormone levels. And everyone's body can just adhere to binarism. And everyone was treating her body with suspect and looking for "wrong" male features in her. It was entirely body shaming and gender policing and gross.

Like, I have a problem with the way some transgender people uphold or reinforce gender norms via "transgenderism", or whatever the proper word is. And worse yet how the trans community likes to sweep it under the rug and pretend like the majority of trans people want to do away with gender roles. And sweep the issue under the rug and pretend it isn't there, and that the only people who think otherwise are "TERFs". This stuff around female hormone levels and body policing and shaming in the sports is on a whooooooole different level of messed up than anything I have ever heard out of the trans community.

Testosterone is a naturally occurring, healthy female hormone. And women all have different levels of it. Telling a woman she has too much of it to compete, is like telling me I have too much testosterone. If female athletes have "too much testosterone", then I have too much testosterone.

Honestly, sports can just disappear for all I'm concerned. I have no interest in it. Nor do I have any caring about "performance enhancing drugs" or regulating it. It can all fall by the wayside, as far as I'm concerned.

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#5  Edited By HarbinLights

Frank Cifaldi, the founder of the Video Game History Foundation, told me he believes that the popularity of these ROM sites is the only reason Nintendo is selling the Nintendo Super NES Classic Edition and old games on the Switch in the first place.

"I don't think the business I'm in exists without emulation," Cifaldi told me in a phone interview. "I think the video game community would have totally moved on if it wasn't for easy access to old games. I don't think the Nintendo's Virtual Console [the official portal to buy old Nintendo games on Wii U, Wii, and 3DS] would exist. It proved the market was there."

The Frank Cifaldi here is, yes, this Frank Cifaldi.

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Only double posting because I ran into an error message. Mods, feel free to fuse my posts for me!

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Wait, that Castlevania line was supposed to have been bad dialogue?

I thought people legitimately loved it all along.

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#7  Edited By HarbinLights

But the damage that removing ROMs from the internet could do to video games as a whole is catastrophic. Many game developers and people who have otherwise made video games a major part of their lives, especially those who grew up in low-income households or outside a Western country, wouldn't have been inspired to take that path if it wasn't for ROMs. Entire chapters of video game history would be lost if ROMs and emulation didn't preserve games where publishers failed to. And perhaps most importantly, denying people access to ROMs makes the process of educating them in game development much more difficult, potentially hobbling future generations of video game makers.

"As a professor, I very frequently see students spinning their tires trying to solve problems that were already solved in 1985," Bennett Foddy, who teaches at New York University’s Game Center and is the developer of games like QWOP and Getting Over It, told me in an email. "And just as you would if you were teaching painting or music (or math), what you do as a teacher is you send them to the library to study the old classics, to see what they did right and wrong. That’s the only way we can make progress in the sciences, the humanities, or in the creative arts."

The problem is that even though NYU has a good collection of classic console hardware and games, it only covers a minuscule proportion of the total history of games. It doesn't include 8- and 16-bit computer games, which were distributed on magnetic media which has long since been corrupted. It doesn't include coin-operated games, which are prohibitively expensive for a library even today, and which are harder to access than ever now that arcades are practically gone. And, of course, most people who are getting into games don’t have access to NYU’s library at all.

"If I was teaching poetry, I could send a student to read nearly any poem written since the invention of the printing press, but in games my legal options limit me to, I would guess, less than 1 percent of the important games from history," Foddy said


"I learned to use a hex editor to change palettes too, and was happy to have edited Dig-Dug's palette to better resemble the arcade game," Moffitt said. "Picking apart older games by disassembling them and looking at their graphics with tile viewers is an important part of learning about game design and development techniques, even when working on newer platforms."

What is really beyond the pale, according to Foddy, is that Nintendo's lawsuits or the threat of lawsuits is shutting down sites or forcing them to remove all ROMs from their site, even though Nintendo ROMs make up only a tiny fraction of the content on those sites.

"Most of what Emuparadise was hosting was work by companies that are now defunct and which have little or no chance of being sold legally," Foddy said. "This is one of those situations where copyright law just seems busted—though I assume they’re legally in the right, the companies bringing these takedowns are just committing massive cultural vandalism, in my view."

Been seeing a lot of good journalistic articles about this event lately. Thought I would be timely and take this opportunity to share at least one of them.

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Childish things are great and people, particularly adults, are all jaded, terrible people. Tainted and ruined by the world and society. The longer you live, the more tainted you become.

Give into misanthropy like I have. :D

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#9  Edited By HarbinLights

They're okay, but I'm only a casual player. I'm not a very competitive person, and tend against the violent trends in games, not toward.

They can be fun to let off some Steam, or for the mere kinetic, fast gameplay. Sometimes when being banned from websites, or just being irritated or bitter about something emotionally, I'll use Fighting games as an outlet to work some of the upset emotions out of my system. Fighting games are almost like porn in that regard, except that the emotion you can get out isn't so much eros, but irritation, anger, frustration, sometimes even sadness.

If I get banned or in trouble, or bullied or mistreated because of any fundamental difference in our values or ideologies, there's nothing I can do about it other than be sad, angry, and disappointed in my fellow human being and situation. Fighting games allow impotent rage somewhere to go. And somewhere that isn't destructive.

But I doubt I have the competitive spirit needed in order to spend long term time into learning the moveset of one character, reading opponents, studying frames, or any of that. I only enjoy them in cathartic bursts. And that isn't enough to get good.

The only thing that compels me to play Fighting games other than raw emotion and kinects, is the characters. Certain characters I really like, and playing as them let's me feel like I'm voting for their awesomeness, in a way. But I'm struggled to get past the barriers of getting to at fighting games, even to prove a certain female character I like is awesome. I generally main Bridget whenever possible, or Len, or Rachel Alucard. I'm not amazing at any. Rachel has a hard moveset for me to get good at, especially in the current metagame, so I've moved onto Trinity for sheer playability. And Bridget is by far my favourite Fighting game character, but I don't find him as fun to play as someone like Sol Badguy. On the other hand, I don't like playing as Sol Badguy, because he's everything I don't like about male characters in video games. So is most of the Guilty Gear cast. Male characters like Bridget are the type of characters I respect and gravitate towards.

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A few years ago, I found a channel dedicated to cataloguing obscure doujin games.

The computer I had them bookmarked on totally crashed. And I'm having trouble even recovering the hard drives. To find the Firefox bookmark folder. And the Youtube account I viewed it on is seemingly a long since abandoned one with a forgotten password.?

But one of the games showcased was essentially a Darkstalkers fangame. It was starring Lilith Aensland and seemingly a platformer, maybe with a few Adventure platformer/"Metroidvania" elements? Had to tell or remember, but it was definitely a 2D platformer.

Would like to find and play the game. But I have no idea what it was called, but I'm pretty sure part of Lilith's name was in the title. I think it was something like Lili/RiriPura. But searching that in Google doesn't reach me anything of the sort.