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@harperdc said:

Safari Version 10.0.1 (12602. I could watch videos last night as normal; this morning, multiple videos only say "Please use a Flash-capable browser" and don't allow me to interact with them in any way. I am using current Safari's ability to manage Flash, but I've either allowed it for GB or it hasn't been an issue. And, like I said, video was working perfectly less than 12 hours ago.

Hey how about trying this

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I was pleasantly surprised to see my two favourite maps, Sapienza and Hokkaido both had the same lead designer (Torbjorn I think) I really hope he designs a lot more in season 2. It's impressive how different the two maps are in scale and general feel but both are packed with fun and interesting stuff not only to do but to just explore as well.

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#3  Edited By hach

@betterley said:


I played a few rounds today and really enjoyed it. Like you said, it's a little different than it is in the Witcher 3, which may lead to some different strategies.

The biggest difference for me is that both sides get more cards after each round. Think Texas Hold 'em, you get 2 cards after the first round, and 1 after the second (if it goes that far).

There's some other nuances that are different, but I think it's a lot of fun still. From the moment I first played Gwent in W3 I hoped they would have multiplayer support some day, and here it is.


Is this going to be free to play? I noticed you can buy "kegs" (card packs) in the store for real money.

Yup it's free to play, you can buy those card kegs for money or you can by them with some in game currency (ore I think?) which you get for winning a game (or if your opponent ggs you at the end of the game.) There's also a weird system of busting down cards into crafting materials and crafting new cards but I haven't really seen any of that. It's kind of overwhelming at first so I've just been ignoring all of it basically (also the animation for opening a card keg really sucks I hope that's place holder.) Now that I think about it every single card has changed, the rules are a lot more Hearthstoney or I guess I should say CCG-ey with cards doing point damage to other cards and things like that. Biggest change for me is they seem to have done away with spy cards which was my main strategy in Witcher 3, hopefully they'll be added back in with Nilfgaard. I think it's actually kind of impressive how they've made the rules and characteristics of the cards so similar to Hearthstone (sorry it's my only reference point) but it still feels a lot like normal Gwent.

@ivdamke: Yeah I have definitely had a few games come down to the old 'we've both played all our cards to try and take round two so whichever card we get in round 3 decides the game' I've also been coming across a few people who seem to be grinding out the in game currency by immediately forfeiting a game and GGing and hoping you do the same. Also I don't know if this is a bug but Geralt is a witcher type card and Swallow says it words on non gold cards AND witcher type cards but it doesn't word on Geralt. Lost a game to that and was super bummed.

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#4  Edited By hach

So the closed beta has been going on for a little bit now and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who got in. So far it has been a little bit jarring having all the cards and factions have different characteristics to what I remember but it was to be expected. It hasn't taken long to get used to the new cards/rules and even though I'm doing woefully bad on average I'm having a lot of fun playing Gwent with other humans. I'm still excited to see what the single player campaign stuff will be but that's not in this beta. So how are people finding it?

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#5  Edited By hach

@emoney244: are you subscribed to the premium feed? because that will only have podcasts from after they added premium as an option. You need to add the regular feed to get all the old podcasts from before the premium era.

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#6  Edited By hach

I didn't really like a lot of the mobs they throw at you but I really liked that end boss fight. I think it's one of my favourites in the game, a lot of the boss fights in the main game were quite easy to finish within max 3 runs. I feel like this one I actually learned how to beat each stage as I kept trying and finally beating it was satisfying. As for the army of wolves, if anyone else is having trouble with them, I would always run up to the edge of the cliff and fight them there and 90% of them would jump off the edge. So you can get rid of them within like 30 seconds.

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I feel like they gave me a pass on this one, at this point two shots with a bow will kill almost any small enemy so they must have known people would mistake this guy.

Also, I was wondering does anything actually happen with you finish the DLC? I beat the boss and the girl upstairs says thanks and says she'll finish the painting but nothing really happens. Someone left a message in front of the altar in the boss room saying to do a gesture but I don't know if that's bs or not. I assume it's a reference to DS1 but I never finished it.

I don't know if anyone as mentioned this but I spoke to Yuria after beating the DLC and she had something interesting to say!

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I found it out when I was near finished with the game by accident and for whatever reason it blew my mind. Mostly because I didn't know what the challenge stuff was but I had heard of it so I was basically blown away by what the possibilities could be, and going back through the world and remembering all the places I had seen them and trying to get them all was fun.

@floydeo: I don't think it's that crazy, I saw those the references in the world to the puzzles everywhere but I assumed it was just the art style.

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Sometimes we all just need someone to share in our pain

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I just bought a 1440p monitor and man does this game look so much better!

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@hach: None of the other Souls DLCs have scaled to your level so it's unlikely this will. My impression of them were that the DaS1 DLC was balanced for mid-game around level 50-60, DS2 closer to when you were close to or had finished the game. I didn't play the bloodborne one but it also felt like later game stuff.

With any luck the DLC will be balanced for "post game" like in 2 and that won't make it too easy for you.

I hope it is balanced for post game, although if it isn't I guess it's not the end of the world I can just wait until I have enough time to play the game again but it's always fun to play souls games when they've just come out. Now that I think about it I'll probably just play it anyway with my over leveled character because playing it once everyone's done talking about it will be less fun!

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Never played any of the DLC from any previous souls game but I'm pretty excited about this one, does the DLC content scale to your level in any way?

I played a ton of coop boss fights after I beat the game and now my character is super high level and I don't really have time to start a new game so it would suck if the DLC was really easy because I dumped all my excess souls in to levels.