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"Deserving" a Rock Band title

With Green Day: Rock Band coming out in the not-too-distant future, I know that some people have raised concerns that Green Day is "undeserving" of having a game made around them.
Really?  Since when was a band-centric title some sort of high award that should be limited to a certain group of artists?
The main criteria in making one of these games is, rightfully so, "whose music best fits in a Rock Band title?"  That's it.  And in this case, Green Day seems to be a fantastic fit.
Besides, some of the more "deserving" artists don't work so well.  Let's face it - Guitar Hero: Metallica didn't feature songs from other artists because there wasn't enough in Metallica's catalog.  It featured songs from other artists because if it didn't, there wouldn't be nearly enough variation to support a full rhythm game around their music.  Green Day has been varied enough in its style throughout the years that it can support it.  End of story.


The neglected child

I find it funny that two of my favorite games on the 360 right now, Borderlands and Forza 3, will both sap as many hours out of your life as they do.
Especially disappointing is that I don't really have the time to appropriately devote to either, although Borderlands has been getting the lion's share of my time of late.
Tonight, we pay attention to the neglected child.  No Forza 3, I didn't forget about you.


Endurance Run

I know it's still early in the day, but NO BR RUN YET FOR TODAY WTF.
Hopefully they're just taking their sweet time.


These quests......

......are slowly consuming me.  I've done so many things that I normally wouldn't bother to do on the site.  (Like blog!)
I guess that's the point.  Bravo, Giant Bomb.


The community quest......

......the one with all of the launch games?
Seriously, it's one of the easiest things ever.  Do yourself a favor:  Pull up a Wikipedia page or two, start typing in names, and you've got yourself some easy XP.
What are you waiting for?



Has it become painfully obvious that I'm only doing these for the quests?
Will this be the blog post that DOES make it painfully obvious?


Longest. Wiki add. Ever.

Just basically wrote the Guitar Hero franchise page.  It was two paragraphs long, one of which talked about how Guitar Hero: Metallica was forthcoming.  Yikes. 
OK, maybe it's not the longest ever, but it's certainly the longest I've ever taken the time to add, seeing as how I mostly just clean shit up as I see it, it was pretty substantial.  Maybe Quest-worthy?  We shall see......


I'm not even close to done with 2009 yet

You could even argue that I'm still back even further than that - I haven't played MW2 yet because I've not played COD4, and I'm determined to play through that first.
Besides that embarrassing admission, I'm still working on Forza 3, and I've yet to pick up a copy of Borderlands.  That's not even including some games, such as Batman: Arkham Asylum that I'm still on the fence if I really want to play them yet or not.
At the rate I'm going, there's no chance I even think about 2010 releases until Bioshock 2 comes out, and even then, there's a good chance I hold off a bit before jumping in.

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