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Cactus Cooler

I consider myself a bit of a soda fan.  Any time on the road, if I'm stopping somewhere for a beverage, I'm choosing the most obscure thing I can find out of the cooler.  If it's something particularly tasty and I can't find it around me, I'm not above bringing a case (or two) back with me.
One soda in particular has eluded me, however.  I hear fantastic things about Cactus Cooler, but as I live on the east coast, I can't get any.  I've also never been to Southern California, where I know it mostly lives, so I haven't been able to try it there.
I've even looked into having it shipped, but the shipping costs some of these places have are absolutely absurd.  A 12-pack ends up being $25 shipped.  Absurd.
Have I missed an easy way to get ahold of the stuff?  HELP ME, GIANT BOMB.