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PC. I've also probably put ~500hrs into Switch (mainly BotW, but also Odyssey and MK8D) in the past year, and I'm in front of an Xbox One with no gaming PC in sight often enough that I get to appreciate Play Anywhere. There's still some stuff in the Xbox ecosystem in my backlog that I intend on getting back to, as well, like some 360 games, Sunset Overdrive DLC, my Witcher 3 save, etc.

There's still not really a PS4 exclusive that has me really motivated to pull the trigger on a PS4, and as far as I can tell exclusives and player base are the only reasons to even think of getting a PS4.

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@oursin_360: Samsung are notable for not going down the OLED path, choosing instead to push their quantum dot tech. (Rebranded, cringily enough, as QLED.) It doesn't seem to be going amazingly for them.

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Aside from the above, combine lynel bows with bomb arrows and ancient arrows to carpet bomb the shit out of any large enemy settlements. You might also find a phrenic bow useful, which you can consult various wikis for locations of if you don't have one.

I actually liked this part of the DLC. Got to combine the decadent fruits of hundreds of hours of play with whatever cheeky tactics I thought up on the fly, and for once in well over a hundred hours of play I actually felt vulnerable.

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As noted above, they seem to have the strongest sub-OLED entrants in the TV market in the x900e and its ilk, which were my frontrunners before I realized that some of LG's models with their market-leading OLED panel had *just* dipped into the top of my price rance. Unfortunately Sony isn't offering an OLED in that critical range, but fwiw that person who really wanted "the best at any cost" last year would've probably landed on Sony's A1. (Er, if they can ignore that weird stand, which the new model coincidentally lacks.)

Their MDR-1000X could also be argued to be the best noise-cancelling wireless headphones on the market, which is a pretty hot (and "the best at any cost" pricey) category right now.

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I bought an X pretty soon after I bought my parents' LG B7 OLED. Figured I should get a 4K Blu-ray player, and getting a dedicated player when an S can play 4K Blu-rays for roughly the same price seems insane, but then I didn't want to put hundreds of dollars into a box that was so similar to the machine I bought in 2014, so...hello X. *shrug*

It's the nicest console I've ever owned (also the most recent controller revision is notably nicer, and I have an Elite for reference), and most of my library seems to be X enhanced, so it's been great using it at my parents' house whenever I'm back (which is weekly). But mostly I game on a pretty beefy PC or Switch, and finances have gotten tight over the last month, which has made me question the necessity of the purchase a little.

As for whether I'd recommend it, I figure...

  • If you're gaming a lot but not on a beefy gaming PC then I'd recommend the X as a primary gaming platform. Same sort of reason for why I picked up an Elite controller (though I pulled some ebay shenanigans to get that one, and I'd prioritize the X over the Elite): if it's the main thing that you're going to be using all the time, it's good for it to be nice and effective. I don't even think a 4K TV is necessary in this case, and in some ways I think already owning a base XBOne makes the case even stronger if it was your primary platform before. (Though maybe try to sell the old Xbox to recoup some of the costs.) It's not the end of the world if you don't upgrade though, of course.
  • If you want to put a 4K TV through its paces and don't have a stellar internet connection, then you kinda need to buy an S or an X. I think it's a weird own-goal on Sony's part that neither the Slim nor the Pro has a 4K Blu-ray player. As for whether to get the X in particular, see the previous bullet point. You probably don't stand to gain much from pairing a 4K-capable console with your OLED if you only ever play three exclusives on the thing.
  • Otherwise it's really a frivolity purchase, and whether or not you decide to get a nice but ultimately superfluous piece of hardware for the sake of it depends on the health of your bank account.

Can't comment on the PS4 Pro, because I don't have one.

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Might go into my post history later and see what I can dredge up, but immediately my Evo lineup predictions come to mind. Right:

@fnrslvr said:
  • SFV
  • DBFZ (It'd be really cool if they let this game dethrone SFV for headline time slot if it gets more entrants, but I have my doubts)
  • Melee
  • Smash4
  • Tekken 7
  • Injustice 2
  • GGXrd Rev 2
  • BlazBlue


@fnrslvr said:
  • Acrimonious donation drive for 9th slot, UMVC3 gets up
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It sounds to me a little like you may be playing for the wrong reasons. I mean, take this bit:

My goal in playing it is to earn fight money. That's pretty much it.

To what end? To complete your collection of characters? Do you intend on using the unlocked roster to lab matchups and improve as a player?

The only "goal" in playing SFV for any prolonged period of time that makes sense to me, is to experience the fighting and to become better as a player, to understand and master the dynamics of high-level play against other human players. Maybe this comes off as elitist or something, but I say this because I don't really think there's anything resembling a rewarding RPG-style progression system in this game.

With that in mind, if throwing yourself at matches is just this miserable thing you're doing so you can grind currency, then I don't get the point at all. If you were playing to get better and enjoy fights, you probably wouldn't notice you were grinding for currency.

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#8  Edited By fnrslvr

@ghoti221: Demand should go down when the break-even point on the purchase of a graphics card for mining is so far off in the future that the card is likely to be outclassed by later hardware before it starts turning a profit. If current coin prices hold and difficulty doesn't lower (it shouldn't, unless cards start making negative revenue miners have no reason to bring current hardware offline) then we're more-or-less there, at least for eth. If people are still buying hardware for mining rigs, then they're betting that coin prices are going to go back up.

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@mezza: For all I remember it might just be that she didn't go out of her way to make herself likable, but I suspect it was something else.

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I played 200 hours of this game, fwiw, and generally enjoyed my time with it.

Initially my thoughts on Geralt were coloured by my thoughts on Yen, who I thought was a really shitty plastic character until far later into the game. (At which time I had shipped Geralt with Triss, because she at least wasn't unbearable. If only you could ship Geralt with Keira...) Geralt and Yen seemed like this gruff plastic marysue couple with no depth. Maybe it was something about the way the game introduces her in Kaer Morhen by having you inspect all of her vanity stuff to hear about how high-maintenance she is, with the occasional sexual validation of the player character interspersed, that turned me off -- which might not be fair on my part in hindsight, but something about that (and probably how she behaves in Vizima on the first visit) rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe I'll watch a let's play of the beginning and see if it was something more specific that made me hate Yen.

I think Geralt grew on me more as I did more quests, both because there was quality nuance in the way he verbally dissected the things people said to him, and because he was capable of dialing down the gruff to speak to children (and godlings), which opened up a side of him that I liked more. Turns out you can earn marysue-ness, I guess.