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Level 3 Podcast: Brought To You By Level 5!

The podcast is getting older, slower and it's voice gives out several times for the first half, but the Level 3 podcast is still standing tall, ready to be delivered straight to your dome.

Featuring your host Darth_Homer from inside a library, and myself on location at The elektrixxx Estate we overcome the odds and wind up with another podcast you can almost be proud of!

We try our best to converse about what we've been playing, a Capcom film, a Stranglehold film, Sing Hero, Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion, a Professor Layton trilogy, THE CHAMP: John Cena and more!

Download one unit and inject into each ear as soon as possible:

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This fine game passed the time in between breaks

The Odd Couple is back, complete with the theme song!
