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Not Worth Fighting For

This may be my rantiest and crappiest blog entry ever, but I don't care. I'm angry.

I've given in twice to fighting games in a desperate attempt to join in on the so-called fun, and once again I've been screwed. It was SoulCalibur IV earlier this year, and now it's Super Street Fighter II: Turbo HD Remix. Luckily in this case, not only was Street Fighter cheap by comparison, but the game itself has given me a strong warning about Street Fighter IV before I potentially make another big mistake.

Speaking of which, why don't I list all of Capcom's mistakes?

What the hell is P?
Were the original devs using an Irish controller?

What the hell is K?
Just tell us whether it's A, B, X or Y please? We shouldn't have to decipher clues just to find out how to do a move.

How do you Charge?
Why do they insist on keeping this function a secret?

Where's the run button?
It shouldn't be quicker to jump than walk, but then again, all you do is jump because the 360 D-pads are so busted.

I cannot do Zangief's Super move.
It either does the wrong move or he jumps. And yeah, I filled the bar too.

Why can't I go back out of the character select screen?
Why is every button all of a sudden the confirm button? I don't see the point in this limited functionality. You think they would fix this crap.

Why doesn't the character select screen fill my TV display?
Do they think we would just never notice? Jeez, this isn't like the Wii; people actually notice this stuff.

Why isn't the gameplay in true widescreen?

What the hell is up with that? This was one aspect of the promotion of this game, and it's all a lie!

I could've used the Microsoft Points to buy the rest of the Rock Band DLC that I want, but it's too late now. It's all my fault, but it will never happen again. Unless we're talking about the Super Smash Bros. series, FIGHTING GAMES SUCK.

Get angry.
