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That Girl that Failed Sailing Around the World...

The big news story that is making its way through the media now is the story of Abby Sunderland.  She is a 16 year old girl that attempted the world record for being the youngest girl to sail around the world.  She left back in January, and failed to make it around the world.  Her boat hit a storm in the Indian Ocean and was rendered inoperable.  She required immediate rescue.  In an International rescue effort, she was found and is on her way to Madagascar so that the United States can pick her up. 
Here is where the story gets interesting.  Australia is going to charge the family at least $300,000 to recover the cost of the rescue.  The family is going crazy saying that they can't afford it, and "What price do you put on a child's life?"  But it doesn't end there.  The family has sold the rights to her story to be turned into a TV series AND a book, and they "can't afford it."  This is ridiculous.  The family should be held responsible for what they allowed their daughter to do.  I mean she is only 16 years old, so she is still technically a child.  Hello.  Child Endangerment comes to mind.  The family needs to be held responsible for their actions based solely on that ground alone.  France (the country that actually found her) has not decided if they are going to charge the family on some level yet. 
I have stated where I stand on this case.  What about you the Giant Bomb Community?     
Edit: Did I mention that she wants to go out and try it again?