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Lost...I'll be Lost without you.

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 Lost is pretty much the best show ever conceived by humankind.  It is my favorite show and now that it is coming to an end, I find myself sad.  Why this is, I do not entirely know.  I have followed Lost ever since the series premier on September 22. 2004.  I've followed the show and stuck with it through the ups and downs (first half of Season 3 anyone?).  I own seasons 1-5 on Blu-Ray (which left quite a large hole in my pocket).  Now that there are only less then a handful of new episodes, I feel like, no pun intended, a lost sheep.  My Tuesday Evenings will empty.  I'm at a complete loss of words over this.  The last time that I felt this empty inside was when my last cat died when I was eleven.   
I know that I cannot be the only one who feels this way.  Other people must be as addicted to the show as I am.  I feel like I will be going through massive withdrawals just like Charlie in Season 1. 
On the bright side though, the last three seasons have been fantastic.  Seasons 4 and 5 were phenomenal.  My favorite character. Ben, was really fleshed out in those seasons.  I'm kind of sad that since his central episode this season, he really hasn't done anything...  OH and Jin and Sun's reunion?  I cried.  Ya.  Thats right.  I cried at a TV show.  The mighty Ruby is human after all...
Anyways...I feel as though I have wasted everyones who read this time.  I apologize for that, but I just needed to get some things off of my chest.  For those of you who read the whole thing, thank you. 