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Lucky Break on Pokemon Soul Silver!

      As some of you may or may not know, I am addicted to Pokemon.  I own almost every version of the game, and own three versions on DS.  Soul Silver has become my main copy of the game, and is where I am playing my main quest right now.  Well I got the luckiest break ever today while I was playing.   
I got up this morning, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and booted up my DS for 15 minutes like I do every morning.  I flew to Goldenrod city like I do every Friday to check the lucky radio number.  Guess what.  IT MATCHED.  It matched 100% one of the ID numbers of my Pokemon.  That won me my third Master Ball that I have in SoulSilver (I traded one with a Tyranitar over from my Diamond version of the game).    

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Only some of you know how rare it is to win that Lotto in the Pokemon with even one of the ID numbers matching.  I will probably never win it again, but damn if it wasn't an awesome feeling.  Winning that Master Ball also gave me the ability to be able to "waste" two of them to catch the wandering legendaries Raikou and Entei.  After some quick hunting, I managed to catch them both.  I named Raikou Thor after the Norse God of thunder, and I named Entei Loki who, while the Norse Trickster God, was also the Norse God of fire.  That brings the number of Legendaries that I have captured on SoulSilver up to three.  I am super excited for what else I will get luck with on my continuing Pokemon Journey.