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It's <CURRENT YEAR>, CMON! Refer to the fish henceforth as DisabilityFishy. Rest in peace, retarded one.

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Holy bejebus, has it been a while. The ~month long vacation was probably the best of all time, so far anyway.
Alotta plane trips, caffiene pills, and driving, but heck it was worth it.
Hell, ReTarDedFisHy doesn't even know what to do on GB, there's so much he needs to catch up on. :O!
He'll probably be going back to editing pages.

ReTarDedFisHy is seriously hyped about Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway. You know how he was kinda bashing the game for being so damn delayed? Heh, after watching a BiA:HH full level preview, the whole series of Band of Brothers and SPR all over again, he'll probably eat up his own words about this game. Hey, more time = more quality, right?
It looks like BiA:HH totally ripped the cover system from the R6V series, but get this, FisHy's totally happy they did, he absolutely loves the cover system in R6V. Happy that there's gore, happy that there's slow-mo/dramatic moments, happy about the level of authenticity, and happy because it's squad-based BiA (Always loved that your squad members can die... and not return. Gives you a sense of purpose and protection) :D

Hopefully the extra year or so gave Gearbox the extra boost that BiA needed to be level with the heavy competition this year. (K, maybe not, but CoD:WaW seems pretty awesome too)
If one would check Gearboxity, the Gearbox community forum, thou shall recieve knowledge put upon thee by the Gearboxity, knowledge indicating BiA:HH's final completion... In other word's Gearboxity's "Remaining work items: 0"
Graphics look pretty slick, the bloom and depth of field certainly help, along with the hi-res textures and highly detailed models. One thing ReTarDedFisHy is concerned about is the lip-syncing, so far, the characters in the cutscenes look stiff, and their mouths don't move at all... ReTarDedFisHy wonders if it will affect the final impression of BiA:HH.

ReTarDedFisHy wants it to be next week. Yesterday.