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It's <CURRENT YEAR>, CMON! Refer to the fish henceforth as DisabilityFishy. Rest in peace, retarded one.

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Happy Birthday, PLAYSTATION®3.

Well folks, it's been exactly two years since the first PLAYSTATION®3 console hit stores in North America. From the overwhelming but understocked launch, to the ridiculously hefty price tags, the PS3 has grown a lot from what it was once. The PS3 is probably the number one console surrounded by controversy, Showered and under fire by countless negative media, the PS3 had to endure endless claims of "No Games" and of course the biased retailers (looking at you, GameStop). As soon as the PS3 was announced, skepticism spread like wild fire, questioning if Sony still had what it takes to win the console war. Since then the PS3 has far distanced itself from Giant Enemy Crabs and embarrassing claims and promises (4D Gaming, anyone?).
However, the "No Games" regard is still being thrown around by fanboys that refuse to accept that the PS3 has some truly outstanding titles. The negativity towards the PS3 is really puzzling, it surprises ReTarDedFisHy that people want the PS3 to fail. He's just going to leave it at that, there's not enough room on the whole Internets.

The PLAYSTATION®3 - now 2 years old.
The PLAYSTATION®3 - now 2 years old.
And let's not forget the ever infamous and controversial Killzone 2005 trailer. Quickly labeled "fake" and complete BS, the video game industry quickly dismissed the trailer. Guerilla Games, being foolish enough to produce a target render of such quality screwed themselves over. Doing so, they forced themselves to make the best looking console game ever. Hey, no complaints here.

And of course there's Home. Announced at GDC 2007, Home blew away the crowd and was quickly accepted as an XBL killer. Since then, the hype for Home has really sunk, and to a new low. No one expects Home to be that big of a deal anymore, and the delays haven't helped at all. Home has the potential to really be a success, but given the delays, one has to question if Home will really be that online community we hope it to be.

In all of the PS3's years, it has only been growing. From huge hardcore titles like Resistance 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, to casual providers like LittleBigPlanet and SingStar, the PS3 is finally making a real name for itself this year in 2008. It's only time until the average consumer moves onto "HD", it's apparent that the PS3 is an item of envy. No PS3 user can say that one of his/her friends hasn't said "Niiiice" when they first saw it.

When 2009 comes, the PS3 is only going to get bigger. Those elusive titles that were announced years ago, the ones you thought you'd never get to play are finally going to arrive and add themselves to the PS3's library of exclusives.

ReTarDedFisHy will just leave it at this. Hell, he was just planning on saying "HAPPY FCKIN' BIRTHDAY PS3!!"
Game on, Gamers.