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Day 91 - TheGamerFix's Podcast. Plus, other stuff!

  Hey all, it's time again for one of ReTarDedFisHy's blogs. Yeah, couldn't really think of a title. :(
As some of you may know, GiantBomb user TheGamerFix has been pumping out some listen-worthy podcasts over the past few months.
It's been a long time running, but the latest podcast thus far, Podcast #4, doesn't disappoint. It even included an e-mailed question from your very own ReTarDedFisHy!

They talked about Home, TGS and LBP.
If you want a quick listen, here's the link: -> 

TheGamerFix Podcast... logo?
TheGamerFix Podcast... logo?

He highly recommends the podcast to anyone wanting to hear a refreshing take on the video game industry, and is also a very good substitute while you're waiting for the next GiantBombcast (as soon as they can get the ball rolling [faster], though)

ReTarDedFisHy can't wait 'till he picks up Dead Space tomorrow! He asks: "Is it normal to be excited to scare the sh*t out of yourself?" Haha, hopefully LittleBigPlanet can wash away ReTarDedFisHy's scares :O
ReTarDedFisHy wonders who's arm that is.
ReTarDedFisHy wonders who's arm that is.

But sadly, that won't be happening anytime soon, as Sony has delayed LittleBigPlanet due to references to the Qur'an on one of the soundtracks in LittleBigPlanet. ReTarDedFisHy is once again, hit by disappointment, but heck, it's only a week. But still, one must wonder: "How the f*ck did this slip through?!" The song was composed by a renowned Muslim artist in Africa, ReTarDedFisHy believes, but sadly he can't find the link.
It won't stop ReTarDedFisHy from playing the best horror game this year.

-> In video gaming news,
  • ReTarDedFisHy is sure everyone has seen the news all over the Internets, LittleBigPlanet has been delayed until October 29th 2008.

        Just head over to Jeff's news report via GiantBomb's home page, or this link:

  • Erm... not much else has happened over the past two days, ReTarDedFisHy really has nothing to report.

        Interested??? Here's the link:
        -> about:Tabs